Holding His Own Against the Champion

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(Emerald's​ POV)

"Th-that guy's the Champion...?" I muttered, completely dumbfounded by our discovery.
"Apparently so, though he doesn't really seem the type." Leaf sighed, shrugging his shoulders as he spoke.
"He's also a really famous Contest star. I'm surprised we didn't recognize him before." Sapphire informed us with a cheerful grin.
"Contest star, huh? Now that seems more his style. Especially with that.... whatever it is that he's wearing. Does he always wear that in public?" I questioned somewhat rudely as we turned our attention back to the screen. Either way, it didn't really mean anything to me so long as Ruby wins.
Keep going strong, pal. You've got this.

(Ruby's POV)

"I should properly welcome you to here now, Ruby. That crisis in Sootopolis City, if not for you and the other Heroes, we wouldn't​ be standing here right now. For that I sincerely thank you. Now, let me properly introduce myself while I'm at it. I am Wallace of Sootopolis City, current Champion of Hoenn and former Gym Leader of my hometown. It's my pleasure to face you here." Wallace stated with a polite bow.
"I should do the same then. I am Ruby of Littleroot Town, son of Gym Leader Norman and heir to his title. I am grateful to you for your kindness." I stated softly, mimicking Wallace's​ bow.
"Now, before we get started, let me ask you something, Ruby. Rumor tells me that you were born in Goldenrod City in the Johto region and raised there most of your life. Even so, you now go out saying that you are of Littleroot Town. Why is that?" Wallace asked with a soft, compassionate tone. I paused, mentally asking myself the same thing. It's become second nature for me to say that I'm of Littleroot Town, and yet I have no idea why. A soft smile made its way to my face as I raised my gaze to Wallace after previously dropping it.
"To be honest, I'm not really sure myself. I guess you could say that it just sounds more like.... like home." I stated warmly, the calm breeze and lush green trees of Littleroot Town flashing through my memory as I spoke. Wallace smiled softly in response, nodding his head as he plucked out a Pokéball.
"I see... Well then, all things aside, the show must go on. So, who can dance more elegantly with their Pokémon in Hoenn? Show me right here and now!" Wallace called out as he tossed out a Pokéball, revealing his own Walrein.
"Alright then, I will! We'll dance so elegantly, you'll be too captivated to fight back!! Won't we, Zeo?" I cried out as I released my first Pokémon. "Use X-Scissor!!" I commanded.
"Walrein, Ice Ball!!" Wallace ordered. Zeo cut through the attack, causing shards of the ice to fly around him and sparkle in a rather elegant way.
I don't know about Wallace, but that sure was pretty neat to me.
"Alright, Zeo!! Focus punch!" I ordered swiftly.
"Ice Beam!!" Wallace commanded. Zeo quickly ducked under the attack, skillfully landing a powerful Focus Punch on Walrein. "Okay then, have it your way. Walrein, use Surf!!" Wallace commanded. Zeo was unable to dodge the wave of water, causing him to be knocked back into the wall.
"Zeo!! Are you okay?" I cried out. Though he was obviously in pain, Zeo wiped away the sweat on his forehead, shooting a sharp look at Walrein afterwards. "Alright then, now it's time we really pick up the pace. Zeo! Let's do this, pal!" I called out, earning a firm nod from my Pokémon in response.
"Not on our watch! Walrein, Ice Ball!" Wallace commanded swiftly.
"Zeo, Detect!!" I ordered as Zeo sprinted towards Walrein. With a quick flash of blue in his eyes, Zeo shifted left, dodging the attack as he extended his claws. "Now use Slash!!" I cried out. Zeo swiped his claws at Walrein harshly, causing the opposing Pokémon to eventually give in to his back to back slashes. With a loud thud, Walrein fell forward, no longer able to stand against Zeo. "Yes!! Great job, Zeo!!" I cheered, earning a grin from my cheerful Zangoose.
"Not bad, Ruby. You held your own nicely. Now then, let's see how you compete against this! Tentacruel, let us battle together!!" Wallace called out. His Tentacruel emerged with a loud cry, causing Zeo to refocus his attention to it.
