Chapter 11

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I opened my eyes only to be greeted by a harsh white light. I snapped them shut again before opening my eyes slowly.

Where the fuck was I?

My head throbbed as did most of my body, especially below the waist. I was hooked up to numerous drips and other machines. Suddenly, the memories came flooding back.

I was angry at Andy so I didn't go home. There was a man and he grabbed me.

My breathing quickened and it felt like my chest was going to explode. Tears leaked out of my eyes as I remembered what had happened. There was an insistent beeping noise coming from one of the machines as my heart rate sped up.

“Rose!” I heard someone say as a nurse and a doctor came into my room.

“Rose, I want you to listen to me.” I looked at the female doctor in front of me. I couldn't stop breathing heavily, I felt like I was going to die. I nodded quickly, my heart constricting.

“You need to breathe slowly for me, okay? Like this.” She demonstrated breathing slower, her chest rising and falling. I calmed down a little as I copied her.

“That's right, well done.” She praised. My heart rate slowed down as did my breathing. “How are you feeling? It's good to see you awake.” She smiled warmly at me.

“I feel sick.” I admitted, leaving out how unclean I felt.

“Well, you haven't eaten anything. Would you like something, a sandwich maybe?” She offered. I shook my head, not able to stomach food right now.

“Okay, well call one of the nurses if you need anything. Get some rest.” She smiled again and then left, the nurse following her. I was alone again, staring at the pastel blue walls. I wondered if the guys knew where I was. Also, how did I end up here? I shrugged it off, sinking into the bed. I closed my eyes, feeling disgusting. Soon, sleep took over, images of last night flashing across my mind.


I woke up with a start, feeling sweaty. I let out a few breaths before I felt a hand slip into mine. I flinched, snatching my hand away.

“What the fuck do you think you're doing?!” I screamed. I began to panic, on the verge of hysteria.

“Rose! Rose, it's me.” I looked up and saw Andy's face, his eyes filled with worry and sympathy. I glanced around the room and saw that Jinxx, Jake, CC and Ashley were huddled together, sadness etched on their faces.

“I-I'm sorry. I didn't know you were here.” I gulped, feeling stupid. The guys stood up, making their way over to me. They hugged me in turn but I didn't return it. With every hug, the feeling of uneasiness grew. I couldn't push them away but I wanted to. I began to fidget as CC acknowledged my discomfort and pulled away.

“We’re going to catch the bastard who did this to you, Rose.” Ashley said fiercely. I nodded weakly, tears in my eyes.

“We're so sorry.” Jake apologised. I didn't say anything as I heard Andy speak.

“Could you, uh...” He nodded to the door and the others got the message.

“We'll see you later, Rose. Bye.” Jinxx smiled as they exited the room.

I looked at Andy who was focussing on my face. A blush crept up my neck and I played with my hands.

“I'm sorry.” He blurted out.

“What?” I furrowed my eyebrows.

“It's my fault.” Said Andy. I looked at him, urging him to elaborate.  “If I hadn't argued with you, you wouldn't have stormed off and then you wouldn't have been...” His eyes dropped to the floor as he ran a hand through his hair.

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