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    A giant robot appear and started attacking pidge and shiro. Keith, lance, and hunk went to their lions while I have to stay here with allura. I saw pidge trying to fight the robot but got hit by a orb.

   "Pidge are you okay."

   "Yeah I'm fine but we could use a little help here."

   "Allura I'm going to help out the others. "

   "Okay be careful."

  I ran towards them and saw the robot being knock down by hunk.

   "Hey guys are you alright?"

   "(Y/n) what are you doing, get out of here."

  I turn around and saw the orb heading straight for me. I grab my shield and put in front of me while the orb slam against it.


   "I'm fine."

   "So what's the plan? Shoot at it with everything we got. Take out its weapon? Call it names?"

   "If you guys want to take out this monster you have to form voltron."

   "(Y/n) right, ready team."

   "Good luck guys I'll stay here and distract it."

  The monster started running towards them. I summon my scythe and jump in front of it, swung my scythe against its body and the monster crash to the ground.

   "Are you guys done?"

   "Yeah why."

   "Because the monster is getting up."

The monster started to charge the orb.

   "Remember, we are one unit, fighting with one goal." Shiro said.
They ran towards the monster when the orb came and slam against them and they fell. The orb came and slam against them and was going to crash into them when they move out of the way.

   For a few more tries they keep on missing the monster and getting attack by the orb.

   "Guys look out." I yelled, the orb was going to hit them again when I jumped in front of them and the orb hit me.


  I fell to the ground and I felt like my body was on fire. A few seconds the burning stop and I stand up and saw them fighting the monster. I grab my scythe and ran towards the monster, swung my scythe and cut off the arm it was using to control the orb. Keith summon a sword and slice the monster in half.

   "Great job team." Shiro spoke.

   "(Y/n) are you okay." Hunk said.

   "Yeah thanks for asking."

With Zarkon~●~

   "No! I'll make another, more powerful. "

   "That won't be necessary. Sendak is still alive on Arus. I've given him instructions for how to proceed."

   "Can he be trusted?"

   "I trained him and he has his mission. He fights in the name of Galra. Only success or death will stop him."

With Sendak~●~

   "Zarkon has challenge is to rise from the mud and prove our worth. We will not let him down. We will capture Voltron and the girl."

Time skip~●~

  After saying goodbye to the prisoners, I went to look for pidge and shiro. I found them on the bridge hugging.

  "Aww that's so sweet."😍

  "Oh hey (y/n) whats up." Pidge ask.

  "Well I was looking for you because you seem a bit down."

  "Well this might take a while."

  "I have time."

Time skip~●~


  "I know...but their alive, I just feel it."

  "Well I know what to do now."


   "I know I'm supposed to help you guys defeat Zarkon but I have a new mission."

  I grab pidge by her shoulder and look at her.

  "My parents disappear when I was younger than you, and maybe their really gone. But I'm going to help you no matter what it takes, and we will find your dad and brother, believe it."

  Pidge looked at me in shock and started to cry. I pulled her in a hug and she hug back.

An: I finally updated and thanks for waiting.

Who is ready for this!!👇


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