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Based on a true story that happened to be today.
Except  for like all the you know *cough*
Things that happen.

Dedicated to whome I won't name
- Fuck you.

You sat on the edge of the concrete stairs at the front of your school building waiting for your best friend.

School was over and you were extremely tired, a lit cigarette dangling from the end of your pale lips.
"HOLY FUCKING GOD!" Your best friend came running whisper yelling while simultaneously laughing covering her mouth as her face was beat red.

"What the hell is with you?" You slightly laughed running your hand through your hair.

"I hate shawn with my book." She held up the maze runner scorch trials.

"What do you mean you hit shawn with your book?" I laughed.

Shawn and you "dated" in fifth grade over the summer.
The last day of school he asked you out and you said yes.

Yet you both drifted over the summer and stopped talking.
When school rolled around you were in different classes and he was such an asshole.

Whenever he saw you he'd say some inappropriate ass shit that made you scoff and roll your eyes or flip him off.

Sometimes toy uthink you.miss him, but honestly you don't know

"Well I just say him look at you and say something to his friend beside him before laughing so I yelled jackass and hit him with my book.....but I told him it was an accident."

You bursted into laughter laying your head on her shoulder.
"This is why I love you."
That's your code name for him. Jackass. Sometimes asshole.

"I know I know." She smiled hugging you tightly.
"I'vr gotta go y/n/n." She kissed the side of your head before dissapearing, turning the corner.

"Your stupid friend fucked me over." You turned around seeing shawn.
Instantly you scoffed.
"She did it for me." You smiled sarcastically as he sat beside me.
"She's got buckteeth you know? Like a fucking wanna be miley cyrus." He laughed coldy.

You stood up gasping.
"You're a fucking asshole you know that." He stood up laughing.

"Just staying facts."

As hard as you could you slapped him. Watching as a faint red color flooded to the side of his pale cheek.
"I fucking hate you." You spat with a bitter look on your face.

"I didn't mean for it to turn out like this y/n....honestly." Shawn whispered pressing his hand onto your arm.

Instantly you moved away from him, throwing your cigarette onto the concrete floor smooshing it with your sneaker before grabbing your backpack from the floor walking away.

"WAIT Y/N!" Shawn ran after you making you run faster.
"Y/n listen to me." Shawn grabbed your arm spinning you around.

"What?" You asked with anger.

"I still like you." He weakily smiled. You looked at his cheek seeing the faint imprint of your hand on his face.

"That doesn't change anything." You slightly laughed.
"I was hoping it would." Shawn looked at the floor.

"What do you think it would do shawn? It would make me fall in love with you again.....matter a fact I would jump into your arms and let you do whatever you'd please it's never gonna-"

Shawn grabbed your face kissing you roughly.
You were stunned for a second.
Eyes wide open, slowly closing as our kissed him back.

"Did that change anything?" You nodded in response as shawn r pressed his lips onto yours again.

"C'mon." Shawn grabbed your hand pulling you towards his car.

Shawn drove you to his house. You've never been before, yet you knew where ehe lived and he knew where you lived.

Shawn pulled you up to his room slamming the door shut as you dropped your bag onto the floor,  instantly kissing you passionatley.

You found yourself kissing him back even though you kept thinking about what he said about y/bff/n.
Slowly shawn layed you onto the bed. Shawn crawled inbetween your legs hovering above you.

Shawn's cold hand slowly went under your shirt massaging your breast making you moan.

Shawn started to pull off your shirt when you stopped him.

"Shawn I can't." You whispered.
"What do you mean you can't? I thought this was what you wanted."

"When did I put that idea into your brain?"

"You kissed me back." You slightly laughed.

"Shawn it's just a kiss."

"Maybe for you.but not for me."

"I thought that's your thing? Platonic kisses with girls you used to hate but suddenly "love"." You put up air quotations.

Shawn nodded as his jaw clentched.
"It's nice to know that's the only way you see me."


"'s fine y/n...... just get out of my house." In response you ndoded, feeling your heart drop to your feet as your wobbling legs stood up from the bed grabbing your bag and leaving as quickly as you could.
part two??

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