Chapter 1-arrival

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~hey guys! So here is the second X reader for the BTS series thing I'm doing! This chapter is ridiculously long but yeah. I really hope you like it! Please like, comment, vote, follow and message me if you have any requests or just wanna chat or fangirl...literally anything I'm always here 😂💕✌🏻️~

Your P.O.V

Nervously I looked up at the bighit building before pushing open the door. The staff helped haul my luggage onto the waiting seats, since they already knew I was coming and security directed me to the studio BTS were using. I got in the elevator, my stomach filling up with excitement. It has been 6 years since I have seen my brother, Namjoon and his friends. Of course I kept in contact with him, well not really. The last time I spoke to him was 5 years ago... so I don't know what he looks like either apart from the posters and stuff I saw on the way here, not that I paid much attention to them. I know him and his friends were trainees and planning on becoming a boy band but I left before they debuted. I reach the studio and pause outside. I pull out my phone and dial his number. "H-hello?" He was panting which meant they had just finished a dance. Perfect. "Hey Namjoon it's me" I said in my singsong voice. There was a pause since I had a new number and I'm sure my voice was different. "Don't tell me you've forgotten about your own little sister?" I tease. "Y/n?!" He exclaims. "What? I haven't spoken to you in so long!" Joonie sounded happy to speak to me. "I'm sorry, I've been um busy?" I offer an excuse and he chuckles. "I'm really sorry but I'm at dance practice right now, is there anyway we can talk later?" He asks as i hear an echo as the other band members start shouting at him. They would never guess it was me on the phone, I'm not sure if they even remember me. "Oh um ...possibly" as I spoke I knocked loudly on the door. "What was that?"I ask hearing the knock through the phone. "Oh um probably just our manager" I hear the echo of shouts again. "Leader go and get the door!" He sighs. "I've really gotta go I'm sorry. I miss you" suddenly he opens the door and stares straight at me. "I miss you too" I smile.

Joonie's mouth hangs open as I hang up. BTS quickly follow to see what had their leader so shocked. "Wait ... is that?" A voice asks. "Um hey?" I smile awkwardly. "Y/n-ah!" Joonie exclaims engulfing me in his arms. I laugh hugging him back. He spins me around since I'm a fair bit smaller then him before releasing me. "What are you doing in Korea?!" His voice reached a crescendo (high musical note) by the end of his sentence as tears began forming in his eyes. The other band members rush over to me as well all talking with excitement. I laugh. "I'm here on business " I wink and he hugs me again. "How have you been?" . "I've been great. I mean after we debuted...we've just taken off!" I look up at my amazing older brother. "I'm so proud of you." It took a lot of strength but I just about managed to hold back my tears. My older brother was stood in front of me.l. He had changed quiet a bit. His hair was a purple colour now, and he was much taller then I remember and more fit.  He actually had arm muscles which I could see because he was wearing a sleeveless top. He was really masculine now. I bite my lip. He's grown up so much. I look around at the other boys. My old best friends. They had all grown up to. They were all extremely masculine now. Jimin had pink hair and jin had brown. Jungkook had brown hair but with pink highlights and Taehyung had brown hair but it was styled differently. Yoongi had black hair with blue highlights and Hoseok had pink hair with grey highlights.  All their smiles and eyes were the same though. I'm pretty sure they had all grown too. And here I was. In a cute fairy skirt and denim shirt tucked in with a brown belt. I knew I hadn't grown up. Namjoon was so different. But his eyes still had the same sparkle and his deep dimples were all the smae. "Look at you though!" Joonie said grabbing my hips and shaking them back and forth. "No galsses anymore!" I laugh, when I was younger I had always worn glasses since I'm practcially blind without them, I wear contatcs now. "You've really grown up ... well not grown you're still really short" he says Patting my head. "Shut up Joonie oppa" I grumble hitting him. "Oww you pack a punch" he says rubbing his arm and stepping back. "Dongsaeng! We haven't seen you in years" Jimin smiles stepping forward and hugging me tightly. "Jimin-sshi!" I squeal looking at my childhood friend. Even though I was the same age as Jungkook everyone else was older so it was nice that they always let me join in. Jin pushes everyone back into the studio before the rest of them swamp me. "Okayy so/" " suddenly taehyung runs over to me and picks me up. shaking me around in a tight bear hug. I squeal as he puts me back down. "Ahhh! You're still so cute!" He exclaims, I smile. "It's nice to see you all again" they all grin cutely. "Okay so I should probably explain everyone's stage names and roles.  jin is still known as jin. He's the eldest and face of the group" jin blows e his signature kiss playfully before hugging me. "Jimin is just Jimin. One of the dancers vocalists visuals ... still hasn't grown as you can see" joonie revives glare before Jimin steps closer to me.  "Well she's still shorter then me" he had a smug grin on his face as he showed the height difference, i only came to just below his tiny ears. Everyone laughed. "That's because she's younger then you idiot" jungkook  replies as Jimin does his eye smile receiving a shove from my brother. "Moving on. Tae is now known as V" I laugh. "You mean V" I correct the pronunciation since I can speak English much better. Tae shows me his adorable box smile and does some aeygo before engulfing me in another bear hug. I giggle more and joonie quickly moves on. "Hoseok is more commonly known as Jhope now, he's the main dancer" he smiles brightly at me like the sun making me freeze. I gulp as he locks eyes with me. Hoseok had been the member I was closest with, apart from Jin, it was weird seeing him again. I don't know why but I couldn't look away. We both blush and he does a little dance before also hugging me tightly, swaying side to side happily. I giggle again. Ah what is happening to me? It's just Hoseok. I knew him years ago so why  am I feeling so warm and fuzzy. I shake the feeling as joonie whispers something in hosoek's ear making him hide behind Taehyung. "Jungkook is still just jungkook. He's the golden maknae" namjoon pulls me along down the line. Jungkook giggles shyly. "Still can't talk to girls?" I ask as everyone sighs. "Only you y/n only you" he also gives me a tight hug. Everyone laughs and joonie hurries the recap up. "And finally Yoongi who's also known as Suga. He's part of the rapper line with me and hosoek" Yoongi doesn't really do much just half smiles at me like he always did and gives me a short hug. "Well that's everyone" I twiddle my fingers. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry! I'm interrupting your dance practice!" I exclaim not really thinking through this whole surprise idea. "It's fine! Did you want to stay and watch? I mean we finish in 25minutes" joonie offers making me smile. "I'd really love that!" "You can just sit down at the front if you want" hoesok grabs a chair at the side of studio and brings it over for me. "Here you go princess" he smiles with his eyes shut making me laugh again. "Thank you kind sir" I courtesy as he bows and we both Burst out laughing. "Come on Hoseok" joonie grumbles dragging the sunshine boy away. I put my bag on the floor and sit down. They get into position with the back up dancers. Namjoon was centre stage and the rest of BTS were hidden behind the other dances. He slowly lifted his head up "All the underdogs of the world. A day may come when we lose.     But that is not today.       Today. We. Fight."

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