Chapter 11

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//Rachel's POV. Coming back to her apartment after leaving the flower for Quinn. Please read the AN at the end. This may also be triggering.//

"I'm home, love," Rachel exclaimed as she went through the door of her loft apartment. She had a wide smile on her face as she took off her boots and coat, a warm feeling mysteriously spreading throughout her body at the idea she would see Quinn again.

"Where were you?" a male voice said from the couch, he had been sitting in the dark watching what seemed to be a reality show.

"Finn.. you knew where I was." Rachel's brow furrowed as she began to explain herself, her eyes rolling, what seemed to be becoming a nightly routine every time she came home. "I was taking some things to.. to Quinn. You know how important it is to me to have her back."

She could see Finn's silhouette, he was standing now, the television flickering behind him in the darkened room. Slowly he walked over and Rachel shivered as she looked at his hard face.

"Why did it take you so long?" He walked around her, getting behind her to nudge her, more or less push her, into the middle of the loft.

"I went to the cafe down the street and Jessica was there. She needed to talk to me about some things for our next show. It was important for my career too." Rachel's hands began to shake and she pressed her finger nails into her palms to stop them. This wasn't unlike Finn, but he seemed more agitated tonight, his face already turning red.

"She's your Galinda, right?" Finn stood in front of her now, hands resting at his sides.

"Yes, Finn." Rachel looked away from his eyes, fear overtook her as she tried to prepare herself for whatever he did to her tonight, the punishments were getting worse, but she was scared to leave the man.

"When you say you're going out to drop something off, don't take so fucking long next time. You didn't even leave me dinner." Rachel noticed his hand twitch, she only had moments before it came down on her.

"I'm sorry, Finn. I didn't know it would-" Rachel was cut off with a crack as his hand came down hard on her cheek. Tears freely streamed down her face as she shook, her hands resting on the cheek, trying to ebb the pain, though it spread through her face and neck like fire.

"Go see if Quinn will let you say with her. I don't want to see your goddamn face again tonight." Finn pushed her back and she stumbled to the door, grabbing her shoes and coat, slippig out the door before she even put them on.

Rachel didn't understand what had just happened tonight. Finn was aggressive. He's always been aggressive, even in high school. Kurt had told her to leave him many times when she called him crying, but it was never like this. He pushed and shoved her, but this was the first time he slapped.

Rachel swallowed air and she sobbed. She felt her cheek, hot, probably very red in the shape of his large hand. It stung the entire time as she made her way back to Quinn's apartment.

//So.. I'm very sorry to any Finn fans for this one. Personally I've never liked him, but it was a bit harsh.//

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