Aiming for Sootopolis City

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The whole cavern fell silent except for the maniacal laughter coming from Maxie, which came to an abrupt stop when Groudon let out another loud roar and used Hyper Beam on the ceiling of the cave.
"Wait, what're you doing?! Groudon!!" Maxie called as Groudon began to exit through the large hole above itself.
"You fool!! You can't control Groudon!! Don't you see the chaos that you just started?!" Leaf snapped, glaring intensely at Maxie as he spoke. Maxie glared back for a moment before muttering something into his communicator watch and making his exit by foot after returning his Mightyena. The overwhelming emptiness around and inside me was beginning to crush me with its weight, the world beginning to revolve around my failure.
"I... I'm s-sorry.... I-I failed.... I failed you all." I stuttered as droplets of my own tears began to fall onto my fist.
"Ruby..." Fire murmured sympathetically. I heard Red let out a heavy breath, rising to his feet and coming to stand on my left, where Maxie previously stood.
"Get up." Red ordered firmly, catching both Fire and I by surprise. I slowly lifted my gaze to his, completely dumbfounded by his words. Red reached a hand out to me and stared into my eyes with a firm, unreadable gaze. "Come on, Ruby. You're not through." Red stated with a slightly softer tone.
"B-but I... I let Maxie awaken Groudon.... I failed." I muttered, my head once again dropping in defeat.
"No, you haven't failed anything, Ruby. Sure, Maxie awakened Groudon, but you can't give up now! You have to defend this region at all costs! Get up and show Team Magma what you're truly made of! You are going to stop Groudon, and we will all be here to help you." Red stated firmly, encouraging each of us with his short speech. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up, motioning me to look at everyone around us. Everyone, Fire, Crystal, Leaf, Yellow, they were all smiling at me encouragingly, cheering me on to victory with their support. I felt Fire place a gentle hand on my shoulder, causing my attention to single in on her.
"You have a lot to fight for, Ruby. We all do, and none of us plan on throwing all we've worked for away. Do you really want to give up on everything you've worked for?" Fire took a slight pause, gently placing her hand over my bag strap where the seven Badges I've earned were pinned, "Everything you've dreamed?" she asked with a gentle, compassionate tone. I  glanced down at my Badges for a second, looking back up at Fire with a new found determination burning within me.
"No.... no, I don't want to throw that away. Thanks everyone, we've only known each other for so long, and yet it feels like we're family already..." I shook the emotional thoughts out of my head to focus on our current situation, "Let's go stop Groudon!!" I cheered, everyone yelling out in agreement.
Jumping onto our Flying Pokémon, we flew out of the hole Groudon created, following the trail of fallen trees and overall trampled land. Leaf, being carried by his Swellow, flew between Fire and I with a smirk on his face.
"You know, you're really lucky Silver wasn't there to see that, otherwise he would've gotten jealous." Leaf teased. Fire's face took on a tint of pink as we locked gazes, relaxing a bit as we chuckled nervously at the thought of a jealous Silver.
"Then we'd have two calamities on our hands." Fire joked. I rolled my eyes playfully, turning to focus my gaze ahead of us. Though I felt a sense of relief on the outside, I couldn't help but be fearful of where Groudon was headed. The thought left my mind when I was nearly blinded, shielding my eyes with my hand as the sunlight suddenly grew excessively bright, making it hard to see.
"What is up with the sun today?! Could you turn it down a little up there?!" Leaf yelled up to the sky, annoyed by the sudden brightness. As if an answer to his plea, a rain cloud appeared overhead, heavy rain pouring down on us in a matter of seconds.
"Well, you asked..." Fire sighed. Leaf growled lowly in response, his bright blonde hair drooping over his eyes as he shot Fire a glare. I ignored the conversation around me as I stared up at the clouds, a feeling deep in my gut telling me something was very, very wrong with all of this.
"It looks like Groudon is heading for the city found straight ahead, Sootopolis City... but why would it possibly want to go there? It's surrounded by water." I muttered to myself as I pocketed my Pokénav once again. Gazing forward at the massive Legendary Pokémon, I tried to shove down my fears to make room for some extra courage, knowing I'd need it in the long run.
I only hope that Sapphire stopped Archie from awakening Kyogre.

(Sapphire's POV)

I shivered in fear of the upcoming disaster that I couldn't prevent, still staring at the stone floor as I stood on my hands and knees. Archie still stood beside me, smiling victoriously as he stared off into the water. Kyogre has been gone for a few minutes or so, and Archie, being the ignorant man he is, thought that it had left to do his bidding. Archie suddenly got a phone call, causing me to peer up at him as he answered it.
"How's everything going out there? ....Yes..... yes, it's supposed to do that.... Wait, what?" Archie suddenly froze up, causing everyone to jerk their attention to him. Without another word, Archie hung up on the person on the other end, turning on his heel and making a beeline for the exit.
Silver, who had knelt on the other side of me to see if I was alright, stood up swiftly, shooting Archie a fierce glare. Before he could give chase or take action in any way, Green placed a firm hand on his shoulder, silently shaking his head. Silver let out a low growl, but obeyed, resisting the urge to chase after Archie.
A new found passion began to burn within me, causing me to rise to my feet. I thought about all the people and Pokémon who were being put in jeopardy because of Team Aqua, and the spark of passion turned into a wildfire. I turned to face everyone, Silver, Blue, Gold, Green, and Emerald all turning their attention to me with curious gazes.
"Let's go... we have to stop Team Aqua!" I exclaimed firmly, earning a firm nod of agreement from all of my friends as well. We all rushed outside the cavern to find Archie standing at the entrance, the once blue sky now shrouded with dark grey thunderclouds, heavy rain flooding down onto us the second we set foot outside. I began to notice the troubled look on Archie's face, my mind beginning to hope that he felt some sort of remorse for the catastrophy he just began.
"Now do you get it? You can't control Kyogre. You never could, not with the Red Orb to say the least. Now, thanks to your thoughtless plans, all of Hoenn will suffer, including you." Emerald stated with a slightly harsh tone, shunning the actions of Archie. Said man lowered his head in defeat, a look of misery making its way to his face.
"I... I never thought.... never dreamed of it being.... like this." Archie muttered shakily, seemingly forcing back tears as he spoke. I eyed the sea lover for a moment before my attention turned to my friends, particularly Silver. His hands were balled tightly into fists as he stared up at the sky, the rain soaking his close as he did so.
"If Kyogre isn't stopped, then all the world.... all the people we love.... will drown..." Blue murmured hesitantly, fearful of the very thought of such a thing.
"Fire..." Silver whispered in an almost unbearable tone.
"We can't just stand here and do nothing! There's gotta be something we can do to stop Kyogre!" Gold exclaimed pleadingly.
"It's too late... Kyogre is already headed directly for its target. It won't be long til it gets there." Archie stated with a defeated tone. At a loss of patience, Green marched over to Archie, shooting him a glare right in the eyes.
"Tell us where Kyogre is headed. Now." Green demanded firmly.
"Sootopolis City.... to meet up with an old rival." Archie informed us, letting out a pained chuckle as he spoke. Everyone gasped in unison, exchanging glances in utter shock.
"Groudon!!" we all chorused, terrified that the other ancient Legendary Pokémon had been successfully awakened as well.

We can only hope that somehow Ruby managed to stop Team Magma, otherwise a calamity so great will be upon us in a matter of minutes.

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