Chapter 8

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The party wasn't a huge one but it was big enough. People came and went with more alcohol and everybody was getting pretty drunk. People actually turned up a little pissed.

“Rose,” Ashley slurred, “you're so hot! Why hasn't Andy fucked you yet?” He swung his arm around my shoulders holding a bottle of whiskey. I merely rolled my eyes and removed his arm.

“Ashley, do you like your balls?” I asked him, a smile on my face.

“If he doesn't, I will.” He promised, ignoring what I'd said. He went to the next girl he’d laid eyes on, already chatting her up.

“He didn't grope you, did he?” Jinxx asked, coming up behind me.

“No, he didn't. If he does, he knows I'll kick him in the balls.”

“Drunk Ashley is pretty much super horny Ashley.” He laughed.

“Not so different from sober Ashley then?” I joked. “Where's Andy?” I asked.

“He's not here yet. He was meant to be picking up Lauren but you know, traffic's a bitch.” He chuckled, downing a bottle of beer. I nodded, grabbing another bottle.

“CC!” I called him over as he spotted me.

“Hey, Rose.” He said, a little tipsy.

“Enjoying the party?” I asked.

“Hell yeah. I needed some fun.” He told me, shouting a little as we were standing right next to the bass.

“Good, but seriously, I need to meet Lauren.” I said, grinding my teeth together as I spoke her name.

“We all do but maybe minus Ash when he's drunk.” We looked over to where he was and he was feeling up some random girl's boobs as she danced against him. “We want to make a good impression.”

I laughed, “I'll see you later on, CC.” He left me standing on my own for a while but I felt someone's eyes on me. I turned to see this guy who had long dark hair. It looked really cool on him and his lips curled up into an appreciative smile. He was about to walk over to me but my head whipped round as soon as I heard Andy's voice.

“We're finally here. That didn't take long at all.” He said sarcastically. I walked over to him as did Jinxx, Jake and CC.

“Hey, you're here.” I smiled at Andy who returned it.

“Yeah, finally.” He grumbled. “When it rains it's like the whole world just stops.” He rolled his eyes. I glanced at Lauren who looked me up and down.

“Aren't you going to introduce us to your...friend?” I asked.

“Oh, yeah. Guys, this is Lauren. Lauren, this is the band.”

“I'm Jake, that's Jinxx and that's CC.” Jake said, introducing everyone. He smirked at me, knowing I'd want to introduce myself.

“I'm Rose, Andy's friend. He's said such awesome things about you.” I smiled broadly; taking in the amount of makeup she was wearing and her dress if you could call it that.

“I'm Lauren; I hope they’re nice things.” She laughed, a false noise.

“Oh, don't worry!” I said with false enthusiasm.

“Andy,” she whined, “I'm thirsty, can you go get me a drink?” She pouted.

“Of course I can. Guys, I've got something to discuss with you.” The rest of the band members followed him, narrowing their eyes.

“So, Rose wasn't it?” She asked.

“Yeah, it is.” I confirmed.

“Andy's great, isn't he? He's so talented and so hot.” She said dreamily.

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