Fools Game: Love (BoyxBoy) Chapter 8

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Before you read - I warn you this is a little bit... sexual in this chapter, so I rated it R... I didn't want to get told off or anything even though it's not really that bad - best to be safe then sorry right? :D 

Anyways - SOrry - Enjoy!   :3 x


Friday Night and I felt wonderful – if you ignore the fact I was contemplating jumping out the car and running in the opposite direction to the party in which we were heading too, as ‘Good Feelings’.

Loud thudding music could be heard way before the large white painted house actually came into view and just the noise was making me feel nauseas… the sight, I think I’m going to faint from fear.

The music was completely rave music with a repeated beat that if you were sober would be annoying after the third song but from the looks of the three story house which was packed – top to bottom with people and all over the front yard and no doubt the back too, no one seemed to care for the music, nor notice it.

‘It was so cliché’ I thought, It was like watching some kind of typical movie when a girl ran out of the house and threw up with her friends holding her hair back and quickly after, some guy giving another guy a piggy back ride passed by and I instinctively found my hand pushing down the lock on the door.


“Come on Tristen! This is gunna be Awesome!”Gary beamed parking his car and climbing out, Nina coming around from the other side of the car to latch onto his arm – as for me… I was quite happy caged in this car – it was a freaking death field out there.

“Skittles~”Gary knocked on my window, pressing something on his keys – the doors unlocked and I hadn’t a chance to start the game of ‘unlock, relock’ – whenGaryopened the door and grabbed my black button up shirt, pulling me out from the safety of the car.

“Don’t worry Tristen, We’ll take care of you~~” Nina squeaked – and this was meant to fill with me with confidence? The thought of Nina, who I remind you DIDN’T like me, taking care of me was like putting your hand in a crocodile’s mouth after it insisted it wouldn’t close its mouth – okay why was I thinking off talking crocodiles?? Nina giggled suddenly and for no reason, crushing her body againstGary’s arm– I swear her boobs were about to eat him!! How unpleasant.

“Nina’s right Skittles”Gary placed a hand down on my shoulder and squeezed confidently, as I anxiously straightened out my shirt. “Everything will be fine! Just let loose and have fun!” he smiled down at me, excitement flickering in his We were now walking up to the house, with Gary’s hand still on my shoulder – maybe to prevent me from running off, but I drew what little comfort and confidence I could from his hold as I entered Satan’s lair.

It was even louder inside and my head suddenly seemed to be one with the music – throbbing to the hypnotic beat as Gary led me through people that lined the hall ways and the rooms, most close together so they could talk and some not even talking – more like, sucking their faces off - it was kinda gross.

“Here you go Skittles, have fun” Gary had placed a red plastic cup in my hand, patting my back and making me stumble slightly at the force, since he was a star football player with buff arms and I, a skinny weak nobody.

“Wait Gary-” I went to reach for him but he was now walking away with Nina still latched onto his arm like a limpet, leaving me alone with this unknown alcohol and a bunch of teenage drunk strangers…. Oh lord.

“Hey, aren’t you that British kid?” Someone asked from behind me. I turned to this mousy brown haired girl who wobbled slightly where she stood and held her drink possessively close – obviously drunk.

Fools Game: Love (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now