Chapter 6- this won't end quietly .. or.. will it?

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~haaaaiii im back guys :) exams are over and im on holiday next week so lets pray I get lots of time to write ! I hope you enjoy this chapter but it is very short :( sorry~

A smirk appears on his face and he raises an eyebrow. I half smile as if I'd never seen him before and turn back to baekhyun. "Didn't you think BTS smashed it tonight?" The chief stares at me in total confusion as I indicate with my eyes for him to play along. The last time I had met my assassin I was shot in the head, and according to my organisation, he knew I wasn't dead but thought I had serve memory loss. Watching him from the corner of my eye any officer would guess he still thinks I've retired from the service. But if he really thought that why would he be here tonight? He's not the assassin for general people, only the top ranking spies. God damnit, that man just seems to get smarter. I grit my teeth, I swear he's a machine. I just can't get rid of him! "Could you get me a drink please?" I ask sweetly, brushing imaginary lint off the chiefs shoulder. He raises an eyebrow but nods and I lean forwards to kiss his cheek, naturally something a couple would do. "This won't end quietly". His eyes go wide and I notice his Adam's apple move as he swallows. I sure hope this isn't his first time using a gun near civilians.

I watch as Baekhyun orders me a drink at the bar and Zoe walks over to me. We chat about the idols for a few minutes before we notice chanyeol calling her over. The whole time I knew his eyes were on me. I make a joke and we both laugh, I lean forward as if I thought it was really funny. "Get out" I mumble under my laugh. I notice her eyes go wide as she tries to follow my effortless laugh but I shoe her off before anyone else notices the panic in her face. Chanyeol will know what to do. Before I know it baekhyun is back at my side. I need him somewhere else in the room but it'll looks suspicious if I keep sending my date off. Some other guests come over and we start chatting. I let baekhyun do most of the talking as I strain my ears to listen to my assassin and brother. There's a sentence I never thought I'd say. "See the girl in the velvet dress, isn't she stunning. Her figure is perfect" I knew the deep voice of my nightmares anywhere. Of course he was going to talk about me in that mocking way. Prick. "I wonder what she does for a living. Do you know?" Come on Namjoon. Don't fail me now. "Umm no. I've never seen her before" he did it! He generally sounded as if he didn't know me. "She looks fit..maybe a police officer?" I glance at them from the corner of my eye and my brother shakes his head, with a slight look of concern in my direction. "I don't think so. She's too pretty for that. Probably a model or something" they both nod and I turn my attention back to my conversation. I follow my new friends to the food table when a loud crash sounds right in front of me. "Sorry!!!" Of course my brother had knocked over a couple of glasses and smashed them completely. Everyone laughs as the waiters rush to clear it away. I bend down to help pick the glass up and it's cleared in no time. As I go to stand back up a large hand followed by a black sleeve with a white paint mark the size of a small nail appears in front of me. I look up to be met with a poisonous smile I want to slap. "Let me help you up" I smile sweetly and attempt to block out my cursing thoughts as i take his hand gently and stand up. "Thank you" "you look beautiful" he purrs with that smirk. "Thank you again" i laugh. "Namjoon and I were just talking about how stunning you looked" he gestures to my brother who smiles awkwardly. "Would you tell me what you do for a living?" What a sly bastard. "I'm a model" he raises an eyebrow, "but I'm not here because of that. I'm here with my date who got invited" I add in casually. "That's weird. Last time, you told me you were single" that's when my brother looked at my assassin as if HE was going to kill the man. Great. I'm going to have so much explaining to do if I get home. "I'm sorry but have we spoken before? " I take a step back in 'confusion'. "Did those nights in Paris really mean nothing to you princess?" Those nights of you chasing me down a road with a machine gun. Yep. Those were the highlights of my life. "I think you're thinking of a different person" so he either definitely knows I have my memory or he's trying to figure out if I have it. I just can't guess which. "I couldn't mistake you for another woman" his eyes rest on my chest. "Now. How about you stop messing about with that silly date of yours and come back to your real daddy" well fuck. The smoke was visually coming out of Namjoon's ears now. "Excuse me?!" I exclaim jumping backwards like a little scared innocent kid. "Drop the act baby girl. Stop trying to make me jealous and just do as your daddy wants" well fuck. He's always taken the dating tactic. It's his thing. But never this kinky. Ugh this is so weird. If my assassin doesn't kill me then my brother sure will. "Please leave me alone" as I turn to leave he chuckles deeply, the signal he's about to do something, making me freeze in my place. "If you won't obey. I'll make you obey" suddenly he pulls out his gun and fires a single shot at the mirror on the wall sending it crashing to the floor and narrowly missing some guests. This catches everyone's attention and the hall quickly descends into panic. As people start screaming and running about another shot is fired. "I guess no one cares about Namjoon then" silence. I had been pushed behind some of the other guests and many people were standing protectively over their dates and friends. During the sudden chaos my assassin had managed to grab hold of a hostage. My brother to be precise. I growl quietly. If he wants to play with hostages then he'd better be prepared for a long stay in jail. Toying with me is fine. Toying with other people. Oo we have a problem now. "Let him go" I say loudly stepping out from behind the guests in front of me. "Oo look the princess herself is being brave" he chuckles. "I would do as i say gorgeous, you can hardly fight a gun" he waves his gun around. He defiantly knows I have my memory. I can tell by the glint in his eye. "Let him go xiumin" this time I begin walking towards him and everyone gasps. Namjoon, eyes full of fear, sends me a panicked look which I dismiss. Hold on oppa. I'm going to save you. "You don't really want him. You want me. So let him go" I cock my hip and my dress splits over my thigh. "You of all people should know I don't like playing fair" he smirks again. "Don't even think about moving" he swings his gun around the the guest to his left who takes a step towards the exit. Everyone freezes and tenses even more, well if that was possible. You could cut the tension with a knife. "What good is killing an innocent civilian. Even worse an idol. Going to do for you. It'll just make you wanted by the police in Korea as well" he leans forwards pressing the gun to my brothers temple. "Oh honey. I'm wanted world wide......and so are you. Dead. Or. Alive" I'm the second most wanted person in the world. Not because I'm bad. But because I'm rather good at my job. Xiumin was number 1. I guess that's why he's my assassin. "You should of killed me in Paris while you had the chance daddy" I laugh taking another step. "It was my mistake baby. I shan't make it again" "aw aren't you sweet" everyone was beyond shocked. "Maybe we could make a deal? You like deals, right babe?" He chuckles as I walk even closer. "What do you have in mind" I think for a minute. "If you let him go. You can have me without a fight." Xiumin raises an eyebrow and a smile slides across his face. "Only an idiot would accept that deal. Try changing your side of it" I grit my teeth. "If you let him go. You can do what you want with me. I'll do anything you say" "anything at all?" "Anything" I stare at him without blinking. "Let's give it a test shall we. Okay. Put all your weapons on the floor" I slide my hand under my skirt and place my gun on the floor. "Good girl. Now take off those high heels" again I obey. "Mm someones being an angel for daddy tonight" "of course daddy" I wink, and notice a glint of anger in namjoon's scared eyes. theres a screech of noise and everyones heads turn towards one of the large doors as a shot is fired at the door, missing the persons ear by a hair and forcing him to stop. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" my assassin says almost playfully. physco. "Stay. Enjoy the game" he chuckles. Thats when I saw it. the tiny untucked end of how bow tie. I guess even professionals slip up. "daddy why won't you just take me already?" I pout and huff, stamping my foot like a small child. "come closer baby...hold your hands high in the air" I do as he says, and perfectly in time he throws my brother to the floor and slaps some handcuffs on me. "Almost too easy" he whispers and nibbles on my ear making me want to vomit. "continue with your night ladies and gents" he smiles warmly. "Thank you for cooperating" everyone sighs with relief and carries on getting drinks, allowing xiumin to march out, fragging e long. "bitch" I hiss at him receiving a slap. "You're actually pathetic did you know that" he chuckles in his sick tone. he pushes my back down to the point I nearly fall flat on my face but even professionals slip up.

