Chapter 8- Home

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~it's nearly 1am and I haven't proof read this so I'm sorry for any mistakes~

The door burst open making both of us jump backwards. "He's here. I found him" the security guard spoke into his head piece as we stared at one another. Hoseok and I nearly kissed. Our lips were less than a hairs apart. "Please follow me sir" the guard helped Hoseok to his feet before he extended his hand to me. He helped me up, pulling me close to his body. He smelt amazing. Even in the rain he smelt of sunshine and flowers and mints. I felt drunk on his scent. "Let's go" the guard ushered us inside where we were quickly separated.

"Y/n!" Baekhyuns voice snapped back to reality as I limped through the empty corridor. He embraced me in a tight hug. "Fuck I was worried about you" I let him hug me. I was weak. I felt like death had hit me round the head a few times. With a chair. A metal chair. "I'm okay" I managed a fake smile. "Dramatic huh?" I grinned cheekily despite every once of pain riddling my body. "The events finished early .. I'll take you home" "I should stay-" "no." Baekhyun took my arm gently but firmly and escorted me to his car. "After everyhting you need to go home and rest. Tomorrow will be even harder if you don't" he was right. Tomorrow everyhting would be more intense than tonight. I told him Zoe's cousins address and he drove me round. "You're .. really amazing" he said quietly before I got out. "The rumours about you are true .. you're .. incredible" he whispers. "Thank you.." he turned to me. "Beauty. Intelligence. A rare combination" His large hand cupped my cheek and he started leaning closer to me. His body was being pulled towards mine. His warm breath teasing my lips. "Goodnight Baekhyun" I climbed out the car and shut the door sending him a wave. He looked .. angry.. but waved back and drove off quickly. There was no chemistry between us. No matter how hard he can ever try. I turn away from the door and cross the road. Taking my heels off I walk barefoot back to bts's dorm. What. A. Night.

I ran a hand through my soaking wet hair and shivered as I pushed open the door. I dumped my shoes on the matt and walked into the living room."Y/n!!" Immediately 5 lovable guys pounced on me. "We were so worried" "are you okay" "what happened" they flooded me with questions but their words were just a blur. "Hey leave her alone" Namjoon voice quietened them. "O-oppa" i whispered as he walked closer and engulfed me in his arms. I cried softly into his chest. Thankful for the warmth and the love. He stroked my head gently as I felt my knees began to crumble. "Let's get you to bed" he picked me up like a baby and carried me to their room. He sat me on the bed next to hoseoks. He was already in shorts ... but no shirt. I gulped. "Y/n.." he whispered gently and cuddled me tight. He smelt even better with no shirt on. "I'm sorry .. are you okay?" I nodded and wiped my tears feeling more than pathetic right now. Namjoon passed me my hair brush and I attempted to brush the tangled mess of my hair. Then I wiped my makeup off and Hoseok helped unzip my dress before both males left the room. I turned and saw hobis jumper on my bed. It hasn't been there earlier .. had .. had he just left it? I looked at it for a few seconds before slipping it over my body. It was massive on me. Long enough to be a dress so I didn't bother putting shorts on underneath. I slipped to the toilet silently before climbing into my bed and pulling the duvet around me. I loved those boys. But I need time alone to catch up with everyhting.

I ran. I ran in circles with no exit. No entrance. No escape. Then I heard it. His laugh. It taunted me as I ran. Suddenly his arms were around my throat. His hands beating down on them. While I watched. I kicked and screamed. But he didn't stop. He raised a gun to their heads. *BANG*

I jolted awake and sat upright. *BANG* the thunder struck again making me flinch. It was just a thunder storm. Just a nightmare. I breathed a small sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from my forehead with the back of my sleeve. That fucking prick got everywhere. Even in my dreams. I rested my hand on my chest as I calmed my breathing before slowly climbing out my bed. Silently I moved across the room. Confused at my brothers empty bed. Where had he gone. I got to the door when I noticed the unusual shape in Jins bed. But even just with the moonlight I could clearly see jins messy brown hair snuggled into my brothers bare chest. They were both fast asleep holding onto one another tight. So gay. I smiled to myself and slipped out the door. Walking into the living room I sat by the large window and hugged my knees. So in the 3 day's of being in Korea I had be reunited with my brother and best friends. Body-guarded a massive event. Nearly been killed by my assassin. Then let him get away. What a great trip. I felt my heart sink and the tears fall down my face. Did you know it's impossible to be strong all the time. In that moment at god knows what time in the morning. I felt weak. And I let everyhting out because that's what makes you a stronger person. I cried for every death I've ever witnessed. I cried for Jin and Namjoon having to pretend to be straight. I cried for the betrayal of my best friend. I just cried. And cried. And cried.

