The Calamity Begins

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(Ruby's POV)

Sootopolis City was in a total panic once Groudon arrived, and for good reason too. Groudon had climbed over the crater surrounding the island, roaring out viscously as it attacked the ground and sky with its moves. For some odd reason, the Legendary Pokémon seemed to be on a rampage. Fire, Red, Leaf, Crystal, Yellow, and I landed safely off in the distance, a weight building on us as we watched the angered Legendary. While Yellow, Crys, and Leaf ran off to protect the civilians, Red, Fire, and I remained in our place, wondering how we could stop such a powerful Pokémon.
"Alright Fire, do your thing." I stated nervously. Fire gasped loudly, jolting her gaze to me in shock. "You've dealt with Legendary Pokémon before, haven't you? What should we do?" I questioned, hoping for a positive response that I knew I most likely wouldn't get.
"M-me?! N-no way, I've only fought beside Legendary Pokémon! I would never dream of battling one!" Fire exclaimed with a tone of distress, waving her hands frantically in front of herself to emphasize her displeasure.
"I've only fought a few, but nothing like this before... Still, that's no reason for us to give up. We can do this so long as we do it together!" Red stated confidently. Fire and I nodded in agreement, turning our attention back to the rampaging Legendary Pokémon.
"Well, I think we should try to fight back! Maybe we can tire it out somehow!" I suggested, plucking out all of my Pokéballs and released my partners.
"Agreed. Crys and the others are keeping the civilians away from the scene, so that means we're good to go all out!!" Fire exclaimed readily, throwing her Pokéballs in the air to release her team. She clutched the Pokéball around her neck last, plucking it off its clasp and throwing it up as well to release her Typhlosion.
"Yeah, no holding back!" Red called out in agreement as he released his team.
"Alright everybody, let's fight!! Blaziken, Flamethrower! Mightyena, Shadow Ball! Manectric, Thunderbolt! Flygon, Dragon Pulse! Milotic, Ice Beam!!" I called out combatively.
"Typhlo, Hyper Beam! Trickshot, Ancient Power! Asuna, Thunderbolt! Pietro, Ice Beam! Rina, Sludge Bomb! Umbreon, Dark Pulse!!" Fire ordered enthusiastically.
"Charizard, Fire Blast! Pikachu, Thunderbolt! Snorlax, Hyper Beam! Lapras, Hydro Pump! Espeon, Psy Beam! Aerodactyl, Ancient Power!" Red commanded. Each of our Pokémon used their moves in perfect sync with each other, every attack hitting Groudon at the same time and causing a blast of smoke to surround it.
"Did we do it....?" Fire asked hesitantly. Through the smoke came a sudden Fire Blast, giving us no time to dodge it. Fire, Red, and I brased for impact, but instead we heard two voices yell out from behind us.
"Dragonite, Dragon Pulse!!"
"Crobat, Air Slash!!" the voices ordered. I opened one eye just as the commanded moves collided with the Fire Blast and somehow managed to cancel it out with an explosion. Wanting to know who had saved our lives, we each jolted around, spotting two men behind us with confident grins on their faces, one in which I recognized but never thought I'd meet.
"Lance!! Proton!!" Fire exclaimed happily, racing to their side and tackling them into a tight embrace.
"Heh, long time no see, kid." the green haired man, who I assumed to be Proton, stated with a soft chuckle.
"What're you two doing here?" Fire asked as she let go of them.
"Well, I was on a training journey with Proton and we ended up traveling here, to the Hoenn region. Next thing we know, there's some kind of a panic going on within Fortree City, and then we spot you flying after this giant Pokémon." Lance explained, pointing towards Groudon as he mentioned it.
"Yeah, lucky we did too. I'd hate to see ya fried right before my eyes." Proton muttered, dropping his gaze a bit as he spoke. Fire looked like she was about to respond, but she was interrupted by a nearby explosion caused by Groudon.
"Uh, guys? Do you think you can save the sentiment for later? We've got bigger problems to deal with, ya know." I beckoned nervously. Fire and Red instantly came to my side to give orders to their Pokémon, Lance and Proton being sure to join us. Though we could at least cancel out most of Groudon's moves, even with our combined forces, we could barely deal any damage to the Legendary Pokémon.
I tried to remain confident, putting on the best determined demeanor I could manage, though it wasn't completely unnoticeable that I was beginning to lose my faith. A little voice in the back of my head was asking me if all of this was worth it. Maybe I really am just fighting for nothing.
"R-Red.... did.... did we.... fail?" Fire asked shakily, seemingly on the brink of tears. "Is it really impossible to defeat this Pokémon? Does that mean that everyone we know.... Silver, Gold, Crys... they'll all be lost because of us?" Fire murmured, sniffling as a few tears trickled down her face. I wanted to reach out to her, tell her everything would be okay, that we would put an end to this calamity together, but I knew if I said that I'd be lying. I don't think Red even believed that at this point.
"Fire!!" a voice cried out from above us. Turning to look up, I was both shocked and glad that Blue, Silver, Sapphire, Green, Gold, and Emerald were all here, racing to our side.
"Silver!! You're okay!" Fire exclaimed joyfully, running into Silver for a tight embrace.
On any normal day this would disturb me. Guess it's good that it's not a normal day.
"What're you guys doing here?" I asked as the rest of our friends joined us. In that moment, all of the smiles faded away, looks of concern quickly replacing them. The ground suddenly began to rumble, and in a matter of seconds, we heard a loud, ear splitting cry coming from the ocean. "Don't tell me...." I muttered fearfully. Sure enough, the massive Legendary Pokémon emerged from underwater, locking eyes with Groudon as it cried out again. "K-Kyogre!!" I gasped.
"What on earth is that?!" Proton exclaimed, falling back a bit in fear. Kyogre and Groudon instantly began to battle out of pure rage, causing quite a shock to the locals. Lance grabbed ahold of my shoulder, keeping me from falling when Kyogre and Groudon caused another earthquake. As it calmed down for now, I turned to check on my friends.
"I'm so sorry, Ruby! I tried to stop him, I really did!" Sapphire sobbed, frantically trying to wipe the tears from her eyes. I placed a firm hand on her shoulder, causing Sapphire to freeze and look up at me.
"Listen Sapphire, we haven't failed anything yet. We're still in the fight. So for all of Hoenn's sake, please fight beside me." I stated calmly, slowly letting go of her shoulder as I spoke. I decided to give Sapphire some time to think and take in what I said, running off to go fight beside everyone else in the meantime. Yellow, Crystal, and Leaf had just returned from getting the civilians away from the area, the three of them now ready to take on this fight with us. Everyone released all of their Pokémon, giving commands and dodging the attacks of the Legendary Pokémon at the same time. I glanced to my right when I sensed movement beside me and smiled warmly when I realized it was Sapphire coming to fight beside me. The four groups of us fought with Groudon and Kyogre for a good while, but it was slowly becoming clear that at this rate, the world would surely be destroyed.
"There's gotta be another way to stop them... There has to be!" Green growled in frustration, earning a sympathetic look from Fire. The words he spoke seemed to spark something in Sapphire, Emerald, Leaf, and I, causing us to turn to each other and gasp out the same name.


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