Chapter 5

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Quinn sat down with her usual drink at the coffee shop just down the street from her apartment. The type of coffee shop that people would deem as typical. She sat in the back, as usual, and slowly drank her tea, while watching the people rush in and out. Watching the way the snowflakes did pirouettes in the winter wind and the frozen faces of the people that passed.

After about half an hour of watching similar people, someone walked in and completely captured Quinn's attention. That woman's name was Rachel Berry, former Lima loser, current Broadway star.

Quinn's mouth went dry and her throat felt as if it had closed in. Her lungs squeezed themselves tight and butterflies erupted in her stomach. Quinn's emotions became a storm. Her hands were shaking, causing her nearly empty tea to be dangerously close to ending up all over her lap.

"Hi, could I just get a regular coffee with two sugars.. and do you have a vegan creamer or milk substitute?" Rachel said to the male barista behind the counter. She slipped off her gloves and her fingertips tapped a languid pattern against the counter as she waited for her change.

When Quinn heard Rachel's voice again, she lost the last shred of sanity that might've still been hanging on. The voice that was as smooth as the most expensive silk had motivated her to stand, taking steps tentatively toward the source. With blurring vision from the dizziness in her head, she continued. Her mind was screaming not to go, but her heart was willing her forward.

"R-Rachel?" Quinn said quietly, a name she had only uttered in the night when missing the brunette became crippling, sure that she would have to say it again. She held out her hand to be shook, silently cursing herself and the day, even though it had been what she dreamed of for years.

Rachel smiled at the barista and payed, turning and seeing Quinn there, still a few feet away. After a moment of quick recognition, she addressed the blonde. "Quinn?" she exclaimed, her eyes widening and her jaw dropping. "Oh my goodness, Q. It's been forever since I've seen you." She closed the space between them and took Quinn into a tight hug. The blonde's arms hung limply at her sides during the hug before she embraced the brunette in return.
"Sit and have coffee with me?" the shorter of the two asked, a childlike excitement in her voice.

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