A Burning Passion

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(Ruby's POV)

"Wrap it up, Manectric! Use Thunder Fang!!" I commanded loudly. Manectric bit down on Sableye's arm, electricity sparking from its teeth and zapping Sableye harshly. Sableye fell forward, exhausted from its battle and no longer able to battle. Manectric stood proudly above it, knowing he had won me my second victory. "Yes!! Great job, Manectric!! Come here, buddy!" I called out, dropping to my knees and hugging Manectric close as he ran into my arms. Mightyena and Milotic were soon to follow, seeing as how they won the two double battles between Phoebe's Banettes and Dusclops.
"Bummer, looks like I lost..." Phoebe sighed softly as she returned her Sableye, silently watching me from a distance afterwards.
"You all did great, Yoru, Mei, and... Nick." I stated softly, addressing each of my Pokémon by a new nickname. Mightyena grinned in response to the name I gave it, Yoru, as did Milotic, Mei, and Manectric, Nick. I returned them all to their respective Pokéballs before getting up and turning my attention to Phoebe. She smiled softly at me, letting out a slight sigh as she made her way closer to me.
"There's definitely a bond between you and your Pokémon, too. I didn't recognize that fact, so it's only natural that I lost." Phoebe stated calmly, confessing her mistake modestly.
"Phoebe..." I murmured softly, the only response being a light chuckle from her.
"Yup, I'd like to see how far your bond will carry you. Go ahead. Move to the next room. Your next challenge awaits." Phoebe stated cheerfully, motioning me to the door behind her.
"R-right! Thanks for battling me, it was fun! See ya, Phoebe!" I called back as I made a beeline for said door.
"Bye-bye!!" Phoebe called back with a big grin on her face as she waved me off. Gabby and Ty were sure to follow as I made my way up the stairs, and I could tell by the look in Gabby's eyes that she was beginning to think that I'd have a chance of winning the whole thing.
I know I believe that for sure, so at least there's a glint of hope in her eyes too.
When I reached the next door, I once again placed my hand on the handle, only to swiftly pull away.
"J-jeez!! The handle is freezing!! I gasped, holding my hand tightly in an attempt to warm it. Hesitantly reaching back out, I yanked the door open, a gust of cold air swiftly surrounding me. Shuttering, I instinctively raised my hands to my arms, my teeth clattering as I forced myself to enter the room. To my surprise, the battlefield was made of ice, the light blue walls of the room reflecting on the clear battleground. "Well, I guess you don't have to tell me what kind of Pokémon you train." I stated jokingly as I locked eyes with the woman who would be next in line for me to battle.
"Ruby of Littleroot Town. I have been waiting for you. I am Glacia of the Elite Four. I came to the Hoenn region to hone my skills, but I have only ever had weak challengers come to face me. I wonder... what about you? It would pleas me to no end if I could give my all against you." Glacia stated calmly as she plucked out two Pokéballs. I smirked, plucking out my own pair of Pokéballs​ as I did so.
"I'd be disappointed if you didn't. Besides, doesn't me coming this far tell you something?" I asked.
"Oh? What would that be?" Glacia asked curiously.
"I've beaten half of the Elite Four. I'm no push over." I stated confidently as I tossed my Pokéballs​ to reveal my enthusiastic Flygon and we'll composed Blaziken. Glacia laughed in response, smirking at me afterwards.
"I love the way you say that as you pit a Dragon Pokémon against an Ice type Pokémon trainer." Glacia stated teasingly as she released her first two Pokémon, a pair of Glalie.
"Type isn't everything. I can even prove that to you. Go, Blaziken, Flygon, double Flamethrower!!" I commanded.
"Ice Beam." Glacia deadpanned. Lucky for me, our two Flamethrowers overpowered Glacia's Ice Beams, making for an easy, super effective attack. Glacia's​ eyes widened​ for a moment, taken aback by the strength of my Blaziken and Flygon. I smirk in response as my partners retook their battle stances, being sure to lock eyes with Glacia.
"What's the matter? Can't take the heat?" I asked teasingly, earning a smirk from Glacia in response.
"Your flames are burning out. Let me show you just how cold hearted my battling style can be. Glalie, Protect and Explosion!!" Glacia commanded. I gritted my teeth and hid my face as her Glalie caused an explosion with its attack, and when I finally looked up, one of the Glalie had fainted.
"What the...?" I muttered, looking up to see the bruises and burn marks on Blaziken and Flygon. "Are you two alright?!" I gasped, reaching a hand out to my partners in concern. Blaziken and Flygon turned to face me, determination in their eyes as they signaled they were good to go with a nod of their heads. Hesitantly, I put my arm down and soon smiled, nodding back in agreement as I retook my own battle stance. "Alright then, let's keep it moving! Blaziken, use Blaze Kick and Flygon, use Flamethrower!!" I ordered swiftly.
"Now this is what I call a battle! Go, Sealeo!! Double Ice Beam!!" Glacia commanded.

(Norman's POV)

I sat in silence in my room in the Gym, listening to my own son's Pokémon League challenge on TV. He had beaten half of the Elite Four already, he's now currently battling with Glacia, the second strongest of the Elite Four. I never acknowledged Ruby's strength when he was a little boy, but now that he's growing up, I can see it clearly. He has just what it takes to rise to any challenge he's pit against, which makes me proud to call him my son. That flame in his eyes.... if that flame continues to burn, he'll never lose his way. That's what I believe. I was never the greatest father to Ruby. I didn't love him the way a father should. I never played a game of catch with him or taught him everything I know about Pokémon. I can't even recall ever giving him a word off wisdom in my life. Regardless, I want to change that now. I want to be behind him every step of the way, cheering him on to every victory and comforting him through every loss, just as a father should. I'm sure his mother wants to make up for lost time too. I think we finally learned that absence really does make the heart grow fonder.
"Excuse me? Mr. Norman? I'm here to challenge you for my Balance Badge." a young boy called as he entered the room. I turned to face him, quickly glancing back up at the TV before nodding to the boy and plucking out a Pokéball. As I took my place on the battlefield, I looked back out of the corner of my eye to the screen one last time.

Go get 'em, son. I'm rooting for you this time, so see this through to the end.

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