Where's Smiley?

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~~Toby POV Same Night~~
We just got home and I checked the trunk. But I can't find Smiley. Where the f**k could he be? I went into the house and ran around trying to find slender. I went into his room and woke him up. "I think we might've lost smiley. Could you teleport him back to us?" "As much as I hope it did it doesn't work like that Toby. I don't know where he is so I can't teleport to him. If I did he'd be here." "W-w-ww-we should do a search for him." Without further ado he gathered the whole family into the living room and gave a speech saying "Ok everyone. A lot of you know him as Smiley and some know him as Y/N. He went out on a robbery with Jane, Ticci Toby, Liu Woods, Zalgo, and clockwork. Everyone but him returned from the robbery. So.... I'm going to need everyone to help search the woods for him. Check every inch of the surrounding forest and try to find him. GO!" And with that being said everyone ran outside. I went upstairs into his room and took his mask. I mumbled the words "We'll find you buddy, just hang in there." And ran out.

~~Smiley POV~~
"Get in there you scumbag." A police officer told me. I walked into my cell and sat on the bed. "They'll come to get me. They need to, right?" "Please.... Come find me." I whispered to myself and lied down.

~~2 hours later Jane POV~~
I just checked the last like three miles where the hell could he be...?
Wait! I ran back to the mansion and ran into Smiley's room. I searched all of his room and finally found his phone. I turned it on and went to his contacts. I searched through his contacts and found Wrench. I called the number and waited for an answer.

~~Wrench POV~~
"How can you kill it if it has no heart?!" I took my phone out of my pocket and saw that smiley was calling me. I answered. I put my mask on and answered "Yes?" "Wrench! Smiley is missing. Could you like... See where he's at?" "Well I could search up his name, bring up all his files...." "HIS NAME IS Y/N, L/N FIND OUT WHERE HE'S BEEN AND CALL ME!" Jane yelled. I hung up and got to work.

~~7 A.M. Jane POV~~
*Intense vibrating*
I woke up to Smiley's phone going off. I picked it up and had seen that I missed quite a few calls from Wrench. I called him and he answered on the first dial. "Where the hell have you been?!" Wrench yelled. "Sleeping...." I said in a hesitant tone. "Of course. Well he's in a maximum security prison. Says here that he's been charged with murder 10 times, attempted burglary, and one first degree murder. If you want to find him you should check *COUGH COUGH* ALCATRAZ ISLAND! *Wrench clears throat* I think you should get there quick. They KNOW that he killed those people and... You do get the death penalty for murder. Go NOW!" .-. He could've just said Alcatraz island. I'm going to alert the rest of the house while the author explains what happens now.

Myep. Wait a second. Could someone cue the bold italics? It on? Wait, why is underline on? Know what, doesn't matter. So now I'm gonna write two chapters. One is gonna be very aggressive and have lots of unneeded violence. And one will be a stealth way. So yeah. Bye

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