Chapter 30

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Jade's POV

I was awaken by a shiver running down my back and I reflexively tug the covers over my naked body. Wait! Why am I naked? I looked down at my naked body, confused. Then suddenly, everything that happened from the night before flashed to my mind. A smile slowly crept up my face when I remembered having Perrie underneath me.Gosh, she's the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. Having her with me in that intimate, passionate love making, is the best thing that ever happened to me. I never felt so happy, and she made me feel feelings that I never had before. I can feel the butterfly in my stomach and my cheeks starting to heat up, smiling like an idiot as I continue remembering that precious moment.

I turned around on my bed only to find an empty space, I cocked my head up and looked around. Where is she? I immediately stood up, picking up my t-shirt from last night and my panties from the floor, wearing them as I sauntered to the bathroom. After finishing my morning rituals as quick as possible, I went to the living room. Empty. Then walk in to the kitchen. Empty. Realization is slowly hitting me. I went back to the living room and sat down on the couch. Hands on my face, I let out a sigh. She's not here. She's gone. She left. 

I feel tears starting to leak out of my eyes as I think of all possible reasons she might have to leave me alone after the night we have had. Maybe she just have to go to work early. Maybe she didn't want to disturb me in my slumber. Thoughts came flooding my mind. But there's this one thought that lingers in the back of my mind that I'm trying to ignore. Maybe she thinks that was a mistake. Maybe it was just a drunken mistake. Maybe that was just the alcohol acting. I close my eyes, finally letting the tears to fall down. That can't be the reason. God, please, no. I don't think I can handle it.


It's been three days, and I haven't heard from Perrie. I wanted to go visit her at work, but I know she's busy finishing up her album. I tried to call her, but she don't answer. I send her messages, but I got no reply. Maybe she just need a little space. Besides, there's a party tonight to celebrate Paul's birthday. Only a few people were invited, including me. I'm sure Perrie will be there. I should talk to her, only if she'll let me. I need to know why she left, why she's not answering my calls or responding to my messages. I need to know if that night meant something to her like it meant for me. I need to know if she feels the same way.

I arrived at the party, which is in a house with a pool, I guessed they rented this place. As I entered, faint sound of music and people's chattering filled my ears. I saw Paul, and walked over to him. I greeted him and hand him a bottle of champagne as a present. He took it and thank me. I looked around, Jesy is here, the dancers and the crew are here. Some management people and some others that I never seen before, maybe Paul's friends and family. Jesy came up to me to greet me and I greeted her back. She dragged me into a small bar and started to prepare me a drink. I keep looking around, trying to find a certain blonde. Where is she? 

"Here you go." Jesy said as she handed me a vodka.

"Thanks Jes. Uhm, is Perrie here?" I looked at her expectantly. 

"Yeah, she is. I think she's by the pool." she shrugged and went back with the crew who were playing cards in the living room.

I took a sip of my vodka, trying to build up my courage to finally talk to her. When I'm done with my drink, I went out to the pool at the back of the house. Music blasted from the speakers, but not to loud to drown out the chattering and bantering of people. I looked around and there I saw my blondie. She looked so gorgeous, as always, a drink in hand and dancing to the music.

I made my way through the crowd and walked towards her. But then, I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw she's dancing with someone. Alex. They were so close with each other, and I wonder if we looked like that when she was dancing with me. What the hell is he doing here? Who invited him? I can feel my heart pounding so hard in my chest and my hands in tight fist, I sure my knuckles are white. What the fuck is Perrie doing? And why is she dancing with that prick? And as if my feet have a mind of their own, I started walking towards them. Anger, jealousy, confusion, sadness, so many emotions, all at once.

As I get closer, I noticed Perrie has her eyes close, enjoying the beat of the music. While the prick behind her has a huge smirk on his face, hands on my girl's hips, their bodies grinding. I have the urge to look away as this sight is too much for me to handle. I can't see the person that I love in someone else's arms. My chest tightened and my eyes starting to water. But I can't keep my eyes off of them. Then suddenly, Alex's hand slowly moved down to Perrie's thigh. And that's it, rage took over my body and flung myself to them.

"What the fuck, dude?" I yelled as I pushed Alex away from Perrie.

I pulled Perrie behind me, her eyes wide open, shock visible in her face. Alex looked surprise too, but the smirk did not leave his face.

"Hello, Jade." he said, smiling at me. What the hell?

"What do you think your doing?" I asked, glowering at him.

"Uh, dancing with her. Wanna join?" he chuckled and starting to walk towards Perrie who's now beside me.

"Hey, back off, man!" I hissed as I stepped between them and pushed him back.

People are now staring at us, finding interest at the scene. I saw Jesy and Paul running towards us, but I couldn't care less.

"What's going on here?" Paul asked, but I ignored him.

"Oh come on, Jade." Alex reached out to pull Perrie by the her arms. I swatted his hand away.

"Don't you dare touch my girlfriend, you prick!" I shouted.

"Jade, stop..." I heard Perrie mumble from behind me. Alex scoffed.

"You find this funny?" I mocked at him, shooting daggers with my eyes.

"Jade, please..." Perrie said, voice now stern.

"What, Perrie? This guys has his hands all over you, and you're letting him? What's wrong with you?" I scowled at her and looked back at Alex who was still smirking.

"Please stop, Jade." she said again.

"Yeah Jade, we're having a good time here. Come on!" he butted in and then I literally threw myself at him. Punching him square on the face, causing him to fall back down the floor.

I felt Jesy held me by the shoulders while Paul hold down Alex, stopping him from launching back at me. I was furious, mad at him. Who does he think he is?

"Back off, man! If you try to touch my girlfriend again, I swear that's not the only thing you'll get." I warned him.

"Jade, stop!" Perrie now yelled at me.

I looked at her, there's sadness in her eyes, but mainly it was coldness and fury. I was about to say something, but she cut me off. And what she said next made my heart shatter into million pieces.

"You're not my girlfriend!"


I'm sorry, it took me a while to update. Please leave a comment, and vote if you liked this chapter. Thanks loves!

- R xx

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