26.5; stay [alt. end]

302 10 18

"Let's break up"

"B-break up?"

"Yeah... let's... break up, Taehyung."

Several weeks have passed since Taehyung and I broke up. We haven't talked in a while. We've been ignoring each other and would just pass by if we bumped into each other. I can't say that it doesn't hurt. He was my boyfriend after all. After all I loved him... no... I still do, but the both of us agreed to not see each other anymore. I can't let Jungkook suffer like this and so does Taehyung. He's important to both of us and even if it means that Taehyung and I can't be together, I'm sure somewhere along the way, we'll talk again and go back to being friends like we were before.

"Seoyeon? What's the matter?," he asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"Huh? Uhh, nothing. Don't worry Jungkook," I answered smiling and ran my hand through his soft and silky hair.


"Everything's fine. Rest a little. I'll wake you up for dinner," I told him. He nodded and put his head on my lap, using it as a pillow. I chuckled lightly, thinking how cute he sometimes was. It didn't take him long until he began snoring quietly. His breathing regularized and he let his head fall to the side. "Everything's fine... right?"

After Taehyung and I broke up, I visited Jungkook more frequently. He has gained weight again and isn't as pale as he was a few weeks ago. He eats more regularly now and he sleeps at the right time. I just hope that BTS's debut won't affect him too much since he got better just now.

I stared at Jungkook. His hair fell to the side and once again, I thought about how cute he was. I quickly grabbed my phone and opened the camera to make a photo. I totally forgot to change it to mute, but fortunately, Jungkook didn't wake up by the click sound of my phone. I saved the photo and sent it to Jungkook himself.

"You're cute when you sleep"
*photo attached*

I noticed his phone vibrating on the night table next to his bed i was sitting on. I took his phone to see if he received my message just now. I clicked on the home button and only then I realized his lock screen. It was a selca of us on our date. I thought about how we spent that day together watching iron man. It was the first day I've ever felt butterflies when I was around Jungkook. It was the first time we didn't go out as friends. It was a date. Our first date. I smiled, remembering all those memories. Looking back at them, I wondered how I didn't notice his feelings and mine sooner.

I put his phone back at its place again and positioned his head to his pillow. I stood up to walk to the kitchen and make something for dinner, but Jungkook suddenly got a hold of my wrist, making me flinch. "Are you awake?," I asked, but I only got a groan as a response. "Jungkook?"

"Don't go..," he muttered. "No... don't leave me... stay...with me..."


I walked back to him, crouched down and held his hands in mine. "I'll be back. I promise," I said before kissing him on his forehead. I got up and walked out of the room. I silently closed the door behind me and walked downstairs.

Jungkook's parents are currently in Busan to visit his aunt, so they asked me to take care of their son, but even if they didn't ask for it, I'd still take care of him.

I walked toward the kitchen and prepared something for dinner when I suddenly heard footsteps going down the stairs. Jungkook headed for the kitchen and as soon as he saw me standing there, cutting onions, he wrapped his arms around me, back-hugging me tightly.

"I thought you were asleep? It's dangerous to do that when I have a knife in my hand," I warned him. "What if I thought you were an intruder?," I joked around and he let out a chuckle.

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