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English - Elvish

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English - Elvish

mage, Army of Art akh'faern

magic templa

magical arts selu

magical weave guldur

maiden wen

maidenhood wendele

male hanwa

male elf adanedhel

man edan

manhood vie'

manly wea

mansion ilm

mantle gollo

many nir'

March (month) Sulime

mark aith

mark, long (in writing) andatehta

married pair veru'

mast tyulmi

master (n) tura

mastery (n) ture

matrimony vesta

may aa'

May (month) Lotesse

me amin

mead laure

meadow laide

meat sarpsa

meeting (n) omenta

melodious lindelea

melody lindel

memory (n) rina

men edain

men (the after born) apanonar

men (the second people) atani

mere lin

meres of twilight Aelin-uial

mermaid oaris

merriment alasse'

mesh rem

metal tinco

middle ened

middle-folk enedwaith

middle-lands ennorath

mighty beleg

milk limpe

mine haba

minnow hala

minstrel maquissar

mint lissuin

mirth lalai

mist hisie

misty hith

moat ossa

moist niite

Monday Elenya

monster uuvanimo

mood indo

Moon ithil

Moon Elf Ithil'Quessir

moonlight isilme

more ner

morning amrun

mortal firimar

mother atara

mound coron

mountain orod

mourning nienor

mouse ai'mithe

mouth anto

much sai-

murk hui

murky huiva

muscle tuo

music lindale

music of the Ainur Ainulindale

muttering ulma

myself amin

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