Chapter 2 - Work

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~hi sorry for such a short chapter but he next one will be extra long because well you've got work to do 😉  Hope you've all had a good day~

*beep beep* I role over only to be smacked in the face by a leg. I groan and push it away. Sleepily I open my yes to find the leg belonging to hoseok. "Come on guys. Time to get Up" jin rises lcausing namjoon to grumble under his breath. "I don't want to get up"jimin mumbles and everyone groans in reply. ". if you get up I'll make breakfast" immediately tae and jungkook get up at the mention of food. Jimin, hoseok and namjoon slowly get tot heir feet too. Leaving me and yoongi still on the floor. I bring my knees to my chest. "It's my first day here I should be aloud a lie in" I moan. Shit. I've got work today. "Ah crap!" I spring To my feet in panic. "What's the time?! WHAT'S THE TIME?!" They all look shocked as I grab my phone. "7:10 ... few" I relax a little since I don't have to be at the station until 9. "What's wrong with you?" Nonie asks. "I've got work today rememeber" their mouths hang open. "But you only arrived yesterday!" Tae exclaims. I laugh and shrug. "I'm pretty sure you're all practicing the same day you arrive in America" I comment walking towards the bathroom. "Um quick question ... where is the Seoul Police station... like the main one?" Zoe had sent me the info but not the actual address. There's my ditzy partner for you. "Oh it's just past the bighit building...would you like me to drive you there?" namjoon offers. i smile. "That would be greta thanks!" He turns to the boys. "Right everyone be ready to leave at 8:20, jin can you detour to the police station on our way to the studio please? Thanks" I laugh. "Sure sure" jin replies making everyone moan. I guess they don't usually leave that early. "Wait! Let y/n shower first!" My brother says grabbing jungkook's arm. "What?! So she can just walk in here and own the place?" jungkook pouts. "There's two shower joonie..." I comment as jungkook is released. we decide to grab our clothes before heading into the two bathrooms.

After my shower I get changed into my uniform. I had black trousers, a black shirt with the top two buttons undone and my badges clipped on the front. I had a belt around my waist with a discreet gun holster-no I didn't have gun on me before you say that- and I slipped my ID card into my front pocket n the belt. (Basically what jungkook wears in dope except no club and a more feminine shirt). i slip on my black socks before hanging the towels up. I don't tend to were makeup since I find it fairly annoying. I slip in my contact lenses before tying my hair up in a simple high pony tail. I try my bangs (the type of fringe that goes along the top of your eyebrows) and brush them smooth. I check myself in the mirror. I looked professional. Good. I took a deep breath, and steady my hands. yeah, I was nervous. I bet thats weird to hear from a spy. But yes I was nervous. Another few deep breaths alter I leave the bathroom. "Took you long enough..." yoongi trails off as he looks over to me. The rest of the guys follow his gaze. Jungkok was sat at the table but namjoon was gone. "What?" I ask sitting down as yoongi gets up. "You look really .... Cool!" jungkook exclaims looking at my English uniform. "Thanks" I laugh. "Oh you're collar!" He leans forward and adjusts my twisted collar before his gaze falls and his ears turn red. "Jeon jungkook! you pervet!" hosoek exclaims. I realise that jungkook had accidentally looked down my open shirt at a close distance. I push him away playfully. "Well you've certainly grown up!" I giggle earning an embarrassed look off kookie. "Jimin you can go shower now" my brother returns to the dinning room. "Y/n-ah/" namjoon freezes when I turn around in my chair. "You are NOT going to work dressed like THAT!" He exclaims. What the hell?! I look at him with a shocked and slightly hurt expression. Did I really look that bad? "Do you're shirt up" he says pulling me up by my collar and beginning to do the top button up. "What are yo doing?!" I exclaim batting his hands away and undoing the button he had just done up. "Too much cleavage!" He scolds fighting my hands for my shirt. "This is how we wear shirts in England! it's my uniform!" I exclaim. I had forgotten how ... modest some Koreans can be. England and Korea were very different in fashion...let's say England seems to be ...sluttier. Namjoon frowned and stared at my chest. "Creep" I comment smacking him and sitting back down. Jin walks into the room carrying some plates full of I have no idea what. He places a plate in front of me and a plate in front of Jungkook. Jimin and Taehyung rush off to shower as more food is served up. We wait about 10minutes before  the two excitable boys come running back in and dive into their seats. It was nice eating breakfast together. I ate as much as I could so I have lots of strength for the day. Plus I love Jin's food. "It's 8:10 by the way" I mutter noticing none of them were dressed and Jin hadn't even showered yet. "Shit" Yoongi mumbles. "Watch your language" Jin replies covering mine and Jungkook's ears. They quickly scurry off to their bedroom to he dressed and I just sit on the sofa.

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