Chapter 11

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+Lucas' P.o.V

"So, it goes like this" I started when I told Abigail the truth. She is shocked by all of it, since she always believed her uncle was really dead. "He once was in my dad's gang and he was a spy for the opposite gang. He was gathering information from them in order to help my dad to put them down. As he was doing so, he got caught and he had to move to another country because they wanted to kill him. He said that the reason you are being chased must be because they wanted to get him so much, they decided to attack you instead since they think he is dead. Only his children and wife knows about the truth. Though, I plan to go back to my dad's house to know more. Do you want to come with Jessie and I?" I finished. Abigail was still shocked by all of this, but after thinking for a few seconds, she nodded, "I think I have to, right?" I noticed her voice was somehow cracking as she was saying that. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder to comfort her and I said, "It'll be okay."

Later, at my dad's house, Jessie was searching for any interesting information in the computer, on the desk and on the tables around. Abigail and I was searching in my dad's room. Abigail opened a drawer of my dad's night table and took out a sheet, "What's this?" she questioned as she showed me a lightly ragged piece of paper. I took it from her hand as she handed it to me and I read the few sentences written on it, "Oh, it must be the past members of the gang" I explained before giving back the sheet to Abigail. I opened a small box on top of the chest of drawers. There were some expensive jewelry. For women. I took out the beautiful ring that was resting in the box. It looked like a wedding ring. I wonder why he had that, he wasn't in a relationship with anyone, unless he didn't tell me..

A few minutes after we were searching, Jessie called out for me. When I arrived, she was holding a sort of birthday card, with a shocked, yet sad expression, "What is it?" I asked confused. She handed me the card. By looking at the top of it, I could tell it was a love card. I slowly opened it, Jessie still staring at me, and started to read it: 'My dear Michael, I wish you the best of my wishes and I hope I could be with you on this special day. We will see each other soon, will we? I miss you. Happy birthday!(Remember, do not tell Lucas neither Jessie about me) -Heather xxx' I then closed the card. I lifted my head up, "Where was it?" I asked. She pointed me the shelf where I saw a bunch of other card there. While she was showing me the place where it was, I questioned her, with a low tone, "Heather is mom, right?". She nodded in response. I handed her the card back and answered, "Who else could it be anyway?".

I headed back to my dad's room and stand in the door entry. Abigail turned around and looked at me with a concern look, "What's wrong?" she spoke as she walked towards me. "I-I just read a birthday card, from... my mom." I said, lowering my head. I haven't seen my mom since I am 9 year-old. I always thought my parents broke up, but apparently, they haven't. Why did my mom just moved, and hid the fact she was STILL in a relationship with my dad from me? This is a answer I must find. Abigail patted my shoulder, attempting to comfort me. After, she looked at me with a serious expression, "Lemme see that card." I brought her to Jessie, who showed her the card. As she was reading it, her expression went from normal to angry, "How could parents hide such a thing from their children?!" she shouted. Jessie and I glanced at each other, and lowered our heads in disappointment of our parents. Even though my dad adopted Jessie when she was 12, with time, Jessie took them as her real parents. She never got any contact with her real parents since then. After taking a deep breath, Abigail came to me and wrapped her arms around me. Surprised, I hugged her back, I could see Jessie smirking from where I was. After a few seconds, she let go of me and we blushed.

It's been about 2 hours and a half that we are searching, so we decided to take a break. Still upset, I walked back home with Jessie and Abigail. I invited Abigail over at my house. We walked in awkward silence, Jessie was walking, looking down at her feet for most of the time and Abigail, walking besides me, still sad but a bit angry too. As for me, I didn't know if I should be angry or sad about what my mom did. I just can't believe all those years, I lived in lies.

When we arrived at home, we sat in the living room and still remained silent, until Abigail spoke, with a soft tone, "Are you two okay?". Jessie nodded, but I didn't answer. She looked at me with a concerned look, "You can talk to me when there's something wrong, you know." For some reasons, Jessie's eyes widen as she heard Abigail's words. I took a deep breath, and Abigail came up with those words, "Would you like to see your mother again, sometime?" I didn't know what to say. After having thought of it, I shrugged, "I don't know honestly, it's been a long time I haven't seen her, but most of all, BOTH my parents lied to me...". She grew closer to me and took my hand, "It's gonna be okay. Jessie and I will be there for you, and I bet Cameron will be as well." she said with a caring expression.

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