"A Tentacruel... Been a while since I've seen one of those. Whaddya think, Zeo? Can you handle it?" I asked teasingly, knowing the answer very well. Zeo raised a fist and smirked at me in a way that I knew meant 'heck yeah, I'm ready!'. "Alright then, Zeo, use Slash!!" I commanded.
"Heheh, bad mistake. Tentacruel, Sludge Bomb!!" Wallace ordered. Without warning, Tentacruel shot a liquid poison at Zeo, blasting him back into the wall and knocking him out.
"Z-Zeo!!" I exclaimed, racing over to his side and falling to my knees beside him. Taking the exhausted Pokémon into my arms, I sighed in relief when Zeo opened his eyes slightly to look up at me. "Nice job, Zeo. I'm glad you were the one dad chose for me. You were great, so rest easy now, okay?" Zeo nodded slowly in response, a pained smile on his face as I returned him to his Pokéball. I rose to my feet afterwards, returning to my post and smirking at Wallace as I plucked out a Pokéball. "Okay, Wallace. Let's see how you hold your own against this." I repeated, ready to turn his own words against him. "Alright, Nick!! Use Thunderbolt!!" I exclaimed as I released my next Pokémon.
Manectric leaped up into the air as he came out of his Pokéball, releasing a powerful Thunderbolt without warning. Tentacruel cried out in pain, trying it's best to back away from the attack to no avail.
"My, my! That is a powerful Pokémon. No matter, Tentacruel, use Ice Beam!!" Wallace commanded. Tentacruel prepared to attack, but suddenly flinched away as little sparks surrounded it. Wallace looked taken aback, which caused me to smirk in response.
"Nick, show 'im how it's done! Use Thunder Fang!!" I ordered enthusiastically. With a quick push of his back legs, Nick shot forward, Biting down on one of Tentacruel's limbs and releasing a pulse of electricity from his jaws. Tentacruel fainted upon being released from Nick's grasp, my proud Manectric standing over his victory with his head held high.
"That's one strong Manectric... You've definitely raised him well." Wallace complemented as he returned his Tentacruel to its Pokéball.
"Thanks, we've done a lot of training together." I stated casually as I exchanged a grin with Nick.
"Well then, I suppose we'll just have to give it more than our all. Ludicolo, I expect the best from you!" Wallace exclaimed as he released his next Pokémon. "Use Surf!!"
"Nick, jump and use Flamethrower!!" I commanded. Nick pushed himself off the ground to dodge the attack, doing a backflip before releasing a Flamethrower directly at Ludicolo.
Ludicolo backed away, burn marks already visible all over it.
"Giga Drain!!" Wallace ordered. I could've sworn I heard the slightest hint of desperation in his tone.
"Thunderbolt!!" I cried out. Nick raced towards Ludicolo, dodging the vines that tried to restrain him easily before releasing a Thunderbolt on Ludicolo.
"What the...?" Wallace muttered in awe.
"Let's finish this, Nick! Giga Impact!!" I commanded.
"Ludicolo, dodge that!!" Wallace cried out a moment to late. Nick shot forward, using a large amount of power to slam into Ludicolo and instantly knocking it out. Nick cried out in victory while Wallace returned his Ludicolo, a dumbfounded look on the reigning Champion's face. "Y-you and that Manectric are just.... so powerful. However..." Wallace paused, raising his head proudly as he spun his next Pokéball on hi finger. "We don't plan on letting your win streak go much further. Whiscash, you're up, my friend!!" Wallace cheered.
"A Whiscash...?" I murmured to myself, curious as to why that specific Pokémon seemed to be one of his trump cards.
"Whiscash, use Earthquake!!" Wallace commanded. Without warning, Whiscash slammed its weight onto the ground, causing the field to rumble and large rocks to fling up and hit Nick directly. He was down before I knew it.
"W-whoa!!" I gasped, staring down at my fallen Pokémon in shock. I returned Nick silently, nodding to him through his Pokéball as thanks for his hard work. "Yoru, let's take 'em out together, alright? I choose you!!" I cried out as I tossed my next Pokéball into the air, releasing my Mightyena, who let out a loud battle cry upon release.
"Interesting. This should be fun." Wallace stated genuinely.

Our battle was halfway done... Just three more Pokémon, and I'd be the next Champion of Hoenn. My Pokémon won't let me down, 'cause from the beginning all the way up to this moment, we're in this together!

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