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"Wait...so your telling us that there is another way to defeat Zarkon." Lance asked.

"Lance you ask that already." Pidge reply

"Yes Lance there is another way. Coran found out that in a planet called Fumeina Basho, there is a crystal that has the energy that could help Voltron." Allura explain, "But there are only three humans that could control it ,the ones I know are the Queen and King,the third person is unknown, so we must find then before the galra gets them."


"So how far is this place because I need a snack before we go." Hunk said.


"Not that far but don't worried we be there soon." Coran answer back at hunk.

"In the mean time you all should find a way to form Voltron." Allura said.

  *after hours of trying to form Voltron*


"Paladin were almost there just a few more tics."Allura shouted.

"Okay team once we get to this planet we are going to find the Queen and King, and no playing around, right lance." Shiro commanded.

"What..why is everyone looking at me?" Lance asked.

"Because your always playing around." Keith answered.

"Shut it keith."



"Well here we are." Hunk exclaim.

"This looks alot like earth?" Lance questions.

"Yeah hey look there is a village maybe they know where the Queen and King is,"said pidge.

"Hello!" A female voice spoke.

"Ahhh!" The paladins scream.

"Who are you?" Keith taking out his sword.

"Welcome to Fumeina Basho, I am hana."

"Well hana, I am Allura,we are looking for the King and Queen."

"Uh....well you need to ask the mayor."

"Mayor?" Shiro question.

"Yes he will tell you about them."

"Well could you show us to him." Allura spoke.

"Of course, follow me."



So this is my first voltron x reader don't worry, the reader is going to come out soon. I hope you enjoy this I'm going to write the next chapter soon or later this week.

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