A Man, In Time, He'll Be

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"Whiscash, use Surf!!" Wallace commanded. Whiscash swiftly followed the given order, sending a powerful wave crashing into Yoru. Yoru was knocked straight towards me, slamming into my chest roughly. I threw my arms around him, calling his name in fear of his well being. Yoru shot me a look, signaling me to drop him. I followed his wishes and let him go, allowing Yoru to get back on the battlefield. He snarled fiercely, ready to push on through anything that was thrown his way.
Our match against Whiscash has been going on for awhile, meaning it was definitely nearing its end. Whiscash and Yoru appeared equally matched, both Pokémon​ being able to easily dodge and strike back at each other without hesitation. Now it was a matter of who could get the final blow.
"You sure you're alright, Yoru?" I asked calmly, earning a firm nod from the Mightyena in response. "Okay then. Yoru, use Shadow Ball!!" I commanded. Yoru leaped into the air, shooting a ball of shadowy mist at Whiscash and dealing a descent amount of damage.
"I must admit, I didn't expect your Mightyena to hold out this long against my Whiscash. Pretty impressive, Ruby. Now then, Whiscash, let's wrap this up!! Ice Beam!!" Wallace ordered.
"Not on our watch you don't! Yoru, Take Down!!" I cried out. As Yoru sprinted forward with fangs bared in determination, Whiscash shot an Ice Beam at him, hitting his left foreleg and causing a layer of ice to form around his shoulder. However this didn't stop Yoru, much to Wallace's surprise. In fact, it only gave Yoru the determination to speed up, slamming directly into Whiscash mercilessly.
Whiscash flew into the wall behind Wallace, falling limp on the floor upon fainting. Wallace blinked in surprise, his lips gaped partly as he stared at his fainted Pokémon. "Nice job, Yoru! Y-Yoru...?" I called as I noticed Yoru stumbling in place. He soon fell to his side, too exhausted to push on in another match. "Yoru..." I murmured to myself, a quick flashback of when I first met Yoru going through my head as I gently lifted him into my arms. I held him closely as I gently stroked his soft black fur, recalling that even though Ace was the first Pokémon I've ever battled with, Yoru was the first I've ever caught, the first to join my team. "Thanks... for everything, Yoru. You truly are the best. Rest up now, buddy." I whispered to him as I pulled out his Pokéball and returned him to it, allowing the sleeping Mightyena to relax.
"Well, it looks like you've got the lead, two to three. " Wallace pointed out as I rose to my feet and retook my place on the battlefield.
"Yeah, but now's not the time to get overconfident. So let's not hold anything back." I suggested as I plucked out my next Pokéball.
"Agreed. Now then, Gyrados, Hydro Pump!!" Wallace commanded.
"Mei, use Hydro Pump too!!" I cried out as I released my Milotic for battle. Wallace and I watched as the two attacks collided, but much to my surprise, Gyrados' pulled through and hit Mei directly. "M-Mei!!" I gasped in shock, watching as she struggled to rise up.
"I'm surprised, I didn't remember that you of all people had a Milotic. She looks well raised... I'm happy to say that you're doing well taking care of such a magnificent Pokémon." Wallace stated in an attempt to complement me, even though it sounded more like he was trying to say I wasn't good enough to train a Milotic.
"Thanks, I guess. But Mei and I aren't​ letting your complements soften us up, we've got a battle to win after all! Come on, Mei, let's show him! Use Ice Beam!!" I commanded.
"Gyrados, use Ice Beam as well!!" Wallace ordered. Once again, Gyrados overpowered Mei, his attacking freezing her tail to the ground instantly.
"Alright, no problem. Mei, use Aqua Tail!!" I commanded as the idea came to mind. Water surrounded Mei's tail and blasted the ice away as she swung the tornado of water at Gyrados, knocking it to the ground harshly.
"Not bad. Now then, Gyrados, let's show him what we have to offer! Use Hyper Beam!!" Wallace ordered.
"Mei, Hyper Beam, give it everything you've got!!" I cried out. The collision of Hyper Beams caused a large, blinding blast, causing Wallace and I to shield our eyes. When I could finally open my eyes again, I gasped at the sight of Mei passed out on the battlefield as Gyrados slowly rose back up. "Mei..." I murmured as I made my way to her side, gently placing a hand on her cheek as I kneeled beside her. "Don't worry, we'll beat him. I know how strong you are, so it doesn't matter if you lose a battle, it's my fault after all. You just take a rest now, okay?" I whispered softly as I returned Mei to her Pokéball.
