Reuniting for a Regional Defense

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"Did you protect the Space Center?" I asked Steven firmly.
"Yes of course. I received help from other young trainers. However they still managed to locate Groudon..." Steven stated worriedly. I growled, frustration overwhelming as I realized the possible outcomes of our situation.
"There's no way.... no way am I going to let them awaken Groudon!!" I exclaimed combatively, earning a stunned look from everyone. "Everyone, I have a plan! Sapphire, Emerald, you two go find out where Kyogre and Team Aqua are before they awaken it. "Steven, can you warn all the Gym Leaders that there's a situation? We're going to need all the help we can get." I stated firmly.
"Wait, what do you plan on doing?" Steven asked hesitantly. I locked my gaze with his firmly, unwavering determination filling me as we stared at each other.
"I'm, no, we are going to stop Team Aqua and Team Magma. We can't let history repeat itself like those people on Mt. Pyre said. We won't let that happen!" I exclaimed readily. "Come on, Leaf! You're coming with me!" Leaf nodded quickly, rushing to my side as I prepared to turn and run.
"Ruby!!" Sapphire called, causing me to freeze and turn to face her. "Be careful, okay? I promise... I know I'm no the strongest trainer here, but I'll do everything I can to stop Team Aqua. So please, do the same to Team Magma." Sapphire stated pleadingly, though her eyes showed a strong sense of justice.
"Yeah. Remember, we've got each other's backs." Emerald stated proudly, gently hitting her chest once with her fist. I nodded in response, signalling Leaf to follow as I began to sprint off towards the edge of town. Team Magma was heading to Mt. Chimney to awaken Groudon, but as long as we're around, Groudon shall remain in its slumber. This must be it... what Professor Birch and Fire were telling us we were destined to do.
"Hey, Ruby!" Leaf called, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I want you to know that through everythin' that's happened and whatever is gonna happen, I've always got your back." Leaf stated warmly, a grin full of determination on his face.
"Yeah... and I've always got yours. So let's go find Team Magma!" I exclaimed readily.

(Fire's POV)

After just recovering from the deafening sound and the small earthquake, I glanced around, curious and terrified to find out what could cause such an awful combination. I held onto the metal railing outside the Mossdeep Space Center, trying to keep my balance after the scare I just experienced.
"Are you okay, Fire?" Silver asked worriedly. I ignored him for a moment as I heard familiar voices off in the distance. My eyes caught sight of an all too familiar white haired trainer running out of town.
"Ruby!!" I called out, taking a step forward to run after him, only to be stopped by a hand grasping my wrist.
"Wait, Fire!! We don't know what's going on, it could be dangerous." Red stated warily, keeping his grip tight around my wrist. I turned to face him with a sharp look, my hands balling into fists in the process. I know Red's just looking out for me, he's always doing things to protect me and the people he loves, but there are times when you just have to take actions.
"Red, I have to help Ruby. He's our friend, and he's a Hero just like us." I stated firmly, earning a slightly stunned look from Red response. Green placed a hand on Red's shoulder reassuringly, earning the attention of my raven haired brother.
"Come on, Red. Do you really expect any of us to sit this one out?" Green asked teasingly. Red sighed, but nodded, loosening his grip on my wrist.
"Fine... let's go help them out." Red stated firmly, earning a grin from me in response.
"Then let's hurry!" Gold called, rushing ahead of us.

(Ruby's POV)

"Alright Flygon, come on out!" I called out.
"Swellow, you too!" Leaf called as well, both of us releasing our Flying type Pokémon.
"Ruby!! Hey, Ruby!" I heard a voice yell out from behind me. Taken by surprise, I turned around to see who it was. My eyes widened upon seeing Fire, Gold, Silver, and Crystal, along with Red, Green, and who I assumed to be Blue and Yellow, running to catch up to us.
"Fire!" I exclaimed as they came to a stop before us.
"What're you doin' here?" Leaf asked in shock, staring wide eyed at the raven haired Champion.
"We're all here to help you!" Gold exclaimed readily.
"That's right, we were just fighting off Team Magma from the Space Center." Green reflected.
"So it was you who sent them running..." I murmured, but shook the thought out of my head to remain focused, "We've got to move. We don't have much time." I stated firmly.
"Hold on, I think we should split up a bit. We'll draw a lot of attention if we storm Team Magma all together." Green suggested.
"Agreed. Sapphire and Emerald are going after Team Aqua. Green, Blue, Gold, and Silver, I think you guys should go with them. Fire, Red, Crys, Yellow, you guys can come with Leaf and I to stop Team Magma.
Everyone nodded in agreement, releasing each of their Flying type Pokémon. I called Sapphire on my Pokénav to let her know that half of both the Heroes of Kanto and Johto would be heading her way to help them, afterwards hopping on Flygon and ordering him to head for Mt. Chimney.
Being carried by the strong flyers, we began to head towards Mt. Chimney quickly, only taking us about ten minutes to get in landing distance of our destination.
Thank goodness for Flying Pokémon.
I jumped off of Flygon's back, staring up from at Mt. Chimney from the base of it, where we had landed. Fire landed beside me, petting her Togetic lovingly before returning it to its Pokéball.
"How do we know where Team Magma's base is?" Leaf asked as we began to trudge up the rugged mountain side. I pulled out the Magma Emblem the old couple on Mt. Pyre gave me and held it out for them to see.
"I think this may give us a hint." I stated calmly, earning a curious look from everyone in response. Fire made her way to my side with a look of regret on her face.
"I'm sorry, Ruby.... I never thought the next time I saw you that we'd be in the middle of what could end up being a calamity." Fire murmured regretfully, matching the look in er eyes that would pain anyone who saw it.
"Don't worry about it. Right now I'm gonna need you to really help out this first time Hero." I stated reassuringly, glancing back at the older trainer with a small smile. Fire looked up at me curiously, seemingly taken aback by my words.
"Hey, look at that. Doesn't that rock wall look kind of.... weird to you guys?" Crys asked, pointing at the wall before us.
"It does seem pretty out of place... Ruby, right? Why don't you try that emblem you had?" Red suggested. I took a step forward, pulling the Magma Emblem out of my pocket and taking a quick look at it before holding it out towards the strange rock wall. The rock began to rumble and eventually fall apart, revealing a pathway behind it.
"Huh.... will ya look at that?" Leaf stated with a dumbfounded tone.
"I think we should get moving before it's too late." Yellow stated softly. Just as the blonde haired girl spoke up, my eyes went wide in shock and the flash of red and ear splitting cry that I remembered all too well returned for a moment. I groaned in pain in shock, holding my head in my hands as I stumbled a bit. Leaf and Fire quickly rushed to my side to keep me up, my eyes narrowing in pain as I helped force myself to stand.
"T-too late for that... They found Groudon's resting place." I stated shakily, glaring into the tunnel as I spoke. Everyone gasped in shock, jolting their gaze into the tunnel as well.
Groudon and Kyogre's resting places have been found. Meaning if we don't do something fast, all of Hoenn will experience a calamity there's no turning back from.

I can only hope we'll be able to stop it in time with the help of the Heroes of Johto and Kanto.

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