Chapter 26

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Jade's POV

Anyone who's ever eaten sushi, read manga, or sipped sake may feel like they already know something about this country. And yet, from the moment you arrived, it's almost as if you've touched down on another planet. Japan has so much to offer, from its ancient gods, customs and craftsmanship, to the cutting edge modern technology and futuristic fashions. Not to mention their confusing train systems, which I find amazing actually, and its unexpectedly beautiful landscapes, charmingly courteous people, and its tangible sense of history and cherished traditions. If I were given a chance to live here, I will definitely do. 

We spent our first few days touring around Tokyo. We went to catch a glimpse of traditional Japan through their temples, shrines and imperial gardens. The metropolis, which is the home to some of the world's most ambitious architecture, made us feel like we traveled to the future. Then of course, the shopping centers. We went to this building called Yodobashi, which contains everything! From toys, to the latest gadgets and the cutest accessories. We even bought matching phone cases. And when we got to the fashion complex, oh boy! It's like we bought the whole place, not even bothered by carrying too many shopping bags. And let's not forget the food. Japanese cuisine is one of the best things about this trip, it fact, it's like the main event! We intentionally forget about our diets and just taste everything we can taste, we'll just spend more time at the gym when we get back.

For today, we planned to spend the whole day at the happiest place on Earth, Disneyland. With me and Perrie, of course we wouldn't miss the chance to go to this place and experience everything Disney. We decided to go early so we could stay longer. The girls wanted to experience the train system, so we rode a train from Tokyo station going to Maihama station. And as always, we have our security surrounding us, we can't prevent people from recognizing us and we don't want to get swamped. When we arrived, we waited by the gate as Leigh-Anne buy our tickets.

"Wow, you've broken the internet again." Jesy said out of the blue.

"What was it this time?" Perrie asked.

"Well, do you remember your little mushy-gushy act in the airport?" Jesy sneered. 

"Oh, that." the blonde chuckled, glancing at me. I can feel the heat creeping up my cheeks as I remember what happened. 

Actually, Perrie has been so clingy ever since we were at the airport. When we were strolling at the park or just walking around, she has her arms wrapped around mine like a koala. When we're at the shopping center, she was holding my hand like I'm a toddler who might get lost in the sea of people. Not that I'm complaining, it's just weird. I don't know if they were still for a show or not. But like I said, I will try not to overthink things and just enjoy every moment with her. That's why I just let her drag me with her where ever she wants. She's so cute when she's excited. Even just a flower hanging on a tree or a butterfly flying around, her face would lit up with a smile and twinkle in her eyes. She's just so adorable.

"Hey guys, I've got the tickets!" Leigh-Anne cheered as she came back from the ticketing booth.

"Alright then, let's go!" I yelled and we all cheered.


The whole day has been amazing, although a bit tiring, but that didn't matter since we're enjoying. The four of us brought out our inner child as soon as we entered the gates and then let everything happened. We rode most of the rides, not worried about the long lines since we have fast passes. Sang along with famous Disney songs as we walked around park or during the rides. There's this one moment during our ride in It's a Small World, where Leigh-Anne pretended to be Moana since we were riding a boat. It's so hilarious! Then we bought cotton candies, popcorn, large-sized drinks, or even candies that looked like Olaf. When we're inside the Disney castle, we all pretended like princesses. Perrie did reenacted Cinderella's run down the stairs and leaving her shoe along the way. Man, how I wish I could be her Princess Charming! Then we went to the souvenir shop and all of our eyes twinkle with delight at everything that is Disney. Me and Perrie bought a matching Frozen neck pillows, while Leigh and Jesy bought some Disney PJs.

Now we are waiting for the best show, the fireworks display. It's the most anticipated event of the night and the people are camped everywhere, hoping to have the best view of the show. We found a perfect spot where we can see the castle right in front of us. After a few minutes, the music started playing and then the fireworks lit the night sky. Ohhs and wows roared from the crowd as fireworks with different shapes, sizes and colors blew up in the sky. I've always loved fireworks, it makes me feel young again, and it never fails to amazed me.

I glanced at Perrie who was standing beside me. She has that genuine smile on her face, her dimple showing. Her small giggles, how her lips formed into an 'O' shape every time there's a huge blast, how she clapped her hands in amusement. She looked so happy. I looked at her eyes and then suddenly, I lost interest with the fireworks blowing up in front of me. They looked better in the reflection from her eyes. I got lost, like always, and I can feel a smile curving on my face. I know I'm staring like a creep, but I can't get my eyes off of her.

"It's so beautiful!" Perrie cooed.

"Yeah, it is." I replied. But I'm not talking about the fireworks. I'm referring to this angel beside me.

She must have felt my gaze and turned to face me. She gasped when she found me staring at her, her smile slowly fading. I wasn't ashamed that she caught me staring this time. Instead of looking away, I smiled more. Then she smiled again, at me. Suddenly, I moved my gaze from her ocean blue eyes to her heart-shaped lips. They are slightly parted and looked so soft. I can feel my heart pounding again and breath became ragged. Lost in the moment, I stepped closer to her and started to lean in. I was quite surprised when I saw her moving her face towards mine. We stopped, our lips centimeters apart, our breath mixing and our eyes met. I tried to find some hint of hesitation in her eyes, but I found none. Then we both closed the gap, four eyes closing. I can feel the fireworks exploding, but not from the show, it's inside of me. I felt her hands run up my arms and wrapping around my neck. My own arms snaked around her waist, pulling her, pressing her body against mine. Our lips moving in sync, in time with the music resonating around us. Forgetting where we are, we stayed like that for God knows how long. And I wish we could stay like this forever.

When we both run out of breath, we pulled away, foreheads pressed with each other. I kept my eyes closed for I while, relishing the moment. My heart kept pounding in my chest, my breathing was still hard, it's like I've run a marathon. Then I opened my eyes, and found her sweet smile. I smiled back at her. Suddenly, the music stopped and we realized that the show is over. But we didn't pull away, we stayed pressed against each other, smiling like idiots. People cheered and started clapping, showing their great appreciation of the fireworks display. After a while, we heard Leigh clearing her throat, which means that we have to go. We pulled away and I took her hand, intertwining it with mine, then followed Jesy and Leigh who started walking ahead of us, goofy smiles on their faces and glancing back at us.

As we walked towards the gates, I can't help but smile as I recall what just happened. We kissed again! And it felt so magical, like we're on a movie or something. I sighed as I looked at our hands. I silently wish that she'll let me hold her hand forever. Silently prayed that she'll let me stay with her for as long as she wants me to. Silently promised to accept whatever she's willing to give. And silently swear to protect her and keep her safe from anything or anyone that will try to harm or hurt her. Why am I saying this? Well, I guess it's obvious. I'm in love with Perrie Edwards!


Fluff, fluff, fluff...too much fluff. I'm slowly dying.🤒 I don't think I can continue writing this...I'm sorry.😢 HAHAHA Just kidding!😂 Did you like it? Please leave a comment, and vote if you liked this chapter.

Thank you guys so much for making this story reached 10K reads and 1K votes.🎉 I love you all so much! You have no idea how happy I am! Thank you!💋💋💋

- R xx

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