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English - Elvish

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English - Elvish

galley (ship) cirya

game (fun) tyalie

garland riel

gash hyatse

gasping dust anfauglith

gate ando

gate stream Sirannon

gem leuthil

giant norsa

gift (n) ona

glance (n) maa

glass heledh

gleam (n) glina

glittering cavern Aglarond

glittering light rilma

globe koron

globed korna

gloom fuin

gloomy morna

glorious aglareb

glory alkar

glue himbar

gnome nogoth

goat nyeene

goblet sulo

gods Seldarine

gold (color) malta

gold (metal) malda

gold dragon mal'loki

gold elf Mal'Quessir

golden mal-

golden circle malmallen

golden tree Mallorn

golden trees Mellryn

golden-red cul

gone wanwa

gong tombo

good quel

goods (trade) armar

goose waani

gore (bloodiness) mear

gorge kilya

grades tyeller

grammar tengwesta

grass salque

grave sapsa

gravel brith

gray mith

Gray Elf Mith'Quessir

gray mantle mithollo

gray-blue mithlin

great hall rond

great number -rim

greed (n) milme

greedy (adj) milka

green calen

green dragon calen'loki

grey, pale (adj) winde

ground talar'

guess (n) intya

gull nalwi

gully yaawe

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