Chapter 18

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Perrie's POV

I woke up from my peaceful slumber with someone holding me in their arms, making me feel safe and protected from any harm, the heat emitting from their body keeping me warm, and the feeling of having someone close to me. If this is a dream, then I'll sleep forever. No, wait! This is not a dream! This is real! A sudden panic coursed through me, not wanting to open my eyes, afraid of what awaits me. I tried to recall everything that had happened before I drifted off, and then realization hits me. I'm on a bed, not my bed, not just someone's bed, but Jade's bed. I had an arm draped around my waist, not just anyone's arm, but Jade's arm. I had my body pressed against someone, not just someone, but Jade. I slowly opened my eyes, and what I saw took my breath away. Jade sleeping peacefully, plump lips ajar releasing soft snores, long lashes kissing her cheeks, her cute nose, and her gorgeous brown hair slayed out. Damn! She's so fucking beautiful! I was snapped out of my thoughts when she suddenly stirred and I stiffened not wanting her to wake up and catch me ogling her. When I heard soft snores again, I sighed, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I decided to stop staring like a creep and pushed myself closer to her. Our legs tangled and my head buried on her chest. I can feel the soft swell of her breasts against my face and I blushed at the thought. Jeez Perrie! You're such a perv! We stayed like that for a while, and I enjoyed every second of it. Until she stirred again, pulling me closer, if that's even possible since we're already pressed to each other. A gasp escaped my mouth when I felt her hand slid down my bum. She's still asleep, isn't she? I'm pretty sure she is, because she's still snoring. Suddenly, she started squeezing it, and I bit my lip trying to stifle a moan but failing miserably. I was grinning like an idiot and looked at her face, finding any hint of consciousness from her but there's nothing. Is she dreaming? Dreaming of me?

"Jade?" I called her, finally decided to wake her.

"Jade, wake up." I tried again.

"Hmm." she hummed in response.

"Good morning." I said, still grinning like an idiot.

"Good morning, princess." she mumbled. Her voice raspy and oh so sexy, that sends shivers down my spine. Dammit Thirlwall!

"Uhm.. you're squeezing my bum Jade." I whispered to her ear.

Her eyes snapped open, and widen when she realized what she's been doing. She immediately pulled back and I almost whimper at the lost of contact, but I hid it.

"Oh my God! I'm sorry Perrie, I wasn't aware-" she blabbered, but I cut her off.

"It's fine Jade." I reassured her.

"I-I just... Ugh!" she groaned, ashamed of herself and blushing madly.

"Hey, I said it's fine. Don't worry about it." I beamed a smile at her.

"Besides, I was nuzzling your chest a while ago. So I guess we're quits-" I stopped mid sentence. What the fuck Edwards! Did you just said that?! I can feel my face growing red as a smirk forming on her face. 

"Really? Wow! I wish I was awake. Did you enjoy it?" she teased me as she smirked wider. My face is so hot and I tried to hide it with my hands.

She pulled my hands away from my face and tucked some loose strands of hair behind my ear. She's smiling sweetly at me, and I can't help but smile back.

"Let's go eat breakfast, I'm starving." she said and I just nodded.


After our delicious breakfast, care of the one and only Jade herself, she told me she'll drive me back to my flat. I told her that I have work today and if it's okay if she drive me to the studio instead, and she agreed. She also insisted to lend me some clothes, because she don't want me to wear my clothes from last night. She's really the sweetest! 

It was silent during the car ride. Both of us must have been in deep thoughts. Suddenly, I remembered something and couldn't stop myself from asking.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" I said hesitantly.

"Yeah, sure." Jade replied, eyes still on the road.

"The night we went clubbing, I saw you with someone, a girl. Who was she?" I averted my gaze from her, finding interest on my shoes.

"Ahh, yeah. That's Danielle." she smiled as she recalled.

"Oh-" was all I can say.

"Why'd you asked?" her turn to question.

"Uh.. nothing. You seemed so close." I mumbled.

"That we are." she said proudly. Lucky her!

"Is she your girlfriend?" I asked out of nowhere. Wow Perrie! Just wow!

"What?!" she chuckled. And I looked at her in confusion.

"She's not my girlfriend! Yes we're close, and that's because we were roommates for so long and she's a great friend." she explained.

"Besides, do you actually think I would agree to date you if I'm in a relationship with someone else?" she added still laughing.

"You're right. Nice to know." I said, instantly feeling ashamed. Why did you have to ask that stupid question?

We went silent again. Jade occasionally cast a glance at me, but I remained looking out the window. She seemed hesitant to say something, I can feel it even without looking at her, but she decided to drop it and just continue driving.

We arrived at HQ, I invited Jade to come inside and see the studio but she refused, said that she have work too and needed to go. I didn't stop her though, I've bothered her too much and I didn't want to bother her more. When I entered the studio, Jesy was already there, sipping a cup of tea. She greeted me when she saw me, we hugged and I sat beside her on the couch.

"So, how was your date?" she grinned at me knowingly.

"It was great. The movie was so good and Jade's been a gentlewoman the whole night." I said.

"Yeah? How gentle was she? Tell me the details!" she asked, excited.

"What do you mean?" I asked her back.

"You know what I mean!" she exclaimed, wiggling her eyebrows. Oh boy!

"Jessica!! We didn't! Nothing happened. Not what you think. Oh my God!" I almost yelled at her.

"Really? You spent the night with her, I bet my ass you slept on her bed, and you're wearing her clothes. And nothing happened?" she seemed unconvinced.

"Why would you think I slept on her bed?" I asked intrigued.

"It was raining, there's thunder and all. I knew you too well, young lady!" she rolled her eyes as if I asked a dumb question. Oh, right!

"But that's the truth, nothing happened." I grumbled at her.

"Well then, tell me! I wanna know everything!" she whined like a toddler wanting her mom to buy her a toy.

"Fine." I said and told her everything that happened.

No, not everything. I may have omitted that little incident on the bed this morning. Knowing Jesy, she will use that to tease me, and I don't want that. I also told her how sweet Jade was and how she made the whole night, and morning, amazing. I definitely won't forget it, it was one of the best dates I've been to. No, scratch that. It was the best date ever!


The morning after the night before! How was it? 😇 Please leave a comment, and vote if you liked this chapter. Thanks babes! 💋💋💋

Btw, would you want some drama? Or more Jerrie moments? 🤔 I may or may not have plotted some for both...😎 haha! 😈🙊😏

- R xx

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