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I smirk widely, spitting some blood onto the stage next to me as my left arm was raised into the air.
"The winner of this round is contestant (Y/n)!" The little elf, fairy, guy...thing next to me shouted in his annoying shrill voice.
"She will be moving on to the finals!" I heard grumbles around the male crowd complaining about a girl winning, a scowl showing on my face.
"Listen, you got a problem you can take it up with me." I sneer, silence immediately taking over the crowd.
I smirk again.
"That's what I thought." I hum, jumping off the stage and standing next to some kid holding a green pillow. I zone off for a minute and miss the names of the people called up, looking up and seeing some silver/white haired guy in a leather suit stand up in my area of viewing. 'Nice ass...' I think to myself, snickering quietly, obviously continuing my little check out session.
After the fight began I zoned out again, yawning a bit and only paying attention once leather-ass over here was announced the winner.
"Alright! Now that it's settled, (Y/n) vs. Baan!"
Chiselled-cheeks looked into the crowd confused as I got up onto the stage, smirking.
"Nice V-line dude, maybe you could show me your workout routine."
I wink at him as I pass before facing him again. His face contorted into even more confusion as he stared at me, his friend pulling him down a minute.
"But there was three people left!" Someone called as I cocked an eyebrow.
"Meliodaf has decided to give this round to Baan and (Y/n), forfeiting the competition!"
A couple people booed, but this Meliodaf guy just shrugged it off.
"Can we just fight already?" I grumble, standing straight and putting my hands out by my sides. I smirk at the still confused god-like figure in front of me, small whirlpools forming in the palms of my hands. "Let's dance pretty boy!" I laugh, sending two streaming jets of water towards him, catching him off guard as it sent him flying backwards. Everyone gasped as Baan laid on the ground, unmoving.
"Is he dead?"
"Does this mean she wins?"
I heard whispers throughout the crowd, groaning and holding my hand to my head.
"Shit not another one..." I grumble before hearing gasps. I look in front of me in time to see abby-absworth getting up, his neck painfully twisted before it simply snapped into place. "Jesus dude! That's disgusting!" I whine before cracking my knuckles. "Bummer, I was hoping I would win.." I mumble to myself, getting ready for another attack before feeling a searing pain in my stomach, coughing up a little bit of blood. "Shit..." I mumble again, my shirt having ripped up to the top of my ribcage.
I sigh as everyone gasped around me, obviously having seen my sliced, watery waist repair itself.
"She's a water demon!"
"I didn't think mermaids could walk...don't they have tails?"
I throw my head back in annoyance, glaring at Baan.
"Really dude?" I huff, swiftly throwing my arms into the air as a wave of water appeared before swinging my hands down, the tsunami-like wave crashing down on him like a ton of bricks. He hit the ground, but just like the last time he got back up, repairing any damage I'd done to him. I look at him in astonishment, sighing.
"Dude, if you don't back down, I'm gonna have to kill you."
He instantly threw his head back in laughter, holding his sides slightly. He looked at me with his red eyes, a playful but cruel grin showing off his fang-like teeth.
"I'd like to see you try princess."
Next thing I knew I was on the ground, what felt like a million blades piercing through my skin and natural water-barrier, blood spewing from my mouth. "Baan back off! You're going to kill her!" I heard someone shout, the pain ceasing slightly and someone running towards me, my eyes finally shutting.

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