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"(Y/n) are you okay?", said lance running up to me.

   "Yeah I'm fine."

   "(Y/n) we all been talking and will you join us and defeat Zarkon."Allura said.

   "Wait! Are you serious?!"

   "Yeah I think we need someone like you in our team." Shiro spoke, putting his hand on my shoulder.

   "That would be awesome but I have to ask Jikan first. "


   "No...." (-_-)

   "What do you mean no!" I yelled grabbing his shoulders and shaking him. "What is the point of having  powers if I can't go save the universe!"

   "Your not ready." He said calmly.

   "But I've been training for 14 years by you guys."

   "It's still a no (y/n)."

   "If I tell the others they will be happy for me."

   "You don't know what would happen if you go."

   "I do know...and..I am scared to even think about it but, I need to face my fear if I want to do this."

   "Okay I let you go but be smart on the choices and sacrifice you're going to make."



   "So what did he say." Shiro said, getting up from the couch.

   "He said I could go if they come also."

   "Why do they have to come." Keith said, crossing his arms and looking at me.

  "Well I still need help learning more about my powers and they are going to help."

   "Well follow us (y/n)." Allura and the other walk outside. I grab my bags and pick up (d/n). They walk up to a ship that look more like a castle.


   "I know right, if you want I can give you a tour~." Lance said grabbing my hand and gave me a wink. I was going to answer him when someone grab my waist and pull me back. I look up and saw Keith in front of me.

   "She doesn't want to go with you." He said pointing his finger at lance chest pushing him back.

   "Don't touch me!"

   "Hey enough." Shiro said getting between keith and lance.

   "Oh (y/n) there might be a problem." Allura said turning to me. " There seems that there are no more rooms left so you have to sleep with the paladins room."

(An: I know that the castle is big and has lots of rooms just imagine there are fewer rooms. 😁😆)

  "She could sleep with m-"

   "No lance!" Everyone yelled.

   "You're probably going to do something to her." Pidge said.

   "No I won't ." Lance begged.

   "I agree with pidge. "Keith said looking at Lance.

  "Like if your any better Keith."

   "Hey maybe we should let her decide."
Hunk said trying to calm down the situation.

   "Uhh." Everyone was looking at me waiting for my answer.

   "Maybe we could take turns like I could sleep with pidge first, then shiro, hunk, keith, and lance."

   "I'm fine with that you guys." Pidge said looking at the others.

   "Yeah." They said at the same time.

   "Okay now get some rest tomorrow we have a big day." Allura smile at us.

Pidge and I walk in her room. It was kinda messy with papers all over the place.

   "Yeah sorry for the mess." She scratch behind her neck.

   "Its okay my room looks more messy than this." As I put my bag on the bed (d/n) head pop out. Pidge did a small scream and ran to (d/n).

   "Is this a real Dragon!"She pick (d/n) and gave them a hug.


   "Wow....uh sorry about that you could sleep on the bed for now I be right back." She said putting  (d/n) down and walk outside. I went on the bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.


   "Lord Zarkon we have found the Crystal. "

  "Where is it."

  "We don't know but one of the galra took a photo of the user of the crystal."

  "Ah little (y/n) we'll meet again soon."

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