Chapter 14

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+Lucas' P.o.V

It's been over a week now, that Abigail is ignoring my calls and my texts. She's not even talking to Cameron much, so there's nothing much he can tell me about how she's doing. For some reasons, when we are in bad terms, I don't remember my dreams at all, and it seems I cannot save her from anything, if something happen. I've been avoiding everyone, but for once, Jessie and I were getting along. She simply knocked at my room door, since I'm mostly locked in my room, and ask me if I need anything. Surprisingly, it seems to affect her too, the fact that I'm feeling that way.

When I finally opened my room, I heard talking in the living room. As I listened to who it may be, I noticed that it's Jessie and Abigail, who's talking about something pretty serious. I decided to eavesdropped a bit. I hid behind a wall and listened. After 2-3 minutes, they Abigail started to talk about me, which made me listen even more carefully, "You know, I don't what to think anymore about Lucas" she started. "I feel like he made up something so then he could meet me and do as his father said. I feel like everything he does for me it's just to get closer to me so he could 'keep an eye on me', as he said yesterday on the phone" she finished, with a sad tone. Jessie quickly followed with, "Believe me or not, even if what you said is the case, I can tell you that he is pretty upset, these days. He has been avoiding everyone, even me and even if I would ask him if everything was okay. The only answer I got was a 'mhmm' or something like that" I heard Abigail gasp in surprised. Then, I stepped in the conversation, and let out a small "Hey." Abigail crosses her arms when she sees me and gave an angry glare at Jessie, who gave me a surprised one, "What is he doing here? You said he was out with friends" Abigail on a serious tone. Jessie turned her head back to Abigail, "Well, I actually said that so you would come, and we could talk about the situation" she admitted, closing her eyes, as if ready to be slapped. Abigail simply exhaled loudly and I added, "Can I join?" and both of them nodded. It was pretty silent until I came out with, "So, will you finally let me explain, Abigail?" I asked her. She looked at me embarrassed, "Y-you didn't hear what I said earlier, didn't you?" she stuttered. I lightly smiled and pointed to where I was eavesdropping, "I've been listening there, for maybe about 5 to 10 minutes" When I turned back to her, she was flustered, "O-oh. Well, explain your thing" she said and I looked straight into her eyes, "Actually, before my dad died, he told only told me to keep an eye on a girl named Abigail Parker, which I need to do some research to find you. I only found you because you were the only named like this in your school, so I sent a picture to Cameron. That's why he came to you on his first day and probably looked a bit creepy" I said, chuckling and the last part. A light small grew on Abigail's face. And I continued, "I remember how nervous he was. After, he was telling me stuff about you, like, if you two could get into a conversation and useless things like that." I chuckled again, "But on the first day I saw your picture, for some reasons, I started to dream about you, just like we do for a few weeks, if not more already. Then, I met you at the park with Cameron the first time. On that moment, I knew that I had to get to know you. Maybe I could have look somehow creepy by the way I was staring at you for the whole time" I confessed, "But as the days passed, the need of seeing you everyday became stronger and stronger, so when I couldn't see you, I asked Cameron how you were doing. Believe me, it's more than just have to 'keep an eye on you'" I admitted. "Honestly, when you were sick back then because you were locked up the that room, during the dream, because I just know that's the reason why you were sick, I was feeling back too, every day I woke up, you can ask Jessie, for a proof. Anyway, every time I see you, I can't help but smile" I finished. Tears were scrolling down on Abigail's face and Jessie was even sad about it. "Why are you crying?" I asked, concerned. Jessie answered first, "You've never said something that kind to someone in your whole life, it was so touching" she admitted. I blushed bright red and Abigail stood up and came towards me and told me to stand up. When I did as she told me, she hugged me tightly, and I hugged her back.

-At night-

I was looking everywhere in the city to find Abigail. I couldn't find her anymore and she wasn't picking up any calls. The first idea that crossed my mind was that she was being captured again, by those men. Just the thought gave me a shiver down my spine, as I came back at my house. I sat down on my chair in front of my computer desk, 'Calm down, you're gonna find her' I told myself before turning on my laptop and started to try to track her phone.

It seems that she is in the same location as last time, in the back street, so I drove to there. I ran on the back street, until I find the strange basement where the people were standing. I inspected the area, before entering, in case I could see or find anything, but nothing to  be seen. I don't take the time to knock and try to open the door, which it was locked. I knocked a few times, but no answer. Then, I knocked really hard on the door, and surprisingly, the door broke. 'I must have hit the door real bad to break it' I told myself. When I enter, I hear so screams and laughs. When I survey the area, I find Abigail's phone, laying on the floor, the screen broke. I took it, and put it into my pocket. I started to run to the sounds I hear and finally find the door where the sounds where coming from, which has lowered while I was trying to find the room. I break the door and the 3 persons turned around, with shocked face. Then, one person, who was standing somewhere that I couldn't see, come to me and said, "Looks like your lifesaver has arrived" He laughed and continued "The show will just be even better" he started to laugh even more. I stormed into the room, looking for Abigail. When I found her, she was tied up, on a chair with a tape covering her mouth, so then she couldn't scream anymore. Her feet were tied up as well as her hands. It was horrible to see.

As I tried to reach her, two men grabbed both my arms and brought me away, as another man with a woman was bringing in stuff. When I was being taken away, I heard Abigail let out a small scream, due to the tape covering her mouth. The leader came in the middle of the room, where he told to the two people bringing stuff to stop what they were doing. He then started, "Well, well,well, how should I hurt this young girl?" he asked, smiling. For an answer, I yelled' "What a cold hearted a**hole. He turned around to face me and starts to giggle, "How adorable! He is trying to protect this young girl by calling me names" He continued, "I think I won't hurt her physically, I will hurt her EMOTIONALLY" he screams before laughing. "Bring him over here" he order the men holding my both arms. The men who seems to be the leader of them start to stand in a attack pose, with fists closed, "Get ready, we're going to fight and you have no chances towards me, because the more you will punch me, the harder I will punch you back" he explained. Then, I heard Abigail screaming and she started to crying and sob. "I'm ready" I declared as I shook my arms to get rid of there grip. Here goes nothing....

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