Chapter 25 [end]

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  • Dedicated to everyone who's been reading x

Guys, this is it. It's the end [minus the epilogue] and everything is so emotional because I've been writing this story for half a year and I'm so glad that I finally had the balls to upload it here. Your comments and your votes mean a hell of a lot to me and I can believe that this story has got this many reads. I appreciate it all so I dedicate this final-ish chapter to you. I love you all and I'm ridiculously happy with all of the support you've given me.

So, thank you. 

I hope you like this chapter and I'm going to stop talking now so you can actually read it ♥

The weeks passed by quickly and they were quite uneventful. The guys played a few shows and I spent some of that time learning a new skill. I was learning how to play the guitar with the help of Jake and Jinxx when they weren't at a show as well as with the aid of beginner books. I would also busy myself with cooking and hanging out with Sammi. She took me along to a shoot she was doing and she let me take a few pictures. I picked it up quite quickly but I knew that photography wasn't for me. I was thinking a lot about going to college. I wanted to complete my education because it was important to me. I'd talked to Andy about it and he was encouraging as he told me to go for it if it made me happy.

Andy and I had finally gotten our tattoos like we'd discussed. I'd chosen the words 'Just Breathe' on my wrists because it was a good reminder of what I needed to do if things got a little too hard for me. It's a reminder of stepping back from life and not letting things get on top of me so easily. I don't need to hurt myself in order for me to deal with the problems I'll face in the future.

In the end, we didn't get matching tattoos. Instead, Andy settled on a rose on his back. The stem had thorns on it which represented all the bad things in my past but the flower was in bloom, meaning that I was better now and I was getting over some of the problems I faced. I chose something very important to me to get tattooed onto my back. They were the lyrics of 'Saviour' because they held a lot of meaning to me. As cliché as it may be, they're inspirational and they did save a lot of people's lives. Beside the lyrics, I got something very close to Andy's heart. That was the Batman logo. It made him happy and I loved seeing him smile. I also got the logo tattooed on my back because I was quite fond of the whole franchise.

“Morning.” Andy yawned, stroking my hair. “Did you sleep well?”

“I did.” I answered, smiling up at him. “Do you have a show today?”

“No but we have to be in the studio for the new album.” He replied, standing up and stretching.

I followed suit and got out of bed. He looked at me and then at the bathroom door. He made a run for it but I beat him to it as I was closer to the bathroom.

“Hey!” He shouted.

“You snooze, you lose.” I laughed. I brushed my teeth and turned the shower on, getting under it.

Yesterday, my dad came over again. He took me out, just like he used to do before everything started to go downhill. I asked him about my mom but he said that she still didn't want to speak to me. All I could do was nod and accept the fact that she doesn't love me anymore. My dad also told me that ever since I was younger, he'd been putting money into an account for me. He handed me the card after dinner and said that I should have enough in there to tide me over until I find a job. I thanked him and he drove me back home before leaving. The money meant that I could finally pay for things myself and it also meant that I could pay back all of the guys and Sammi for spending their money on me when they shouldn't have. I could also pay for the tattoos I was going to get.

I stepped out of the shower and walked into the room.

“All yours.” I smiled cheekily. He kissed my cheek and closed the door behind him.

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