Until a warm hand was on my shoulder. "I made you some tea .. 2 sugars .. just how you like it" I looked up to see the bright smile of none other than Jung Hoseok. I smiled as well; taking the tea cup from his hand and hugging it. He sat down beside me and looked out the window. Ignoring the fact I was a mess - which i was very thankful for. I sipped the warm liquid like a small child. "It's okay" he whispers as I gaze into the cup. "It's okay to be weak sometimes" I sipped my tea again as a comfortable silence fell between us as we gazed out into the city that never sleeps. A thousand lights telling a thousand different stories. Neither of us knew what to say .. so we didn't say anything. Just enjoying the company the other gave.

After 5 or so minutes I broke our silence. "Thank you for the jumper" he smiles to himself "I wasn't sure if you'd wear it .. but it might give you some comfort" I breath in his scent and snuggle into the jumper more "have .. have you really been alone all these years?" I raise my head to see Hoseok looking at the skyline with a sadness in his eyes. "I've had Zoe and Sky .. and .. xiumin" I choke his name. "Sky? Xiumin? They sound like boys" I can't help but smile at the jealous and protective tone of hobis voice. "Sky is my partner, my dog" he laughs a little "and xiumin .." I look back out the window "you met him. Tonight. Xiumin my assassin" I felt the sharp intake of breath from his mouth. "A-assassin?!" "Welcome to her majesty's secret service" I mumble with a tiny hint of sarcasm. "You-what-assain-how?!" I finish my tea off and put the cup to the side. "You don't want to hear my sob story Hoseok" suddenly he pulls my arm towards him and wraps his other around my waist. Before cupping my cheek. "I do want to hear it" we stare at each other "if you're willing to tell me" I sigh and look out the window again, resting my head on his shoulders I start, "xiumin was my best friend.."

"We met on an excerise and I accidentally shot him in the led although it was technically his own fault for being in the wrong place but anyway. I went to check on him in the hospital and we just clicked. We chatted for hours about everyhting and anything. We went out to the fair and to the movies. People even thought we were dating we became so close. I .. I started to like him as well. *breath* Zoe would always come with us too and we were a great trio. We ruled the world in work and leisure time. Everyhting was great. We went out one day, to the fair and xiumin walked me home. He held my hand *hosoeks blood starts boiling. How dare he touch his girl* we laughed and smiled and just outside my apartment on the bridge, he stopped me. He confessed his feelings to me and I believed that maybe I could be romantic with him. Our lips .. our lips were about to touch.. when he pulled the trigger on me for the first time." I move my hair to the side and tilt my head to show a large scar around my neck and collarbones. "Our relationship was never the same after that. Obviously. That's the night he became my assassin and it's stayed the same ever since." Hoseok was speechless, I could see it in his face so I just kept talking. "I still don't know why he turned. How he turned or when. I just know that he'll do anything to get to me" finally Hoseok spoke "how many times .. has he tried to .. you know" .. "the bridge" I tap my neck. "Paris" I tap my thigh and lower stomach. "Net gala" I tap my chest. "Egypt" I lift up the jumper to show 3ish scars around my left side. "Morocco" I gesture to a blade across my rib cage. "London" I tap my head twice. "And finally mama" I gesture to my beaten up face. "Give or take some other fights that had no life threatening injuries" I feel hoseoks arm around my waist tense and pull me closer. "Prick" he growls kinda cutely, I nuzzles into his shoulder. "How is your face ..?" He asks tilting my head up with his fingers. "Fine .. it's nothing honeslty" he's visibly upset as he traces the bruises and scratches on my face, following one partially down my neck with his index finger. "I wish I could keep you here. In a box. And not let you outside" "I'm sor-" "but I couldn't. You enjoy life too much. You love your job. I couldn't take that away from you no matter how much it scares me" I wrap my arms around his back tightly and burry my face in the crock of his neck. His arms are quick to wrap around my body and we hold each other tightly for what feelings like hours but was only about 10minutes.

Hoseok kisses my head gently before slowly lying back on the rug, our arms still wrapped around one another. I lie on his chest and breath in his scent again. "Just please promise me .. you'll always  try .. try to come home to me" he whispers, kissing my forehead again. I look up at him, our lips a hair apart. "I promise" I whisper. His lips naturally find their way to my nose and he pecks it gently. Within no time at all we bothbfall fast asleep on the floor. Our legs tangled together. Our bodies held tightly together. And our fingers interlaced. Not wanting to let go

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