Wally's Final Stand

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Wally and I showed an excellent battle for the viewing trainers. My Flygon overcame the power of his Altaria, though they were a force to be reckoned with for sure. I had to praise Wally mentally for managing a draw between his Roselia and my Milotic, which was a tight match at the least. Now all that was left was our third match, Wally's Gallade and my ace in the hole, Blaziken. Our final match up was lasting quite a while, Blaziken holding its own for me with all he could muster. Gallade appeared to be some type of Psychic and Fighting type, much like Meditite and its evolution, which only made it harder on Blaziken and I. Avoiding Psychic attacks and striking back all at once isn't exactly the easiest way to battle, but it seemed to be our only option.
Blaziken and I stood almost right beside each other, panting an exhaustion from our battle that seemed to last an eternity. It seemed that our 'hit and run' tactic wasn't working as well as we'd like, but then again, Blaziken and I have always been straight forward attackers. It's what makes us a team, our power unleashed to the max with a powerful attack that came from our hearts. Though it wasn't exactly best suiting for us in battle, I think Blaziken and I both know that it's what we've got at the moment, and shifting our strategy is always a good way to confuse the enemy when used to our advantage. We just have to figure out how to do that.
"Gallade, Psycho Cut!!" Wally ordered, snapping me out of my thoughts easily.
"Blaziken, dodge that!!" I called out, Blaziken barely managing to leap out of the way in response. Exchanging glance, Blaziken and I gave each other a nod in confirmation, turning to face Wally and Gallade with a new fire in our eyes. "Alright, Wally. We're through playing around. It's time we give it our all in all! Blaziken, Flamethrower!!" I commanded. Gallade attempted to block the attack with its arms, but it didn't stop it from taking the damage. Though both Blaziken and Gallade were exhausted from both giving and dodging attacks, if we did this just right, we could work that in our favor by putting our full out strength on the line. It's obviously risky, if Wally saw through it he could easily end the match right then and there, but I'm willing to give it a shot.
I believe in you.... Blaziken.
"Gallade, hang in there! Use Slash!!" Wally cried out.
"No way are we gonna slip up... no, not here! Blaziken, let's show 'em how tough we truly are! Sky Uppercut!!" I commanded. Blaziken brightened the flames on its wrists as it let out a battle cry, knocking Gallade right on its back with a powerful upward punch. "Yes!! Now, show them your Slash attack!" I ordered. As Gallade struggled to its feet, Blaziken slashed at it with sharp claws, keeping it from regaining balance.
"No! Gallade, come on! You can do this! Close Combat, go!!" Wally ordered. Gallade's eyes flashed into a more alert gaze as it forced itself up and shot forward, suddenly launching lightning fast punches and kicks without warning. Blaziken cried out as he tried to back away, unable to escape the powerful attack.
"N-no...! Blaziken.... Blaziken, come on!! We're one step away from our dream, we can't lose here! Show me... show everyone... show us your power!!" I cried out pleadingly. I watched Blaziken's eyes flash just as Gallade's did, my partner suddenly grasping both Gallade's arms in its claws firmly and trapping it in a wrestle for freedom.
"Wh-what?!" Wally gasped.
"That's the way! Blaziken and I battled together for the very first time to do the one thing we were born to do, protect others. Now we're fighting here to protect the dream we built together from being taken away. That's just it though.... we've come to far to let it all slip away. Blaziken and I will never surrender our dream! Not ever! We'll show you just how strong our bond is in the heart! Blaziken, use Overheat!!" I exclaimed combatively. Blaziken shot a blinding white and red flame from its mouth directly at Gallade while it was still in its grasp, causing it to cry out in pain. When the attack ended, Gallade, burned and beaten, fell to its knees and onto its face, no longer able to continue its fight.
The crowd of trainers cheered out in excitement, meanwhile all fell silent between Wally and I. We breathed heavily in exhaustion as Wally returned his defeated Gallade and I made my way to my own partner's side. I smiled proudly at Blaziken as I stood at his side, earning a soft nod in response from my dearest partner. Unlike Fire and the other Heroes, I'm not very... expressive about how much I love my Pokémon, but regardless, they seem to know. I can't say anyone else knows just how I feel like they do, which is as beautiful as it is scary. Seriously, if another person knew what I was thinking at all times, I'd be extremely concerned for my well-being.
"Well, Ruby... I have to congratulate you. You've grown so much stronger in such little time. At this rate I'll never be able to catch up with you." Wally stated with a chuckle as he approached me, trying to hide the sadness in his eyes.
"Don't say that, Wally. You've grown a lot stronger too. Heck, if I had whatever sickness you had back then, I don't think I'd ever have the strength to keep going. Strength comes from the heart, and though I haven't seen you very often, I can tell you've got a lot of it. You just keep training with Gallade and let your heart guide you the rest of the way." I advised warmly, earning a bright smile from Wally in response.
"Thank you.... I'll be sure to keep that in mind. I may not be a Hero like you, but I'm sure that one day I'll find something I can do to protect the things I love." Wally stated softly, breathing a sigh of contentment. I nodded in agreement, exchanging a glance with Blaziken afterwards.
"That's our Ruby!" I heard Leaf cheer out from the crowds of trainers. Turning to find him in the font of one of the groups of trainers, I waved slightly, chuckling as he waved back with much more enthusiasm. Leaf has been a great friend to me since the moment we met... I couldn't appreciate him being here for me every step of the way, just like Sapphire and Emerald. Now I'd have to repay them by doing the one thing I came here to do, take my stand as the new reigning Champion of Hoenn.

The thought of how far I've gone to get here brought the slightest hint of a smile to my face as I let the cheering voices echo in my ears.

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