"Looks like we're even now, wouldn't you say?" Wallace asked with a soft grin.
"Not for long, Wallace. That Champion title is mine. And Gaius here will close this victory for me! Use Dragon Pulse!!" I commanded as I released my Flygon. Gaius flew backwards as he launched his attack, landing a direct hit on Gyrados. "Great, now use Rock Slide!!" I called out, Gaius being swift to create​ about four sky blue portals and dropping large boulders on Gyrados from them.
"Gyrados, use Hydro Pump to blast the rocks at Flygon!" Wallace ordered. Gyrados shot a Hydro Pump from its mouth, pushing the boulders towards Gaius to counter.
"Gaius, knock 'em back with Dragon Tail!!" I commanded, smirking as Gaius' tail glowed a bright blue and he swung it in a circular motion, hitting the boulders back towards Gyrados and hitting it dead on. "Wrap it up Gaius! Flamethrower!!" I ordered. Gaius, who has always been swift to follow orders, instantly flew above Gyrados and blasted it with a heated Flamethrower, causing Gyrados to fall to the ground and faint from the damage of the continuous attacks. Wallace stood dumbfounded for a moment, eventually chuckling through his shut lips.
"You really are something else, huh? I have to admit, I couldn't​ keep up with your back to back attacks. Well done, Ruby. But...." Wallace paused as he plucked out his last Pokéball and tossed it into the air, catching it effortlessly as he smirked at me, "This is my last Pokémon, and I have a lot of faith in my last partner. Don't think this will be easy, my young heir." Wallace stated teasingly, though the warning was still hinted in his eyes. Now it was my turn to be dumbfounded. Wallace seemed to be warning me of his partner, and yet he called me his heir?
Could Wallace really think that I'm going to win...?
With a growing determination, I got into a battle stance, exchanging a quick glance with Gaius as he landed beside me.
"Alright, Gaius, now's the time to give it your very best. Stay focused and don't let Wallace intimidate you." I ordered calmly, earning a quick nod and a huff in response. "Wallace!!" The reigning Champion hummed a yes in response as he grasped his Pokéball in his hand. "Bring it on." I said barely over a whisper, a smirk on my face as I spoke.
"With pleasure! Milotic, come on out!!" Wallace cried as he released his final Pokémon. I was surprised at the sight of his partner, a Milotic much like my own, though with its own unique qualities. Wallace's Milotic was much bigger than my own, yet their elegance is on equal footing. Aside from that, the strength I sensed from Milotic was one to be weary of.
"Gaius... Let's do this! Dragon Pulse!!" I cried out, Gaius instantly shooting into the air and blasting Milotic with his attack. Much to my surprise, Milotic looked almost completely unscathed, making me realize that this wasn't going to be easy.
"Knock it out of the sky, Milotic! Use Surf!!" Wallace ordered.
Milotic spun on its tail, creating a wave of water and sending it rushing towards Gaius in the process. With little room to dodge, Gaius was slammed to the ground as the wave came over him, soaking him to the bone as he struggled to rise up.
"G-Gaius!!" I gasped, raising a hand out towards him as I stood in shock. Gaius shot me a look of pure determination, and though the pain he felt was written all over his face, he was still willing to press on. "Right, okay... Gaius, use Earthquake!!" I commanded. Though still on the ground, Gaius slammed his tail on the ground, causing the ground to shake and large boulders to slam into Milotic. Gaius and I remained still as we waited to see the condition Milotic was in, but it was a bad mistake on our part. An Ice Beam shot straight at Gaius from within the cover of the debris, leaving him with only enough time to get off the ground before being struck with the attack. "Gaius!! Gaius are you alright?! Answer me!" I cried out as Gaius hit the ground, shivering harshly from the coldness of the thin layer of ice that froze his wings.
Regardless of all he experienced, Gaius still managed to find enough willpower to rise to his feet for one last attack.
"My, my, what a strong spirited Flygon you have there." Wallace complemented genuinely as he admired the passion in Gaius', eyes.
"We're not done yet... We've got just enough left to go with one last attack. Gaius, pour your heart into this one, alright? Use Dragon Pulse!!" I cried out.
"Hydro Pump!!" Wallace yelled. The two powerful attacks collided and caused a large blast, and when the smoke from it cleared, Gaius was limp on the ground, knocked out from the battle he faced. Meanwhile, Milotic remained standing, barely harmed from all the attacks it received from Gaius. I raced out to my Dragon Pokémon, kneeling by his side and placing a gentle hand on his side. Gaius raised his gaze and shot me a pained smile, softly nuzzling me as I whispered my thanks to him and afterwards returned him to his Pokéball.
