Wave Goodbye

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Hey people. It's Sluzzledude. This would be the end of this story. A while back I actually planned to have this be a huge ending but I stopped being able to talk to the girl I was in love with and because of that, I had the worst summer of my life in 2017 and I'd truly let my fire with writing go out because of it. I'd eventually just stopped trying to write over summer because life was sucking in a time where I'd always assumed would be the best.
I am aware that basically nobody reads this book but for the people that don't fit the basically criteria I thought they'd like an explanation.
It's been a nice and fun year and a half writing this book. Goodbye.
(authors note: it is february 20, 2019. i am going to write this chapter and this will be the end of this book. maybe i'll start another one some day. i don't know. but here it is.)

~~Smiley's POV~~
I woke up to light rain outside. I got up from bed and I put Wrench's mask on. When I walked out of my room I noticed that it was strangely quiet. As if everyone the house had finally learned what peace and quiet was. I walked to the living room and saw Bloody Painter. I sat next to him. Sounding surprised, he said "Hey Smiley." He had his mask off an was looking a little under the weather. I asked ""Something bothering you? You look like you've got a heavy load on your soul right now." He looked me dead in the eyes and told me. "I don't see any end to this life man. Sure we have fun sure we live without consequences. But why are we still here? It's as if some worldly power just won't give us the satisfaction of death. It's as if we'll just be out raising hell until the end of time. And this life is really getting to my head." I thought back on everything that happened and it did seem as if there was something that just wouldn't let us die. "Well I guess you are right about that. Maybe there's a reason to that. I'm not sure. Maybe we're just lucky and these guys are doing a good job and fixing us up. But there are a few times where somebody should have died. But maybe it's just all in your head, BP." He nodded and stopped talking after. I walked away and went out for a walk in the woods. As I was walking I began to think about what Bloody Painter had said to me. Was there something out there milking our lives as much as it could? It seemed unlikely to me but it does seem possible. I went back to the mansion and forgot about it. But it was still strange how quiet and uneventful it was at the mansion. For once it felt like nothing was going to happen. But to no one's surprise, that wasn't true. I'd say about half an hour later I started hearing explosions. Multiple explosions. I thought that maybe someone was being an asshole and got a hold on some explosives but when the mansion started to collapse I started worrying. I yelled for everyone to get out. And the ran out to the front of the mansion. There was a group of strange looking entities. As if they didn't even belong on this earth. Other creepypastas ended up getting to the front of the mansion. They simply stood there. They stood and stared. When slenderman arrived and saw them and looked back. He started teleporting away and would come back with more creepypastas every time he came back. After about a minute of rounding us up he finally teleported back and said "This is all of us right here." The weird beings began to look at us and after a few seconds, one started talking. It said
"So this is all of you? A lot more than we remember. But I guess I'll cut to the chase here. Your time is up on this world. You have fulfilled your purpose of entertaining us and it is time for you all to be terminated. All of the events in your life that have led you here were because of us. You have given our people lots of pleasure from watching the events you've experienced as a group. But it is just your time to go. You may come peacefully and it will be over quick. Resistance is futile and you will all die. But we will entertain you with one last fight if you'd like."
We all looked around at each other shocked. But I was the one that started the fight. After a few seconds of silence I decided to charge one of the things with a knife. I sliced and diced the alien in front of me and everyone started to charge the alien group in front of us. After I stopped stabbing the thing, all of the wounds I created started to fill up again and it had healed its wounds perfectly. I was taken aback by this and I stared at the thing. It smiled at me and then it delivered a single blow to my chest that knocked me down. It walked away and into the brawl as I writhed on the ground.
I realized that those things are literally unstoppable. We couldn't beat them. They'd fight us until we either gave up or all us died. I got back up and tried to help the other creepypastas fight them off and warn them. It seemed like them most we could do was knock them out. And even then it felt like more kept coming and coming. I'd seen Eyeless Jack and Jeff the killer get jumped and after I never saw them again. I saw Jane being attacked and tried to run over and help. But... the damn thing stomped her head out. I pounced on top of the thing and cut it up with anger and hate I'd never felt before. I cut it's head off before it could heal and then I let up. The thing didn't get up. The wounds didn't close and it didn't move at all. I'd killed it and avenged Jane. It was possible to kill these things. But it'd be very hard. As I went to group up with the remaining creepypastas I'd noticed that many were gone and that we were being surrounded. Me and Bloody Painter were fighting off an alien and one came up from behind him and slashed him on the throat. I carried him and ran away to safety and I tried to help him. As he was bleeding out and i was trying to do my best to try to stop the bleeding he pushed me away. He slowly took his mask off and silently offered his mask to me. I took his mask and he tried his best to muster up his last words. He pointed at me with his index finger at me and he just barely said "R-r-run a...w-way". His arm fell and he went limp. My best friend of the creepypastas had just died. I put his mask on and went out to the brawl again. There were even more bodies. The only ones I saw standing were Toby, Slenderman, and Liu Woods. I ran up to the three and helped them out with their fights. But this time, we were truly surrounded. All of the entities had formed a circle around the three of us. It was supposed to be the end. I could hear slenderman speaking while he wasn't actually speaking. I heard him say "This is the end Smiley. This is the end of me. This is the end of all of us. Except you. You can survive. I can get you out of here. I will give you my powers and I will take you out of here. Just think of any place in the world you would like to be." I closed my eyes and though back to the time I had spent in Croatia. And a few seconds later all of the noise from before had disappeared. I opened my eyes and i was in a different place. I felt a pain on my left hand. I looked at it and there was the operator symbol placed there. I thought about what slenderman said. "Just think of any place in the world you would like to be." I closed my eyes and thought back to the creepypasta mansion. And when I got there I found nothing. Nothing was there at all. There was a huge empty patch in the middle of the woods. There were no bodies like before. No blood. No mansion. They were gone. They took everything. And only left me. The only thing I managed to find where the house used to be was my original mask that Bloody Painter had made me. That and nothing else. Hate had run through my blood. I had teleported out to a random place. There were people all around. And in a rage, I had cut up anyone I could see or get to. And after looking around me I had realized what I'd done. And I couldn't reverse it. I had killed all of these people for no reason. I teleported away. I was in my home town. I went on top of the roof of my old home. And I had sat and thought. And I had decided what I was going to do. Since I was considered a creepypasta I knew they'd come back for me soon. I didn't know how I'd do it but I swore to myself that I would find and make more creepypastas and I would take down those entities that took my family away from me. And i was going to get revenge.

(Authors note: This is the true ending of my life with the creepypastas story. I had fun writing this. And it didn't take as long as I thought. This was pretty fun. Maybe I'll get back into this writing stuff soon. I'm not sure. But this is the end of this story. Thank you to whoever made it this far into my story. This is the end. Have a good one y'all.)

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