Chapter 13

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+Lucas' P.o.V

After her exams, Abigail texted me, saying she's out of school. We headed to my dad's house, and looked for some information. Jessie joined us an hour after we started. We didn't find anything really interesting in my dad's room, but then, "Hey, you should really come here" Abigail call out to Jessie and I. We went to Abigail's direction, and we found her looking at the ceiling, "What is it?" Jessie asked, in a thoughtful manner. "Looks like there is an attic up here" Abigail replied. There was a trapdoor in the ceiling. I opened it, and found a ladder, which leads to the attic, "Let's go there" I proposed, and went up the ladder first. Then, I helped Abigail and Jessie to enter the attic.

The attic was a bit creepy, dark and there was nothing much. I looked around to finally find a box. When I opened it, it was full of photographs, which brought some emotions up, since it was pictures of when I was young, and my parents were still together. I was on a few, and there was also some pictures of Cameron, and Jayden as well. My aunt was also there, my uncle, and the rest of my family. I sat down and leaned my back on the wall and took out the photographs. Only by seeing those pictures, it made my vision blurry. There was one, on my ninth birthday, not long before my mom broke up with my dad, or I thought. I took a deep breath as I took another stack of photos. Soon after, Abigail came, along with Jessie. She kneeled down, and patted my shoulder, "What's wrong?" she questioned me as she noticed I was feeling nostalgia. Jessie kneeled down too, beside Abigail, who was beside me, "It's just, there's some pictures with both my parents, and the rest of my family. I miss the moments we were all gathering with each other at my grandma's house for Christmas and on New year' eve, also on my birthday, when I invited a bunch of people, who most of them ended up being in my family" I let out a chuckle after saying the last part, "I miss the old times, when everyone in my family got along. Now, we barely talk to each other." I finished, even more sad than before. Then, Jessie added, "You know, I don't talk to my biological family at all" she lowered her head at her sentence. Seeing both upset stated to make me upset too, "When is the last time you had a family gathering?" I asked, in a soft tone. "I don't even remember. I think the last time was about 7 years ago." He confessed, as Jessie nodded.

I brought the box down with me when we exited the attic. I put back the ladder where it was, and close the trapdoor. I put the box next to the door and something crossed my mind, "Hey, Abigail? What about we call your uncle just now?" I asked her, with a smile, as a wide grin grew on her face, "Of course!" she exclaimed, and Jessie looked a her, with a soft smile. I dialed the number on my phone, and then I told her, "I wasn't even supposed to tell you he was alive, but how could I hide it from you? So make sure to not tell anyone, okay?" she nodded. I added, "But I have a few questions to ask him first" she also nodded again.

It rang 3 times before her uncle picked up the call, "Hello, who is it?" he said. I answered, "It's me, Lucas. Remember me? From last time?" I heard a 'Aaaaah' before he answered that he remembers me. We talked for about 15 minutes, and when I saw the impatient look on Abigail's face, I decided to ask my questions right away, "When my dad died, are you the one who told him to tell you to keep an eye on Abigail?" I asked. There was a few seconds of silence as I saw Abigail's shocked face. Then, I heard Jake, "Well, yes in case they would attack her. She's still my niece after all." I exhaled loudly for an answer, for then continue with, "What if I tell you that Abigail isn't chased by the gang in real life, but during her dreams and I am in the same dream as her and for some reasons, I seem to know very much about her" I confessed, turning around to face Abigail, who wasn't impatient to talk to her uncle anymore, but shocked by what I was telling and asking him. After he exhaled loudly, he answered, "I don't know. I mean, I knew it could happen, but I didn't--" I cut him off, "Wait. You knew that she would be chased in her dreams?" I asked him, surprised. He stuttered, "W-well, let's just say that I-I guess?" I hit the desk hard, which caused Jessie and Abigail to take a step back, "What do you mean, You guess? Why didn't you say- why is it happening? What if I wouldn't be there and she would be attacked? Once she got locked up in  a dark room with those idiots for about four days! I was worried sick! And how do you think her parents felt?" I snapped angrily at him. He didn't say anything in return, so I continued, calming down, "So, then you knew that all of it would happen? Also, during the time she was locked up in the room in her dreams, in real life, she was in a bad condition at a point she couldn't even get up out of the bed." I was disappointed. I took a deep breath and waited for an answer, but as I could hear, Jake was speechless. "W-well, actually, I-I came up to you dad because I, um, actually knew that you, uh, would, somehow end up in her dreams... Uh, as weird as it could seem, I could actually see--" I cut him off, again, "Enough!" I almost yelled, "Now, since the beginning of the call, Abigail is standing beside me, and she totally knows that you're not dead, and she wanna talk to you. She was so upset when she knew you weren't dead, but she still wants to talk to you and was so happy earlier when I told her I'm calling you and that you can talk to her" I told him seriously, a bit still angry. He simply answered, "Why did  you tell her?! I don't have time--" I rolled my eyes, "Yes, you do. Do you love your niece? If yes, you will find time to talk to her" I expressed. 'He's unbelievable' I thought. He then replied, "Alright" and he sighed in defeat. I give the phone to Abigail, who's still shocked by the conversation we had.

As I walked away, to let her some privacy, since it has been a long time since the last time she talked to him, I sat angrily in a armchair in the living room. Jessie came and sat in front of me, in the other armchair, "What was that about, earlier?" she asked, as shocked as Abigail, "I never saw you in that state" she finished. I lightly shook my head, "He's just unbelievable." I simply added.

After a few minutes, Abigail hang up the call, and slowly came to us. Jessie moved her arms, telling her that she can join, so she walked faster. She slowly sat on the couch, "What didn't you tell me, Lucas? Why did you have to keep an eye on me? Is it the reason why we met?" she demanded, "Wait, it's not like--" she cut me off, "So, that's why you are always with me, always asking if I'm feeling okay? That's the main reason why you met me, why we met, isn't it?" Jessie felt left out, since the conversation we had didn't have anything to do with her, "Do you want some privacy?" she asked in a low tone. Abigail harshly answered, "No, it's okay. I'm out of here anyway." she stood up and walked fast to the front door. I stood up and followed her behind, "Wait! Let me explain something!" I said, but it was no use; she was already out of the house, slamming the door behind her.

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