Chapter 11

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Jade's POV

What happened earlier outside the cafe was really intense. It felt like adrenaline took over my whole body and my heart was pounding so hard I thought it's gonna break my chest. It's not the paparazzi surrounding me that made me feel that way, I'm used to that. But it's the fact that I was with this beautiful blondie and I'm holding her hand through out that moment. Gosh! That was like two minutes and I'm already dying. How on Earth did I thought I'm gonna last?

I forced myself out of my reverie when the car came to a stop, we arrived at my office building. I opened the car door and got out, followed by Perrie. We waited for the others and when they arrived, we entered the building. Leigh-Anne led them straight to the conference room while I went to my office. After checking a few emails, I took the paperwork from my desk and went to the conference room. When I stepped inside, they were all chatting about the earlier events.

"Girls, you're all over Twitter!" Jesy exclaimed.

"Yeah, photos of you two getting out of the cafe 'holding hands' are breaking the internet." Leigh added.

"So it's working then." Paul cheered.

"I'm glad it is." I said with a smirk on my face, glancing at Perrie.

I sat on an empty chair and handed Paul the documents. Leigh-Anne gave them sign pens.

"What's this for?" Perrie asked.

"This is a contract. As Paul said earlier, I'll be your choreographer. So these stuff are necessary." I said matter of factly.

We signed the contract and Leigh-Anne collected them. I took them to a tour of the building since I want to show them the place. They were amazed by the architectural design of it, especially the spacious and well-lit dance studios. Then I led them to my favorite room in this building.

"You have you're own recording studio?!" Perrie asked in amazement. Man, she's so cute!

"Well, yeah. It's actually a dream of mine to have one." I chuckled.

"Wow!" she said as she roam around. I wish I could get a chance to record with you.

"So this is where you record your songs?" Jesy questioned.

"Yes. When I feel like I have something that I need to write down, I go here. When I want to be alone and just listen to music, I go here. This is my hideout when I need to escape from the crazy world of showbiz." I said.

"That's amazing." she replied.

We continued the tour and when we finished, they decided it's time to go. I insisted to drive them all home, but they refused. In the end, we've decided that Jesy and Paul will ride their car, while Perrie rides with me. Yes! We said our thank yous and goodbyes and then walked to the parking lot. I led Perrie to my car and she stopped.

"This is yours?" she asked, shocked.

"Yes, why?" I asked her confused.

"Is this one of those most expensive cars in the world?" she asked, still shocked at my Aston Martin One-77.

"Well, there are others that are definitely more expensive than this." I chuckled.

"But still expensive?" she continued.

"Fine. It's expensive, if that's what you want to here. And this is just one of the cars I own." I said with a smirk. I open the door to the passenger's side and let her in. Then I walked around to the driver's side.

"How many cars do you have?" she asked as soon as I got in.

"I lost count." I said cockily. She rolled her eyes.

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