Special Story

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So I have enter a Voltron x reader contest. And the judges are Christy6512, A10iceskater, Yaoi_God_Raphy, and ZachWilley. So I hope you guys enjoy it!

Pidge x reader

   I woke up early in the morning and walk up to the guys rooms.

   "Come on everybody get up!", I yelled, banging the pans together. Shiro and Keith were the first to wake up. Keith walk out of his room and glared at me.

   "Why did you wake us up this early." He said in a mad tone.

   "Because we have a big day and I need  all your guys help." I said. I look at shiro and started laughing.

   "Nice pajamas shiro." Shiro was wearing a Voltron onesie. Shiro blush and ran back to his room to change. I look back keith.

   "Get shiro and meet me at the main room." I left and walk up to lance' s and hunk' s rooms.

   "Come on wake up!" I yelled again, banging on the door. Hunk walks out and rubs his head.

   "Whats wrong," he said.

    "Nothing now go to the main room." I looked at lance 's door and he hasn't came out yet. I open the door and went in, I see lance still sleeping and wearing his headphones.

   "Lance! Get up!" I yelled and jump on the bed.

   "Ahh! (Y/n)! Don't do that!" He yelled back.

   "Time to get up!"

   "Why?" He said getting up.

   "Just go to the main room." I got up and went to get Coran  and Allura. By the time I got there, everyone was there except for pidge.

   "Okay so all of you might be wondering why I called this meeting," I said.

   "Yeah and where's pidge?", lance ask.

   "Well this meeting is about pidge-"

   "Oh my god is she dying, oh no she is dying, but who is going to help me make cookies!", hunk cried.

"Hunk calm down she's not dying. Today is a big day because it's Pidge's birthday!"I exclaim.


   "You guys forgot!"

   "Well we are fighting Zarkon". Hunk said.

   "Poor innocent pidge." I said .

   "Woah! Pidge is not innocent!", lance yelled.

   "Yeah one time she told Keith and Lance to go fuck each other.", hunk said looking at the two. Both keith and lance turn red and look away from each other.

   "Language," Shiro said to Hunk.

   "Still we are going to have a surprise party for her, now Hunk you and lance are in charge of the food and cake, Shiro you and Keith are going to decorate, and Allura you and Coran are going to distract pidge and give her work to do."

   "What are you going to do?" Lance ask.

   "I'm going to make sure everything goes alright. Now lets do this shit!" I yelled.

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