I grab the end of his bow tie and pull it hard making him head butt my elbow and causing him to groan. I knock his legs out with bare feet and he falls to the ground. "BITCH" he roars unleashing his claws at me. I use all my strength to kick him since my hands are rendered useless until I can get them out this cuffs. But its very clear im losing due to his strength and agility. I fall forwards and slam my face into the wall, the taste f blood already deep in my mouth. He grabs my cuffed arms, ready to drag my beaten body away, but with a quick twist I manage to wrap the tiny chain between the cuffs around his neck and pull them as hard as I can. Choking him. He wheezes and gasps, his face turning blue and purple as I weakly twist my arms to pull the chain tighter. As his last resort he garbs my wrists and rips them apart, throwing me to the floor but realising me form the cuffs. He doubles over as he gulps for breath greedily which gives me time to regain my strength and punch him square in his defenceless face. "Prick"I comment as I pounce on him and we start fighting again. Throwing each other around the corridor and smashing each others bodies whenever possible.he hold me gains the wall by my throat, making sure my feet dangle above the ground and squeezes tighter. I claw at his skin, cutting it and making him bleed before finally kicking his dick and forcing him to fall backwards. My crumpled body curls up on the floor as he recovers and walks back towards me. waiting. When he's a step away I launch an attack. Punches are thrown left right and centre until were both breathing heavy, exhausted and bloody. Finally after a kick to his chest his gun hits the ground and I grab it pointing it straight at his head. By this point we were outside the building down a side alleyway. the rain was hitting our skin making the blood appear to be less thick and our vision more blurry. "Why!" I shouted angrily. "Why do you have to do this" I finally asked the question. finally. "Why do you care" he shouted back, blood dripping from his lips, a deep bruise forming around his cheek bone. I limped closer pointing the gun harshly at him with a shot impossible to miss. "Why!"I spoke loud and clear but I didn't shout. "Go on. Shot me" he stared me dead in the eyes. "Do it'

I lock eyes with my Assassin. I lock eyes ... with my two faced best friend. And I couldn't pull the trigger. 

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