Chapter 9

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Abigail's P.o.V

We sat on a bench at the park. I looked up at the sky when a thought crossed my mind.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?"

He turned his head to face me, "of course"

"What do you do for a living?"

He slowly turned his head, not facing me anymore, "well, I-I am a hacker. I hack big companies. I'm in a gang with my two cousins, my sisters and some close friends. Jessie is aslo the leader with me. So, I hack companies' money to live" he explained, uncomfortable.

"Are you saying Cameron and his brother are also in the gang?" I said, shocked of his answer.

"Yeah, they are" he confessed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm surprised" I simply replied. He suddenly quickly turned his head to face me and his expression changed from uncomfortable to worried and confused. "But that doesn't mean I don't like you anymore" I lightly chuckled. His expression faded for a smile. "As for me, I still got to school" I spoke. "If you don't mind, I have another question to ask you"

"Go ahead", he answered.

"Have you figured out yet why we are in the same dream and how you know all of that stuff about me? I still haven't figured out, unfortunately" He shook his head, "I haven't figured out either. The only thing is, during the night, in the dreams, I know all of that stuff, but when I wake up in the morning, I forget it, as well as if i would have never know it. Do you think you could, in any way, ask me during the night? I don't know if you can. I can remember my dreams, but not much more than that, so if you ask me during the dreams and I tell you, I will probably remember it too, since it'd be party of the dream" he explained.

I simply smiled, "I'll try" 

-At night-

Although we're out of the woods, I'm still shaken by all of the last days. Also, I'm worried about Lucas.

When we are at midway from my house, I broke the silence, "How did you know I was there?" He simply replied, "I tracked your phone" Surprised, I answered, "But, how?"

"On my computer, I have a software to track. I'm a hacker, you know. Pretty good one tho" he said the last part with a smile. "As well as my sister, I admit" 

I breathed in and out and looked outside. It was really dark, I could barely even see the trees on the side of the road. Suddenly, a thought, coming form nowhere crossed my mind.

"I have a pretty huge question to ask you, if you don't mind?" I said, on a soft tone.

"I'm all ears, ready to answer you"

"W-why do you the special thing form me, you told me few days ago, and, if you happen to have any answer for that, it'd be really nice, but why do I have a feeling I know you since so long?"

"Well, that is indeed a big question" he answered. He breathed in and out and gripped the steering wheel tighter. "It's hard to explain, you know. It'd be better if I would put it short, but, um" he continued. "Since the first time we met, back in those strange woods, I recognized you right away" I was shocked. "I wanted to meet you as soon as possible, I didn't want to miss to occasion. When I realized you were in danger, I immediately tried to rescue you, sort of reflex" he confessed. "After that moment, we ended up meeting every time. I also realized that you were in real danger. it wasn't just by accident, that you ended up being chased by a random odd masked guy. You were indeed, chased by a gang. I was worried about you, so i managed to follow you every where, but to put things short, I simply can see in you. The feeling you have, must be because we effectively, have met before. In the past" he finished. it was a lot to take in, and I must admit, I understood only some part of it. "You probably didn't understand all of it, did you? To understand better, try to thing about the first time we've met" he simply added.

After that conversation, we were already arrived at my home. Lucas parked the car in front of my house.

"It's pretty late already" I said as I looked at the time displayed in the car. I took out my phone from  my pocket, but it had no battery left. When I was about to exit the car, Lucas grabbed my arm. I turned around and sat back on the seat and look at him. "Promise me you will take good care of you next time, please?" he said. "I promise, I'll do my  best to not get into trouble again" I promised, embarrassed. "That's not what I meant at all, Abigail" he admitted, looking straight in my eyes. He let go of my hand, "What I meant was, if you get into trouble, will you be able to defend yourself?" I look away and let out a small, "Probably?"  which sounded more like a question. "I'll see you tomorrow" he simply replied and I exited the car.

I walked quickly to my house's entrance and open the door. I found both my parents and brother, sitting on the couch very worried. They all faced me at the same time.

"Oh, honey!" my mom said, stood up and rushed to me to hug me. My dad and my brother hugged me too. "Where were you?" my brother asked. "I-I was being kidnapped the whole time, actually" I said as I looked down, tears about to fall. "Who saved you?" my dad asked. "One of my friend" My mom lifted my head to meet my gaze and confessed, "I'll be forever thankful. You should invite your friend over soon, to let them know how happy that person made me. I'm so glad to see you again!" I smiled at that sentence. "I even called the police, but they didn't find you anywhere" my brother said. 

After all this, I still sense some bad things going to happen...

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