Chapter 5

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+Lucas' PoV

When I met Abigail, I saw the 2 dreams I got. The one someone is following her and she ran into me and the second one, where I helped her. I must have looked weird, I was staring at her and I zoned out. Even Cameron felt out of place... When I got home, I sat on my computer chair and turned on my laptop. I did some research on this Abigail. There's nothing really interesting. She doesn't have many friends, she goes at school and there's not much more. Then, I tried to know why she could be the next target for our enemies: her dad is rich, he owns a company, and her mom works with her dad. Out of this, I have no idea. Even in the dreams, people are chasing her! After my little research, I called Hunter about the offer he gave me.
"What's up?" Hunter said.
"Nothing much, I just called you about the offer."
"Oh ok. So?"
"I'll take it. Tell the 3 people that they're hired, but for this job only. After having hacked the 2 millions, they fired, right? Don't forget to tell them."
"Got it Lucas. Anything else?"
"No. We'll catch up later. See ya"

We're gonna get $1600000 soon. That's amazing. I'm gonna renovate my house, in Niagara Falls, and give some to my people in my gang, of course.

Jessie enters the house. Jessie is my adopted sister. My dad adopted her since he was good friend with her dad and he couldn't take care of her anymore. We never get along. NEVER. We're arguing, even when it's so not the time for it.
"Hey, what you doing?" She asked.
"Nothing much"
"Fine" She said and went upstairs in her room.
It was pretty late, and I headed to sleep since I'll have a lot of work tomorrow with planing how we're going to hack that huge enterprise.

As I was walking Abigail home, three other guys came out of nowhere. I knew it was way too easy to just knock off one guy and then we were free.
"Give me the girl" one guy said.
"Never!" I yelled.
"You're gonna regret it, boy" he said, as he get his gun and point it toward Abigail and I. I grabbed Abigail's wrist and brought her in a public space, thinking that they wouldn't kill someone in the middle of a shop, right? There would be way too much of witnesses, and the employers could call the cops. There was that shop near.
"Let's enter that shop and ask for help" I said.
"Because we're in danger!"
"Why are you doing this for me? Why are you risking your life for me? You don't even know me!" She revealed, confused.
"Because... I know why they are chasing you. I know why they want you! I see what's so special inside you that makes other people wants to get you. The thing is, if they get it, you will weaken, and probably die. Can you just follow me and we will talk about that later? Please! They're coming closer and faster!" I affirmed.
Shocked, she followed me. I could see that she was very confused about everything that was happening. She doesn't understand. She needs explanation. I reached the cashier's desk and hurried her to call the cops. She did it, and we hid in the back of the shop, after telling quickly a part of our situation. We heard the three guys entering the shop and few second after the cops came. They arrested them, but still, there is some out there, wanting to get Abigail. After everything, we thanked the cashier and i walked Abigail home.
"Now that it's over, and you tell me what's so special in me?" She expressed.
"Well, that's hard to explain, but let me give you a quick exemple. Imagine you have a diamond or anything that's precious as a diamond inside you. Like, it's hidden inside you, but the people, the dark people, still wanna have it. They would be ready to kill to have that, so then they would have the power. They could do EVERYTHING they want if they have it. So you understand?"
"I guess. So, you're saying that I have something inside me that make me special at a point to kill me?" She asked.
"Yeah, its kind of what's happening right now. They wanna have you, so then they could get what you have inside and get the power, but in result, you're gonna be dead or tortured. And even if i don't know you a lot, I still don't want anything bad to happen to you, since I know all that stuff about you."
"I see." She said, clearly understanding a bit more.

What in the world was that dream! I think it's the weirdest dream I've ever got in my WHOLE life. What was that diamond stuff I told her?! What the heck was that. I don't understand it in real life, how could I understand it better in my dreams?

After my breakfast, I turned on my laptop and started to plan how we gonna hack the company without being caught. Then, I have to send the plan to Hunter, which he will send it to the three other people and later, Hunter will message me again to tell me what they think about it. I have no idea what are these people helping me since only Hunter is communicating with them.

Jessie came downstairs and noticed what I was doing.
"You never told me you're going to hack something." She came out with.
"I don't need to tell you everything, Jessie."
"You could have told me instead of hiring those. I bet you don't even know their names."
"Can you just go away? I don't need you anyway."
"Ugh, fine then. Don't ask for help when you'll need it next time."
"I won't. Don't worry."
She let out a sigh and rolled her eyes as she walked away.

The planning is already all done. I sent it to Hunter when I received a message from Cameron, "I'm meeting Abigail at a the same place as last time. Wanna come? I'll tell her you'll be there this time."
"Sure I'll come" I typed.
It's gonna be awkward after that dream...

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