"Well Wallace, it's down to partner against partner.... This last Pokémon I have is the very first I ever battled with. He holds a special place in my heart. And we both know that we've come way too far to lose now. Ace, it's all on you!!" I cried out as I threw my Pokéball in the air, watching as Blaziken bursted from it and ignited the flames on his wrists as he let out a loud battle cry.
"Yes.... This is what I've been waiting for. Now, let's not wait any longer, Milotic. Use Surf!!" Wallace exclaimed.
"Ace, use Flamethrower!!" I ordered swiftly. As the wave of water from Milotic's Surf rushed towards Ace, he shot a Flamethrower directly towards its center, evaporating most of it instantly and only leaving behind two large puddles. "Now use Slash!!" Ace raced forward, slashing out at Milotic with sharp claws and landing a critical hit. Wallace let out a growl as he took a step forward, knowing that Ace landed a much more powerful hit than Gaius did.
"Milotic, don't let up!! Use Toxic!!" Wallace commanded. Milotic spat a purple acid-like liquid at Ace from its mouth, quickly and easily poisoning him with it.
"Hang tough, Ace!! Remember, we're strong when we battle as one! Use a back to back Blaze Kick!!" I ordered, watching as my partner ignited the yellow feathers on his legs and rushed towards Milotic. Ace skillfully​ threw kicks at Milotic as it tried to avoid his attacks to no avail, eventually leaving Milotic beaten and burned as he jumped out of range of its attacks. Ace kept his arms up in a fighting pose, ready to keep it up if necessary.
"This battle has gone on long enough! It's about time we bring it to an end. Milotic, pour your very soul into this one." Wallace called out, earning a quick nod from his partner as Milotic glared out at Ace.
"Ace, you do the same. We've come really far together, so let's not let all our experience go to waste. Let's give it everything we've got!" I exclaimed with a smirk, earning a cry of agreement from Blaziken as the flames on his wrists flashed enthusiastically.
"Use Hydro Pump!!"
Our Pokémon roared loudly as they raised there heads high, Milotic shooting out a powerful blast of water and Ace an equally strong blast of flames. They held their ground as the attacks collided, and both Wallace and I knew we could only stand and watch now. It was up to our Pokémon to decide the match, we could only support them and cheer them on to victory. I stared intently at my partner as he put all of his strength into this final attack. I began to hear a sizzling sound, and when I looked out to where the attacks collided, I began to see steam rising from the center.
Ace was.... Ace is evaporating the Hydro Pump!!
Soon Ace's fire began to push the Hydro Pump back, eventually beginning to push harder and faster until Milotic's​ eyes widened and it let up just enough for Overheat to hit.
"Milotic!!" Wallace cried out as he shielded his eyes from the bright flames that blasted Milotic into the wall behind Wallace. Everything soon fell silent as the smoke from the fire slowly cleared, revealing the silhouettes of our partners.
Ace stood shakily on his feet, doing his best to keep his balance after just using up most of his energy. Much to my surprise, Milotic was in the same boat, except it was pretty badly burned and beaten, but it was still forcing itself to stay standing.
"I-it's.... so strong..." I murmured to myself, my lips slightly parted as I stared out at Wallace's Milotic.
"Milotic..." Wallace called softly, earning a questioning hum from his partner in response as it turned to face him. Wallace smiled softly, a sparkle in his eyes as he made a decision and finally wished to make it clear. "That's enough, you've done wonderfully​. Now it's time we finally accept our defeat. There's nothing more we can do to win." Wallace said in a voice barely over a whisper. Milotic softened its gaze, realizing that Wallace had given in, his partner knew it could only do the same. Soon enough, Milotic fell limp on its side, fainting from the long battles it faced.
I stared wide-eyed at Wallace, in complete shock after what I just saw. Wallace simply turned to face me and grinned softly before saying "Well, it looks like you won this time, Ruby," and letting out a soft chuckle as he tilted his head a bit and cheerfully closed his eyes.
I tried to muster up the words, but only managed a soft gasp as I turned to look at Ace. My eyes suddenly grew watery as a big smile spread across my face, Ace returning the joyful look as I raced out towards him.
"We did it, Ace!! We finally won!! We did it!!" I cheered out as I jumped into my partners arms, laughing as he spun me around a bit and cheerfully cried out. Ace soon put me down, smiling warmly at me as he balled his right hand into a fist and held it out to me. Understanding what he meant, I did the same with my right hand and fist bumped my partner as I smiled back at him and looked deep into his eyes.

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