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I opened my eyes. It's very cold. I'm in my room. I hop out of bed and walk out into the hallway and saw a beautiful girl. "Hello... Y/N" She said. I didn't answer and just looked confused. "Oh, sorry you don't know who I am. I'm new here. My name is Alexa." I wanted to respond and even opened my mouth to talk but only made feeble noises. "I think I'm going to go..." she said and walked away. Dammit I thought. Guess I'm gonna make something to eat.

~~In the kitchen~~
I sat the plate down and drowned my waffles in syrup. Toby walked in and smacked my plate off of the table. "What the hell man? I was going to eat those." "Eat pancakes those are no good." "No I think I'm just going to binge watch some horror movies." "WAIT! Me, Jane, Clockwork, Lui, and Zalgo are going trick or treating wanna go?" I took 0.00000000000001 seconds to think about it and barked out "Yes!" And ran up to my room.

~~7 P.M.~~
"You guys ready?" Toby asked. "Of course." We ran out of the house and drove to the busy part of town. I had my knife, an M1911 and 10 clips, and of course a few duffle bags. "Alright put those c-cccc-lown masks on, gang. We are given the choice to trick or treat. So we're treating.... Ourselves. So we want to break into as many houses and stores as possible. We don't want many casualties. So yeah.. You can go now."

Me and Jane walked around with our knives in hand "Maybe we should rob the biggest house." I agreed and we had to walk around in the woods across the street. We found a good enough house after a few minutes. We went out back and picked the lock. When we got in there wasn't much. We searched all around the house and only found very little. After 20 minutes we only found a laptop and a plasma HD TV. I went downstairs to see if Jane found anything new. I went down the stairs and saw a huge dude at the bottom. I ran up and he yelled "Get back here you punk!" After running all the way upstairs I backed into a corner. He kept running toward me. I sprinted to a window and waited for him to get to me. It took forever. After like two minutes he got up the stairs. I made me a cup of coffee and read a few newspapers. This man was taking too damn long so I shot him seven times and threw him out of the window I was next to.

On our way out I tripped and fell over a chair and heard a door open slowly. I ran over to it and saw stacks of money and gold bars everywhere. I ran back to Jane and dragged her to the room and she was awe struck. We stuffed all of the duffle bags we had with gold and money. When we ran out of bags we hid the loot in the truck. And repeated.

After three times of repeating I went into the house and saw cops everywhere. One turned around and saw me "Arms outstretched." I said in a calm voice. The cop pulled out his gun and shot up and yelled "Get down here!" I quickly shot him in both legs and ran. "Toby get your ass out here!" I yelled while shooting cops. More cops came. I stayed as far away from the truck as possible.

~~Toby POV~~
Ahh shit. Smiley's in trouble...I ran out of the house and jumped into the truck and yelled "Get the hell in!" And started the car up.

~~Smiley POV~~
I started running to the car and jumped right into the back. I lied down and took the clown mask off and looked inside the truck. There was only one person. The truck stopped and I got out. "Hands where I can see em!" I heard someone say. I turned around and saw a cop holding an M16 at me. "Aww shit." I whispered.

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