Fools Game: Love (BoyxBoy) Chapter 7

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I stared down at the carefully made letter, with its beautiful delicate silver swirly design outlining the rim and gold imprinted lettering for the four most important words of the letter.

‘Jake and Anthony’s Wedding’

Realistically, I didn’t know how to react… I wanted to tear it up and throw it away. I wanted to cry my eyes out and curl up into a ball. I wanted to tear my own heart out and crush it so I couldn’t feel this pain anymore.

I didn’t want to live.

I took a shaky breath in, still staring at the invitation to my Ex boyfriends and Ex best friends wedding. It was like an invitation to hell! Though I was more concerned as to how they found me, especially since I told no one where I was going… I just packed up and left, taking the first available flight to California and making arrangements up when I got here and within the week I was more or less sorted.

I hadn’t been in contact with anyone since… Not even my own parents. So, How?

I hardly had a chance to ponder the situation when the door to my dorm was opened slowly and Seth peeked his head around. A soft smile settled on his features when he caught sight of me and made his way carefully into the room, closing the door softly behind him before walking over and crawling onto my bed, sitting cross legged.

His smile was strangely bright and though there was a form of a dark bruise appearing near his eye and on his cheek, he still looked and seemed happy but a little sad… not to mention beautiful. Somehow, no matter what has happened, Seth always seems to be alright, even now, after I told him to leave me alone he’s here with a soft smile, waiting for me to forgive him. He really was adorable and my heart felt sore just thinking about how I wanted to just… forgive him, give in to him and be with him.

I knew better.

“I’m sorry” he spoke so quietly I was such I hadn’t heard him – but the small movement of his lips told me other wise.

“Its okay” I croaked, turning my attention back to the letter in my hand and feeling the tears finally surface as reality hit. My Jake… My heart and Love … was getting Married to my best friend – the two people I’d trusted most in the world - and loved - had abandoned me and were getting married to one another and somewhere in the back of my mind I felt like I should be happy for them – but I just felt sick, broken and lost in total darkness.

I barely registered the bed move slightly – Seth’s warm breath by my ear as he looked over my shoulder to the letter in my hand, which I just scrunched up. I leaned back into Seth as his arms wrapped around me, allowing me to cry my heart out as he comforted me. He gently pulled me into his lap, resting my head on his shoulder and rubbed my back as he kissed my forehead, murmuring sweet nothing to me as I let it out and I didn’t push him away – Right now, Seth was the only thing that was stopping me from committing suicide. 


I must have cried my self to sleep because when I opened my eyes it was pitch black with only a slim line of moon light piercing through a gap in the curtains. My head throbbed and I was patched, my mouth dry – this always happened after crying so much and on numerous occasions too.

I sighed, deciding I’d get up and find something to drink but as I sat up a resistance seemed to tighten around my small frame making me frown and look over my shoulder to see Seth lying behind me, holding me tightly to his chest and sound asleep.

It was a wonder how I hadn’t noticed him till now – since he’s body was firmly pressed against mine quite comfortably. His warmth radiating off of him in to me making me shiver slightly. Gradually, I moved from his arms which where around me and snuck out from under the blankets we’d some how managed to get under during the night.

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