Chapter Twenty-Five: Truth or Lie

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I needed to show y'all this video cause it's so cute and xemma is one of my many many otps ^^^.

Emma's POV
Shorts? Check
Cute headband? Check
Super cute shoes? Check
Shirt? Check.

I had my entire outfit picked out for the truth or dare party tonight. It was couple edition meaning you had to go with your boyfriend/girlfriend. Xander asked me to go with him and I couldn't say no.

I was getting ready when my phone went off. I glanced down and saw that my boyfriend text me.

My king 💕💋


I smiled and replied.

"Yeah, on my way to ur cab now."

I pressed the power button on my phone and put it inside my purse. I grabbed my key to my room and locked it.

I walked over to Xander's cabin and knocked lightly on his room door.

"Almost ready."

He opened the doer when he was done. He had on a gray shirt, shorts and a gray and black hat."

"OMG I LOVE YOU OUTFIT!!" I screamed.

He laughed and I hugged him.

"I'm almost done." He replied.

I walked into his room and sat on his bed.

He finished getting ready and we were on our way to the spot.

When we got there, I saw Riley and Lucas (which btw, she looks super cute pregnant!!) Griff and Zuri, Ravi and Tiffany and Luke and Maya.

I sat next to Maya and Xander sat in between me and Lucas.

"Okay, we can start." Lucas said.

15 minutes later

"Emma." Griff asked. "Truth or dare?"

I thought for a second.

"Truth since I picked dare a lot."

He looked at me and his eyes got wide.

"Did you ever cheat on any of your boyfriends?"

At that moment, Maya, Riley and Zuri looked at me with wide eyes.

I sighed and looked at Xander.

"Xander. I cheated on Xander."

Xander looked at me and shook his head. I could see the tears in his eyes. He got up and walked away.

"I-I'm sorry." I cried.

"Why did you do it?" Lucas asked me.

"It was during the summer. It was the week before he broke up with me." I continued. "Me and Caleb were hanging out and we kissed." I started to cry more. "I didn't enjoy it at all."

The girls all hugged me and I stood up.

"I gotta go talk to him."

I ran back to camp and looked for Xander. He wasn't anywhere to be found.

Suddenly, I heard him singing. I ran to the lake and sat next to him.

He stopped singing and looked at me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He looked hurt.

"I didn't think it was important." I replied "for one, your my longest boyfriend and for two, it was before we broke up." I sighed. "I've never, ever loved anyone as much as I love you. Your my world and if you ever broke up with me a second time, it would hurt my soul. I love you so much.

He smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"I love you too. I know it's hard with this being your longest relationship and all, but a relationship is built on honesty." He continued. "You mean the world to me too and I could never imagine losing you a second time."

I smiled. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Are we good." I asked him.

"We're good."

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