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English - Elvish

a constellation Anarriima

a constellation Menelmakar

a constellation Soronuume

a constellation Telumendil

a constellation Wilwarin

a star Alkarinque

a star Elemmiire

a star Karnil

a star Luinil

a star Lumbar

a star Neenar

a star Nierninwa

abhorrence, hatred delotha

abominable, abhorrent thaur

abundance, abundant uuve

abyss mandu'

account quentale

across thar

actor tyaro

actual anwa

acute laike

adult wea

adversary kotumo

aerie sornion

after ale'

after-comers, followers hildor

afternoon andune

again au'

against thar

agent tyaro

agile tyelka

agony qualme

agreement (n) weera

Ah! a

air vilya

ale sereg

alive kuila

all ilya

alliance niasa

almost sha

aloft tarasse

alone ereb

alphabet tengwanda

also vithel

altar korda

ancient yaara

and ar'

and yet ananta

anger (n) rutha

animals, living things, nature kelvar

any ai'

anyone ai'er

apple caryave

April Viresse

archer cuar

Archmage Val'istar

arm ranqui

armor atost

army hosse

Army of Art Akh'Faer

Army of Might Akh'Velahr

around pelu

arrow pilin'

arrow, flight of pilininge

as vee'

ascension orosta

ash lith

Ashen Mountains Ered Lithui

asleep lorna

Assassin Sereg'wethrin

associate otorno

at ie'

at last yallume

auger teret

August Urime

autumn yavie

avenue of trees aldeon

awake kuile

awakening (n) cuiva

awe, dread gaya

ax pelekko

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