Common Commands !

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English - Elvish

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English - Elvish

Be silent Dina

Camp here Estolada sinome

Circle around behind them Mallen pelu e' n'alaquel en' sen

Come here Tula sinome

Come to Tula

Come, sit near the fire Tula, hama neva i'naur

Don't kill (it/him) N'ndengina (ta/ho)

Don't worry Uuma dela

Flank them Ela sen

Follow (them/it) Soora (sen/ta)

Follow me Khila amin

Give it to me Ona ta a'amin

Go away Kela

Hide Nurta

Hold on to this (for me) Tessa sina (ten' amin)

Hurry Asca

Kill (it/him) Ndengina (ta/ho)

Look out / Be careful! Tira ten' rashwe!

Memorize your spells (here) Rina istorlle (sinome)

Rest here Esta sinome

Take this Sana sina

Tell (us) the tale Kwentra (lye) inarn

You go first Lle auta yeste'

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