Chapter 6

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Jade's POV

"Bye Jade." Oh my name sounds so good coming from her. It's like a pouring melted chocolate, so smooth and luscious.

I finally met her and still cannot believe it. It happened so fast I don't even know where I got the confidence to talk to her. It's exhilarating, I can't wipe the smile out of my face. She's so beautiful and looked really hot in that tight dress she's wearing. Her voice is so sweet and her accent is so adorable. But her eyes, oh her eyes, I can get lost in them forever. They're so blue like ocean and it felt like you're gonna drown if you stare long enough. I wish I could've stayed longer though, I want to know more about her. 

However, I was taken aback by her sudden outburst when I tried to ask her why she's outside. Was I annoying? Have I crossed a line? Or maybe she don't like me? God, I hope not. I frown at the thought. Maybe she's just tried or something, it's been a long night anyway.

I made my back inside the club and looked for Leigh-Anne, she called me earlier to tell me that someone wants to see me. Who could that be?

"There you are! Where were you?" Leigh-Anne said as I stepped beside her.

"Outside." I replied.

"What are you doing outside?" she asked.

"I needed some air. Anyway, who is it you said that wants to see me?"

"Oh yeah, come with me." she said then started to walk.

I followed her through the crowd and to the couches on the further side of the club. There are people huddled in groups, some are in serious conversations, others are bantering. Leigh-Anne stopped in front of a group and cleared her throat, getting all the attention to us.

"Jade, hi!" a man stood up and walked towards me.

"Simon." I replied as we shook hands. I left Perrie outside for Simon Cowell? Stupid!

"I've been wanting to see you to talk about something." he said.

"What about?" I asked.

"You know, I was wondering if you have changed your mind about recording with me." he said cockily. Oh! Here we go again.

"Well, let me inform you that I haven't changed my mind and never will be." I said as politely as possible.

"Why not Jade? I don't get why you don't want to record under my label. We could be a great team!" he said trying to convince me.

"Not just under your label, but on any other labels too." I corrected him.

You see, there are reasons why I choose to self-produce myself and not sign under any record labels. First, I can do it on my own terms, whenever I want, and however I want. No one's gonna pressure me to write or record something when I don't feel like it. Second, I keep all the rights on what I do. I get to decide how my music is used, when it is used, and how much people have to pay for it. Third, I am the boss of me. I don't like to be limited with what I can do, and be forced to do what I don't want to do. I hate it when people tell me what's best for me when it's not them who will have to deal with the outcome. And lastly, signing under a label means it's a full time job. With me being a choreographer, I really can't do both at the same time.

"Think about it Jade." he said.

"My decision's final. I'm not gonna sign under your label. I'm sorry." I said.

"Fine, but our door will always be open if ever you finally decided to." he said defeated. I nodded and smiled at him.

"Well then, thanks for your time. Till next time Jade." I said.

"Have a good night Simon." I replied and then walked away.

"So.. how'd it go?" Leigh-Anne asked catching up beside me.

"I said no."

"Oh, that's expected." she chuckled.

"Can we go home now? I'm really tired." I whined.

"Yeah, I guess we can, it's late anyway." I said and almost jumped at her.

"At last!" I cheered.

"Let's go." she said shaking her head as if I'm a two year old.

We made our way out of the club and into the waiting car. I sighed as I flopped down the back seat. Finally I can have my well-deserved sleep. 


As soon as I arrived home, I went straight to my bedroom and changed into my PJs. Then I went to the bathroom to wipe my face off of makeup and brush my teeth. When I'm done with my rituals, I throw myself onto the waiting bed. Oh I feels so good to finally be on my bed!

I closed my eyes, ready to sleep, when a certain blondie suddenly crossed my mind. I immediately reached out to my bedside table and grab my phone. I unlocked it and opened my Twitter app. I searched for her name and there it is.. @perrieedwards , then I clicked 'Follow'. I scrolled through her profile for a while then switched to Instagram. I searched for her again and found the same account name. I followed her then checked her posts. Boy she's so damn pretty! I can't stop staring at her photos, like a creepy stalker. I liked her recent photo, the one I think she took before her performance, she looked so hot!

Then suddenly, I felt the drowsiness. So I stopped stalking, locked my phone and put it back on the bedside table. I closed my eyes then started to drift off. I hope I'll dream about blondie...


Perrie's POV

I woke up in a jolt at my alarm clock ringing. I tried to ignore it but it won't stop. I grunted as I forced myself to reach it and turned the alarm off. I glance at it and it's only 10 in the morning. Yeah, it's probably late for you but it's early for me. Last night was a blur, I don't even remember how I got home. I'm still so tired and I want to go back to sleep but then I felt my stomach growl. Oh gosh, hungry as always!

I tried to get up only to fall back when my head starts to hurt. Man, hangover is a bitch! I stayed for a while then decided to endure the headache and went to the bathroom. Yes, I can endure the headache but not my hungry stomach! After my morning ritual, I went out of my bedroom and into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea and toast some bread. When I finished preparing my food, I went to the living room, sat on the sofa and turned on the TV. This is my usual morning routine when I don't have work.

I surf through the channels and ended up in a gossip show when I saw myself in the screen. I sat there wide-eyed when I read the headline: 

"Jade Thirlwall and Perrie Edwards, dating?"


Oohhh! They're on the news now, what's gonna happen next? I won't tell! 🙊🙊🙊 You gotta wait and see... Leave a comment, and vote if you liked this chapter. Thanks babes! 💋💋💋

- R xx

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