Chapter 16

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Perrie's POV

Today we start our work on my third album. The management said that they plan to release it in few months time, and we need to finish the writing and recording as soon as possible, so we could have enough time for promotion. We just finished the meeting with the producers and we talked about what will be the concept of the album, what will be the contents, the name and some other stuff. I'm really excited for this album to be honest. I've done two albums before, but I have a different feeling for this one. It's like this album will be my biggest success so far, and I really hope for that. I also wanted for this album to be different from the first two. I want it to be, like all my feelings and thoughts to be expressed in this album through the songs. It's my album after all.

I am now at the studio in HQ with Jesy, flopped down on the couch, song book and a pen on hand. I'm trying to write something but at the moment my mind is...blank. I don't know why, I just said I'm excited for this album, yet I can't even write down a word. I have the motivation but I guess I lack inspiration. It's like I don't know where to start. There's so much going on right now and my mind seems to be everywhere. I grunted in frustration as it's been an hour since we got here and still I've got nothing. Jesy must have noticed as she sat on the couch next to me.

"Hey, are you alright?" she asked, concern evident in her eyes.

"It's just.. ugh! I don't know Jes. I've got nothing." I whined, hands pulling my hair out.

"Don't force yourself Pez. It'll come." she cooed at me.

"With everything that is happening, the pressure and all, my mind is a mess right now." I said, still frustrated.

"You know what? Let's take a break. Maybe you just need some food in your system. It's lunch time anyway." she suggested, knowing that food will cheer me up.

"I guess you're right. You know me too well!" I smiled at her and placed my song book on the coffee table.

We stood up and made our way to the pantry, Jes carrying the paper bag with our food. We settled down on a small dining table and she laid out our lunch. We talked about random things while we eat, she even informed me that the latest sightings of Jade and I have broken the internet again, which didn't surprise me anymore. Every time I visit my Twitter or Instagram, all I see is Jade and I together. Which made me realized what Jade said to me before, 'You'll get used to it' and she's right, I'm getting used to it by now. After we're done with our lunch, Jesy picked up the used items and threw them to the trash bin. Then I remembered something that I've been wanting to ask her.

"Jesy, can I ask you something?"

"Sure babe, shoot!" she replied as she sits down her chair.

"The night we went out clubbing, how did I got home?" I asked her.

"You don't remember, do you?" she said with a smirk.

"No, I don't remember a damn thing!" I exclaimed and then she laughs at me.

"Oh well, I'm a bit drunk myself. But you girl, you're wasted!" she can't stop laughing now.

"Can you just answer my question?" I snapped at her.

"I'm sorry. It's Jade." she stated as her laugh die down.

"What?" I looked at her in disbelief.

"It's Jade. She stayed sober that night since she have to drive you home. So yeah, Jade brought you back to your flat." she explained.

"Oh.." is all I could say. Oh my God!  

"Why did you got drunk that much Pez?" it's now her turn to question me.

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