Chapter 24

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So, this chapter is extra long and I hope you like it! The things that happen all take place over the course of three days - the day of the party, the next day and then the day after that. 

Nothing extremely vital happens but I wanted to let you guys know where Andy and Rosie are in their relationship and it's sort of a cute and kind of happy chapter since the majority of this story is all doom and gloom :3 

Thanks for reading ♥

“Darling, you look fucking amazing!” Jeffree walked over to us and looked at Sammi. “I love your dress.” He glanced at me and smiled. “I don't believe I've met you but you're Rose, right? Andy's girl?” Sammi walked off, giving me an encouraging nod and a smile.

“I am. Nice to meet you.” I greeted him, grinning. I loved Jeffree Star; he was so bold and so unafraid to be himself. It was really admirable.

“Nice to meet you too, sweetie. How's Andy treating you?” He chuckled, looking over to where the boys were standing. I glanced at my boyfriend and he was talking to Danny Worsnop from Asking Alexandria.

“Oh, yeah. He's great, really supportive.” I smiled genuinely.

“That's good, I'm glad. You know, I heard what happened and I'm absolutely disgusted. If you ever need someone to talk to then I'm here, alright? Just call me and I'll listen.” Jeffree offered. I was touched.

“Wow, thank you. That's really kind of you.” I said.

“Don't mention it, anything to help out a pretty girl like you. You seem nice.” He told me, grinning.

“Haha, thanks. You look amazing, by the way.” I added, looking at his face. His eyes were fully made up and he looked brilliant.

“Why, thank you. I must dress to impress, it is my party, after all. But I'm loving your dress, it's beautiful.” He complimented. Someone called him over and he turned around. “I better go, darling. Make yourself at home and definitely enjoy yourself and if you need anything, you know where to find me.”

Jeffree walked away and I looked up at the ceiling and at the walls. Everything was decorated with pink streamers and balloons but it didn't seem tacky or trashy. It was tasteful. I felt two familiar arms snake around my waist and I smiled.

“Hey, baby.” I heard Andy's voice in my ear as he whispered and I felt a familiar shiver go down my spine. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

I looked towards the stage at the front of the room and grinned as I saw the band that was setting up to play. Falling in Reverse; one of my favourites. “I am. Are you?”

“Well, I'm here with you, aren't I?”

“Is that a good thing?” I teased playfully.

“The best.” Andy turned me around and kissed me, winding his hand in my hair and pulling me closer. I smiled and kissed him back, my hand on his neck. I saw a flash of light and I heard the sound of a shutter meaning only one thing.

“Sammi, I can't believe you brought that with you!” I said, trying to sound disappointed but failing as I couldn't keep the smile out of my voice.

“I'm a photographer, it's what I do. I capture memories and that was perfect.” She grinned cheekily before skipping off, taking pictures of various band members spontaneously. I laughed incredulously as Andy stared at me.

“What? Do I have something on my face?” I began touching my face frantically as he chuckled. He lowered my hands and kissed my forehead.

“You're beautiful.” I felt a blush rise to my cheeks and I looked into his brilliant blue eyes.

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