Chapter 4

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Sun streamed through Quinn's curtains and she slowly opened her eyes, only to shut them quickly after. "Ugh," she groaned rolling over in her bed, "why did I drink so much," she whispered.

Her clothes were strewn on the floor and she was clad in only a bra and thong. She had only a vague memory of walking home alone and collapsing on her bed.

Quinn slowly stood up and closed the rest of her curtains, being comforted by the darkness. She walked over to the kitchen and turned on the coffee maker. Quinn took an Advil and sat down on her couch.

Then Quinn thought about the girl at the bar. She also thought about the girl she loved, all of the girls she's been with just for the possibility that she would love them as much as she loved her high school crush. She remembered the way she would look at Quinn with her big brown eyes and Quinn remembered the way she fell in love again every time. She remembered the ambition and the strength the girl possessed. She thought about the way she always let go of her chances to win over the girl.

The coffee maker went off with a ding and Quinn filled a cup. She drank quickly despite how hot it was. She didn't feel much of anything lately anyway.

When she had finished and was feeling a bit better she got dressed. She opened her curtain to test her sensitivity and cringed at first, but got used to it, and forgot about the slight pounding of her head.

She went out of her apartment to walk along the street, hoping that maybe today would finally be the day she saw the girl she loved.

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