Chapter 20

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Perrie's POV

I cannot remember the last time I had an amazing weekend like this, and after a very tiring week at work, it was just what I needed. Went on a night out with the whole crew and had a few drinks to relieve stress. Got the whole Sunday all for myself, sleeping, eating, and binge-watching. Plus, I got to meet new people. One of them is Alex. He seems a great guy, footballer who plays for the national team, he's jolly and has a pretty good sense of humor, and not to mention he's hot as hell. He even offered me a ride home which was very kind of him, but I refused since he had drank a few and we have our own driver with us. It was nice meeting him and hanging out with him, I hoped to see him again sometime. 

It's the morning of the first day of the week, and I'm up early because I have to be at the studio in an hour. Jesy informed me that we will be recording some of the songs for the album that we have already finished writing. I'm so excited! I miss recording. The smell of the recording booth, all of the equipment, singing your heart out, doing it again and again until you've done it perfectly, I mean... literally all of it! I can't wait to get there. But first, I just have to tame this bird's nest of a hair!


It has been three days since the convention ended, but I still haven't heard from Jade. I know she's already back, I saw her tweets and her IG post showing that she's at her office with loads of paperwork. I tried to call her to ask her about her weekend, but she didn't answer. I sent a few messages, but she didn't reply. Is she ignoring me? What did I do? Maybe she's just busy or something. I miss her though. Her cuteness and silliness, those beautiful brown eyes and captivating smile, her voice when she talks non-stop, her warmth when she's beside me... I can sit here all day describing Jade and it still won't be enough. I sighed at the thought of her. I hope she'll show up soon.

It's now late afternoon, I've just arrived home from the studio. We finished recording two songs and I'm really proud of myself, and the whole team too. It was tiring but will all be worth it in the end. Now I sit lazily on the couch in my living room, feet on top of the coffee table, watching some football match, with occasional scrolling through Instagram. Suddenly, my door bell rang. I was puzzled of who might that be, I don't remember ordering food or something. I slowly got up from the couch and went to the door. As soon as I opened it, I froze. 

There stood Jade in her sneakers, sweat pants and hoodie. Hair in a loose curls, face with light makeup. She looks magical even just wearing ordinary clothes. But when she looked up to me and my eyes went straight to hers, I saw a hint of tiredness, a little sadness, or maybe... fear? I'm not sure, I can't quite read her expression right now.

"Hey! Hi, Jade." I said beaming a smile at her. She didn't respond. She just stare at me as if she's searching something in my eyes.

"Are you okay?" I tried again. Now getting a little nervous as to why she's being so quiet.

"Can we talk?" she said hesitantly and I shiver at the seriousness of her voice. Woah! What was that? 

"I uh.. yeah, sure! Come in." I opened the door wider and stepped to the side to let her in. But she didn't move, she just keep staring at me. Do I have something on my face?

"Let's take a walk." she said abruptly and she finally averted her gaze from me, looking down to the ground. Now I'm really confused.

"Oh- Okaay.. Let me just get my coat." I said, quickly grabbing my coat from the hanger and my phone and keys from the table.

I stepped out of the flat, securely locking the door and turned to Jade, who is now standing at the sidewalk. What is going on? I slowly walked to her side and when she felt my presence, she started to walk. I just followed her. It was silent, only the sound of our shoes hitting the pavement can be heard. We walked for a while, probably two blocks from my place, until we reached a small park with a pond. She continued to walk till we're standing beside a picnic table. She gestured me to sit as she sit as well, facing the pond. We sat there in an agonizing silence. She was staring at the pond, deep in thoughts. While I keep fidgeting, my nerves kicking in. What's wrong with her? She seems like something is bothering her. Have I done something? What did I do? I was snatched out of my musing when she finally spoke up.

"Do you like him?" she asked. What? Like who?

"Huh?" was all I can say.

"That Alex guy, do you like him?" she asked again. Wait! I don't understand.

"I saw you together. From Jesy's post, your Snapchat. From your own IG post." she added. So that's what this is all about?

"Please say something, Perrie." She asked again, when I stayed silent.

"I-I uh.. I don't know. I just met him." I said truthfully.

"But if you liked someone, you'd tell me?" she questioned again. Where is she going with this?

"Uhm.. I don't know, Jade. Why are you acting so weird? You're scaring me." it's true, she's really scaring me now. 

"I'm sorry." she sighed. "It's just, when I saw you with him, I realized something." she explained. I nodded, wanting her to go on.

"I realized that this agreement that we have, it maybe stopping you from doing something you really want." she said, fumbling her fingers.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Us pretending to date, means you can't go out with someone you really want to date. With someone you like for real." she as calmly as possible, but it's like there's sadness in it.

"I don't want you to get stuck with me. That's why I'm asking you, if you like that Alex guy. Because if you do..." she trailed off, finding interest with her shoes.

"Because if I do... what?" I demand her to continue.

"I can't continue doing this." a frown formed on my face. What? That's... no.

"Jade. I- I..." I don't know what to say. I don't even know what to feel. She's being so considerate of me, concerned of my feelings, and it made me feel so grateful. But also, it's making me feel sad, and I don't know why.

"Well?" she asked, finally looking at me.

"Jade, I don't like him. Like I said, I just met him." I said.

"But you seemed so close. You were dancing with him like you two were a couple." she countered.

"Really? I did?" I was surprised, I didn't knew that.

"Yeah, I saw your Snapchat video." Woah! Where can I find that video?

"I'm drunk Jade. Maybe it's the alcohol that was dancing, not me." I chuckled.

"I'm pretty sure it was you." she snickered and smiling now. Oh, thank God!

"I swear, I had no idea." I said in a fake shock and we both laughed.

"But seriously, you'll tell me if there's someone you like, yeah?" she asked.

"Yes, Jade. I will." I stated sincerely.

"Promise?" she smiled sweetly. 

"If it makes you feel better, then I promise." raising my right hand as a gesture.

"Good." she sighed.

We stayed there for a little longer, enjoying the fresh air, listening to the birds, watching the sky slowly turn dark. Until Jade said that we should head back. But I have a better idea.

"How about we go to this ice cream parlor just down the street?" I suggested.

"Yeah, I like that." she said, her face lit up like light bulbs on Christmas.

"Alright then, let's go." I said and stood up.

She smiled at me as she too stood up, then grabbed my hand and laced it with hers. Electricity flowed through my body at the contact, and I can feel goosebumps on my back. As we started to walk, she looked at me over her shoulder and gave me that genuine smile of hers that can light up the whole town. And I just melted right there and then. Oh Jade! Stop being so cute!


Okaaaaaay, Jerrie is back!! I can't keep them apart any longer, so... 😇 Now we're done with the drama, I think you know what's next. Right? haha!😈🙊 Please leave a comment, and vote if you liked this chapter.
Thank you guys so much for all the reads and votes! Really means a lot to me, I'm glad you liked this story.💋💋💋

- R xx

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