Chapter 10 - Day off

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~guess who's back... MEE~

"Come on guys" I roll my eye leaning against the door frame as I check my watch for the eleventh time. "You're already 13 minutes late...honestly" "alright alright its our day off stop being mean" tae grumbles as he walks into the kitchen with a pout. I tighten the sparkly buckle on my belt which tightens the waist band of my black jeans so they fit better. I bent down and finally put my converse on as the other boys filtered through. It wasn't too cold so I wore a long sleeved striped jumper with autumn colours.

 "Lets go lets go lets go!" Hoseok sung as he skipped into the kitchen rounding the sleepy boys off and threw his shoes on

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"Lets go lets go lets go!" Hoseok sung as he skipped into the kitchen rounding the sleepy boys off and threw his shoes on. "Im ready!" jungkook grins back at him as he threw his bag over his shoulder. "Last one to the car owes everyone a game" my brother commented casually as he walked out quickly followed by myself and taehyung. Yoongi shuffled down the stairs and out to the car last grumbling to himself as he pulled his beanie down over his face more. "Hyung you owe us all a game!" Jimin exclaims teasing him by pulling his hat up. He grumbles and pouts shoving the younger boy back into his seat and pulls his hat down further than before, curling up in a ball on the seat and going back to sleep. The vibe of the car was insane, everyone- excluding yoongi- was bouncing with excitement and the competitive vibe was through the roof. We all sang along to various songs as they played on the radio before arriving at the arcade after about 40 minutes- we had to go to a special arcade to make sure fans didn't bombarde us or start any crazy theories about me. We pile out the car and filter into the room, yoongi shuffling behind and slowly starting to wake up. Namjoon was suspiciously watching Hosoek as he walked beside me, chatting and nudging me to make me smile. "What shall we do first?" Jin asks, shutting the doors behind everyone. "Dance machine?!" Jungkook cheered running to the machine quickly followed my tae dancing to himself and Jimin holding his cold cheeks with so sweater paws. yoongi huffs as he pays for them grumbling away because he didn't know about the deal of being late. Jungkook danced against tae first, and just beating him. Joon and jin played after-which was a sight and a half- since both they're dancing can be questionable. Jin was doing his window wiper half scream half laugh as his arms and legs went everywhere while joons dimples were on show and he clung to the bar behind him as his legs went every where as quick as he could. After jins slightly detached limbs and shocking win, jimin took on suga, cutely pulling him up to the machine. They began dancing as hoses got more and more energetic. i keeps my eyes off him, but that didn't stop my mind from hanging onto the thought of him. I could feel my heart beat fast just thinking about the kiss on his cheek..and the way his arms felt wrapped around me.. his comforting words, and his perfect features. I was so lost in my world of hoses I hadn't realised that -expectedly- jimin had whooped youngish arse, and hoses was tugging at my arm. I quickly followed him onto the machine. "This is so unfair" I pouted as hobi started stretching and flexing. "I can't dance" I pout more as he picks one of the hardest songs "HOSEOK!" I exclaim hitting his arm hard making him whine. We start dancing. My two left feet trying their best to keep up and my systematic brain following the steps almost perfectly. My legs start failing when the need for a beat comes into play and hobi completely slays my arse. Everyone laughs when I get the lowest score, I step back hiding my blushing face with my hands as the boys take the piss out of me. Hosoeks teasing voice was so close to me that jump backwards a little, and fall off the machine onto my butt. A shooting pain serges up my back and I let out a whimper and gasp. The boys are quick to move to my aid, Hosoek being the first by my side as usual. He wraps an arm around my waist "You okay?" I don't even hear what he says as I look up at him. His face was so close. His body was radiating heat and I felt my breath hitch as his concern filled eyes search for pain in mine. "Y-yeah" I manage to stutter while my mouth hung open a little and my brain failed me. His arm tightened around my waist and he holds my hands as pulls my off the floor gently. My legs were in just as much fluster as the rest of my body and my knees stumbled for a second causing me to fall into his chest a little and bringing our face so close our lips only just miss. He holds my body close to his as to support me and his warm breath hits my neck making me shiver. The time period in which felt like eternity was only really a minute or two. But I was saved from my brain dead situation when my brother decided to clear his through unnecessarily loud. I look around a little startled realising that everyone was starting at us. "A-ah yes?" I swallow hard trying to regain some form of composure. "You okay?" My brother asks a little sternly looking between my hand and our faces. I glance down and realise I'd clenched my first around hosoeks shirt exposing his collarbone. "S-sorry!" I blush AGAIN and quickly move away as a similar blush falls on his cheeks. "You were awfully close to y/n Hyung" Jungkook says with a cheeky grin and raised eyebrow. "I was helping her" he mumbles shyly while looking away. The sound of a pacman game interrupts the intense looks from the boys and embarrassing moment. "PAC-MAN" tae shouts as he hops weirdly towards it. We all filter to the game, Namjoon- rather harshly- coming between Hosoek and myself. And pushing us apart to opposite sides of the game. The rest of the day continues in a similar manner. It was fun and Hosoek was overly distracting, kept catching my eyes. But the whole time I just had this underlying feeling of unease. Something just wasn't right. I tried to suppress it as best I could but every now and then the feeling would get greater causing me to look around or double check security. I just couldn't stay completely calm. By the end of the day I'd laughed so hard my stomach hurt and caught hosoek so much my heart was dying a little. Everyone grabbed their coats and hats and whatever else they'd taken off to cool down, throwing it all back on to face the bristle autumn breeze. I shut the doors to the arcade as everyone filtered into the car park chatting casually and unlocking the car. I was giggling with Jimin when another two cars across the concrete and a man in black caught my eye. A second man was climbing into the black Mercedes which quickly disappeared, the man I first saw was staring at his palm .. weird ... I walked closer to our car, dropping the convo with Jimin as he went to climb in the back. The man looked up from his palm. No. No. There was no way. I froze. Xiumin. It was clear he hadn't seen us as he climbs into his car. What was in his hand. What was he doing. I had to know. "Move" I walked to my brother "what?" "Get in the back now" I pushed him out the way and climbed into the drivers seat turning the engine on. He quickly and confusedly climbed in. "Hold on" I said blatantly before pressing my foot down and driving after xiumin as fast but as causally as I could. I knew this was dangerous , having them with me. But I couldn't pass this opportunity. I couldn't let him go again. What are you doing?" "What's going on?" "Y/n?" "I need that car. I need that man" the Mercedes turned onto the motorway, suddenly pulling a u turn. Xiumin impossibly looking right at me. "Fuck." He did see us. I slammed on the breaks and pulled a u turn too. Looks like the car chase was on.

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