Chapter 4 - first day (part 2)

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~hi guys! Sorry I took so long to update... ^^ that is the cutest and best picture ever AHH totally not fangirling right now .... ~

Authors p.o.v

The agents step out the car and walk down the street. Various people move out their way and look up at them in admiration as they pass by. they were all laughing hysterically. "Oppa! oppa!" y/n clasps her hands together and imitates a kdrama they had been talking about. "Please love me oppa!" She clings to his shirt as they giggle at her convincing performance. "Oh my beautiful jagi" baekhyun whispers stroking her head. "I think you guys should consider a career change" Chanyeol laughs as they reached the café. "Come here baby. I'll protect you" baekhyun glares at chanyeol and wraps his arm protectively around y/n'a shoulders. She wraps her arms around his waist. "Aw oppa" they all laugh and walk into the café.

BTS looked up as soon as they heard her laughter. Their heads darted towards the door to see y/n walk in. She had her arms wrapped around another police officer. She was with the ginger girl from earlier and another man who was extremely tall. "Wait ... she does have boyfriend?!" Namjoon exclaims. They watch as the officers walk up to the counter and y/n removes her arms from around the other mans waist.

"We'll go get a seat" Zoe said in English as she looked around slightly nervously. Chanyeol led her to a booth fairly near the back and baekhyun and y/n stayed in the queue. Baekhyun orders his and chanyeol's meals before turning to her. "What do you want?" She scans the menu quickly. "I'll have (favourite lunch dish) and Zoe will like they um .. sweet and sour chicken please" the waitress wrote down her order and baekhyun went to pay. "Oh I can pay" y/n exclaims grabbing her purse. Baekhyun rests his hand over hers. "Don't worry about it Miss secret agent. I've got this" She smiles and looks at her feet. He quickly pays with his police officer discount and y/n picks up the tray that had their drinks on. They walk over to the booth directly in view of BTS and sit down

Jhope's p.o.v

I stared at y/n. My hyungs and I watched as she spoke in English with these other police officers. "I didn't know she had a boyfriend" I comment when she pokes her tongue out at the man with a gold chief badge. "Neither did I" Namjoon murmurs. I feel a pang of jealousy spike my chest. I don't like her or anything ... it's just. I shake my head. "She speaks English really well. Better then you" Jungkook exclaims turning to Namjoon. He nods "she was always better at learning languages but she just didn't tell anyone" I never knew she was bilingual when when she was younger.  That's so cool. "Guys we shouldn't be eavesdropping" Jin scolds us. "we're watching NOT listening" Jimin argues as the officers start eating their meals. Jin sighs "this isn't how i raised you!" He smacks Jungkook's arm and grabs the boy's attentions again. "Just ask her about it tonight. She'll probably tell you, you know" Jin offers but it wasn't like any of us were listening. We were all to mesmerised by y/n. "you're orders" the waitress breaks our attention.  We take the plates and sort them out. "And if you need anything else just call me. Like anything. Anything at all" she winks when "Oppa oppa! Saranghae oppa!" All of our head snap in the direction of y/n. The table of officers were laughing hysterically as she grasped the hands of the other man tightly. "Wait what?!" Taehyung exclaims. "She has two boyfriends?!" We all stare at her with our mouths open. I'm so confused right now. Suddenly the chief taps her shoulder and she looks down shyly. "I love you more oppa" she giggles and he wraps his arm around her shoulders before they all burst out laughing again. I feel the spike of jealousy getting stronger in my chest. We dig into our food and strike up our conversation obviously about y/n. We could hear them talking and laughing throughout our whole meal but even Namjoon had a trouble translating what they were saying. Suddenly y/n and the ginger woman stood up and started walking towards our table. "Hyungs" Jimin hisses turning back around and trying to act causal. We all hold our breaths but she passes us without a glance and walks into the toilet. We all exhale. "She's really cute" we turn out attention to the words we can understand as the two male officers begin talking in Korean. "I know right. And she can speaks like what 8 languages!" The man with pixie ears commented (chanyeol). The chief nodded. "Well ... tonight we'll see if she's as good as the rumours" we all look at one another shocked...tonight? "I think she'll exceed them" the other man challenges (chanyeol). "Tut tut tut. It's not nice to talk about people behind their backs." Y/n appears out of no where and sits down making both our tables gasp. They start talking in English again and we loose what was happening. "Anyway ... what time do we have to be ready for the MAMA awards?" Jin suddenly asks. "The stylists will be arriving at bighit now so after lunch w should probably go and get sorted out but we're getting dressed back at the dorm" Jimin replies. I nod that seemed right. "I'm nervous" Jungkook admits sadly. "Don't be! You'll be great. You're good at everything remember!" I tease making everyone laugh. We start discussing the MAMA awards which we'll be attending tonight and I can feel myself getting more excited. I've always wanted to win a MAMA award. When I was younger, y/n and I used to talk about our future. I promised that if I ever won a MAMA award for my own dancing or preforming I would give it to her. After all she was the reason I wanted to become an idol. She helped me realise that I loved preforming and inspired me too go after my dreams with my hyungs. I have never stopped thinking about's not like she was my first love or anything nice and romantic like that. but I did have a huge crush on her but she's so stunning that I can't imagine why she would want me when she has all the guys on their knees for her even If she doesn't know it. Her smile was the most mesmerising smile I had ever seen, it always got bigger when we were togther espeically when I smiled. I giggle. She had always been a little ray of sunshine and looking at her now she hadn't changed. Her smile still lit up the room as she laughed with her colleagues. "HOSEOK" I jump as Tae shouts at me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yeah" I laugh. We carry on talking about the MAMA awards when Namjoon starts staring at the police table. "Namjoonieee" I hum trying to get his attention. "Ssshh" he hushes leaning forward. We all turn to y/n's table and listen. "So the awards evening tonight" I mange to translate. AWARDS EVENING?! I look at Namjoon and he nods as he listens more. "What what is it?!" Yoongi being to lazy to even try and translate their words. "I swear they're talking about the MAMA awards ... and that they're going to be there" Namjoon mumbles concentrating hard. "But why would they be at the MAMA awards?" Jimin asks. "They're leaving!" Namjoon hisses and we all quickly go back to our lunch. I watch out the corner of my eye as they stand up. They all carry their plates back to the counter for the waiter and give him a GENEROUS tip. They push their chairs in and brush their uniforms down before walking towards the exit. We all keep our heads down and mumble random things under our breaths as causally as possible. "it's not nice to watch other people" I gasp. i could recognise that voice anywhere. Y/n was smirking as she walked really close to our table but she didn't actually look at us. She walks out the door with her friends and disappears from our view. "Did she know we were here?!" jungkook exclaims. "Wooaahhh!"

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