A Strength Like No Other

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(Ruby's POV)

"Blaziken, Sky Uppercut!!" I commanded.
"Walrein, Blizzard!" Glacia ordered. Walrein tried to push Blaziken away with its Blizzard attack, but Blaziken forced it's way through, eventually getting in close enough to land a Sky Uppercut powerful enough to stop the Blizzard.
"Now use Slash!!" I ordered. Blaziken wasted no time in slashing out with its sharp claws, causing Walrein to flinch and back away. We had already defeated her two Glalie and Sealeo, now all that's left was her Walrein. Though it was a really defensive Pokémon, Blaziken put all its strength into its attacks, quickly chipping away at Walrein's energy.
This battle is ours.
"Walrein, Sheer Cold!!" Glacia commanded.
"Don't give them the chance!! Wrap this up with Blaze Kick!!" I cried out. Blaziken ducked down, swinging its leg that was surrounded by its flames around and right into Walrein's face. Walrein cried out in pain, eventually giving in after a slight struggle and fainting right in the center of the battlefield. I smiled proudly, panting harshly from the loss of energy after three battles in a row. I glanced back at Gabby and Ty with a grin when I heard Ty let out a whistle in surprise.
Looks like I got someone's attention.
"You and your Pokémon... how hot your spirits burn! The all-consuming heat overwhelms. It's no surprise that my icy skills failed to harm you." Glacia stated passionately.
"Th-thanks... we're no Red or Fire, but Blaziken and I have been together for quite some time." I stated casually.
"Are you alright? You look kind of red." Glacia pointed out.
"Y-yep. Th-that's just the c-cold slowly trying to kill me." I stuttered as I kept a shaky smile on my face. Glacia quickly grabbed a fluffy light blue blanket off of the chair from the far side of the room and handed it to me without hesitation. I nodded gratefully, quickly throwing it over my back and hugging myself with it. With a light sigh of contentment, I smiled genuinely back up at Glacia, who returned the look kindly. "I actually can't believe that I've made it this far. To think that I have two more battles left to decide if I can become Champion of Hoenn... It's a dream come true." I stated breathlessly.
"Say, Ruby! If I may ask a question to all the live viewers out there, who helped you make it this far?" Gabby asked eagerly, Ty grinning as he held the camera up close in anticipation. I stared blankly for a moment before smiling cheerfully at them.
"Well... I'd have to say that it was everyone I met along the way. Sapphire, Emerald, Leaf, the Gym Leaders, and even my senior Heroes. They all were there to help me along the way. So to everyone that I may or may not have mentioned that's helped me along the way, if you're watching this, thank you for all you've done for me." I stated warmly. Gabby brought her microphone away from me and nodded to Ty as he turned to face her.
"You heard it from Ruby himself, folks! Now let's all cheer him to victory!" Gabby exclaimed cheerfully. I smiled at them a they continued their news report off to the side, giving me a moment to say farewell for now to Glacia.
"Thanks for having a battle with me, Glacia." I stated casually, causing her to shake her head modestly.
"Not at all. After all, it's my job to take challengers and govern the region with my fellow Elite Four members and our Champion." Glacia stated in a matter of fact.
"True, true. Thank you too, Blaziken, Flygon. This wouldn't have been possible without you." said Pokémon nodded softly in response, soft looks in their eyes as they smiled shyly at the praise they received.
"Go now. Advance to the next room. And there, confirm the truly fearsome side of the Pokémon League." Glacia ordered calmly, making me feel slightly nervous at her choice of words.
"Y-yeah. Come on... Ace, Gaius. Let's go win this next battle." I called out calmly to Blaziken and Flygon. Blaziken, now newly nicknamed Ace, and Flygon, now nicknamed Gaius, gladly followed along, Flygon zipping over my head and to the door behind Glacia.
Right, I forgot that Dragon types hate the cold.
"Oh, um, Glacia? Thanks for the blanket, but I won't be needing it in the next room. I'm all fired up anyway." I stated cheerfully as I handed the Elite Four member back her blanket.
"Good luck." Glacia stated softly as she waved goodbye to me.
"Yeah thanks. Hey, Gabby, Ty! You guys gonna come do your job?!" I called teasingly as I raced to the door.
"Yes siree​!! Come on, Ty! We've got one heck of a scoop on our hands today! Probably just as big as the events in Johto two years ago!" Gabby exclaimed with excitement as she chased after me.
"That's so incomparable, but whatever..." Ty sighed out, an obvious smile on his face even so. I grinned back at them as I began to race up the next flight of stairs after returning Ace to his Pokéball to preserve his energy. Gabby and Ty were a pretty odd pair of news reporters, but they were pretty cool nonetheless. I kinda wish I could chat with them more.

(Green's POV)

Fire let out a low, long groaning sound as she narrowed her eyes at the TV screen.
"THAT'S the pair of news reporters that were following me around in secrecy!! They're so lucky I'm not there right now to confront them for their creepiness!! That's creepy, creepy, creepy, creepy, creepy, creepy, creepy, creepy!!!" Fire squealed as she flailed her limbs around aimlessly, her eyes tightly shut as she spoke.
"...Are you done?" I deadpanned after a few minutes of her gibberish squealing. Fire moaned out unhappily, causing me to place my chin on my hand as I rested my arm on my knee, watching her continue her little fit with a smirk on my face. "I'll take that as a no." I stated bluntly. Silver let out a sigh, knowing just as well as I that this was gonna be a while.

(Ruby's POV)

Now when I reached the door to the second to last battlefield, when I put my hand on the handle, something different happened. I felt a sharp pain, as if an overwhelming amount of power just course through my body. Quickly retracting my hand, I panted hard, staring wide-eyed at my gloved palm as I did so.
"What in the world...?" I muttered to myself, glancing from my hand to the door repeatedly. With a heavy sigh, I grabbed the handle once again with both hands this time, wincing from the feeling as I yanked it open. I gasped as I stumbled forward into the room, a man at the opposite end of the battlefield casually turning to face me. "Gah!! Man!! What the heck was that?! What's with your door, dude?!" I exclaimed in utter shock as I ran my fingers through my hair, completely stressed out by what just happened.
"....You must be Ruby. I've been waiting for you to show up. I am the last of the Elite Four, Drake the Dragon master!" the man introduced himself calmly.
"Your door is trying to kill me."
"Shouldn't you, I don't know, fix that?"
"Oh, I can't. That's just the power of my Dragon Pokémon reaching you. I can't do anything about that." Drake stated casually. I almost choked on my own shock in that moment.
"Isn't that like.... dangerous?" I asked shakily.
"Probably." Drake deadpanned. I groaned in response, turning to face Gabby and Ty, who merely shrugged and shook their heads in response. Drake suddenly laughed for about thirty seconds before his eyes turned sharp and serious, causing me to flinch.
"Now then, what do you say we get serious and start this battle?" Drake asked with a much sharper tone.
"Y-yeah, right away!!" I stated swiftly, my words almost all in one.
Something told me that this man means serious business when it comes to battle.

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